Thousand Blades of Death

v11 Chapter 154: ·sin

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Qi Li nodded slightly with a smile. In the past three years, he has misunderstood the disciple's personality and his inner world, and now has misunderstood the meaning of Qili's smile. So he said more happily.

You are a reassuring person. I want my daughter to learn more from you. After this holy grail war is over, you will guide her as a master of Qi Li.

Then Shichen took a letter that was placed on the corner of the table too early and handed it to Qili.

Instructor, is this?

Although it is relatively simple to write, it can be regarded as a suicide note or something.

Shi Chen said with a helpless smile.

In case, although the probability is very low, it may happen, in case something happens to me. I am writing here to hand over the head of the Yuanban family to Rin, and you will be her guardian until she reaches adulthood. As long as the letter is handed over to the clock tower, the association will naturally handle the matter later.

This time Qili was finally not just perfunctory, but seriously accepted the responsibility entrusted to him by the time. After all, Qili is also a priesthood. It is his duty to honestly and firmly perform the responsibilities entrusted to him by others.

Please give it to me. Even if the disciples have limited abilities, they will certainly do their utmost to take care of your daughter.

Thank you, Qi Li.

Although the words are short, the deep gratitude contained in them can be heard. Shichen then took a black slender wooden box next to the letter to Qili.

Open it and see, this is my personal gift to you.

Qi Li opened the box and placed a beautiful short sword neatly inside the velvet decoration.

this is

The sword of Azoth. Made of ancestral gems, it can be used as a gift after the magic filling. Use this as a proof of your practice of the Yuanzaka family's magic road and graduation.

Qi Li took her short sword in her hand and looked carefully. His eyes fell on the sharp blade of the dagger for a long time.

Qi Li's face with no expression at all, in the eyes of the officials, must be a grateful expression.

My mentor, your care and high hope for me is really nothing to repay.

You are the best reward for me. Yanfeng Qili. So that I can participate in the final battle without any worries.

Shi Chen said with a clear smile, and then stood up from the sofa.

At this time, Qi Li believed that this was exactly the arrangement made by fate.

If all of this is an accidental collection, why did it happen that at this time and place, Tosaka Tosaka presented this dagger to Yanfeng Qili? Doesn't all indicate that this is a necessity?

I'm sorry to have delayed you for such a long time. Can you catch the plane?

right now. Facing the courtier in the direction of the exit of the living room, he turned his back towards Qili unpreparedly. Is this also an accident?

No, don't worry, tutor.

Or is this a necessity, is this destiny? No matter how you pray, hope or nothing, just to lead everything to the abyss of betrayal?

Qi Li laughed loudly, and smiled more cheerfully than ever.

Originally, there was no flight schedule.

Even Qili didn't think she could laugh so heartily. And the dagger in his hand first stabbed the unguarded back in front.

The sword of Azoth, as a proof of friendship and trust, penetrated through the gap between the ribs and directly penetrated the heart of the courtier. As a battle-hardened agent, this blow is accurate. There was no killing intent at all, or even any sign at all. Perhaps even the stabbed courtier could not understand what the pain in his chest meant.

Shichen staggered and shook forward, looking back only to see Qi Li with a bright smile and his **** hands but until the end, there was no trace of understanding in the eyes of Shichen, just with The lifeless, confused expression fell on the carpet.

This magician must have stubbornly thought that his knowledge was correct until the end, and refused to accept the true facts. I have always believed in the path I have chosen, and I move forward without hesitation every time until I fall into the endless abyss and there is still no one who wakes up.

Next to the corpse that was losing his temperature gradually, there was a sudden burst of breath, and the golden Servant of the shining gold materialized appeared in front of Qi Li.

Hum is a disappointing ending.

The red eyes showed an insulting look, and Archer tapped the body of his former Master with his toes.

I also look forward to his coming to a counterattack before he dies. Look, his blank expression. I didn't realize my stupidity until the end.

Because there are spiritual Servants around, it is not unreasonable to relax your vigilance.

Archer laughed loudly at the sarcasm of Qi Li.

Did you learn to joke so quickly? Qi Li, your progress is really great.

Qi Li asked Archer with a serious expression.

Do you really have no objections to this? The hero king Gilgamesh?

Before I get tired of you. After I am not interested in you, you will also get off the same as the wreck lying here. You are the right person to say that there should be consciousness.

Although the other party's answer was very sharp, Qi Li still nodded without showing a trace of shaking.

Indeed, this guy is unable to entrust his life to his dangerous role. This can be said to be a contract with the devil. There is neither benevolence nor loyalty, and even the stakes are difficult to judge. The bossy and brutal Servant.

But that's why it suits me.

For Qi Li, the guys who advertised benevolence and morality in the past did not give themselves a real answer. Even this hero who had no connection with benevolence and morality could become the goal of Qili's future battles.

Qi Li uncovered her sleeves to reveal the mantra engraved on her wrist, and then recite majesticly.

You are used by me, and my fate is the sword of you. In the name of the Holy Grail, follow my wishes

I swear. Ru's offerings are all my flesh and blood. Yanfeng Qili, my new Master.

The channel of magic power was opened at the moment the contract was reached, and the curse of the left hand, which was effective again, radiated again with a burst of pain.

The contract is over, and now, the strongest and most evil group around the Holy Grail competition is born here without anyone knowing.

So, Qi Li. Do you start? Under your command, start this farce. As a testimonial to you. I will give you the Holy Grail.

no problem. Hero King, you will also find fun in it. Before you find the answer you expect, enjoy the battle.

The red pupil filled with joyful light is intertwined with the eyes of the black pupil immersed in emotion -,...

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