Thousand Blades of Death

v11 Chapter 161: ·Long wish

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Wu Mi quietly told her that her eyes gradually became more and more lifeless. Sorrow and anger gradually disappeared from the voice. Perhaps in her memory, only the boundless despair felt only despair.

Miss, maybe for you, the world you see for the first time is very beautiful, envious of the happy people living in this world. But for me, I really envy you who have been growing in that castle. The ugly and terrible world, you have not experienced it.

Although there was no jealousy in Wu Mi's emotion, Alice Feel felt very ashamed.

Wu Mi seemed to be aware of Alice Phil's feelings, so she continued,

If such a world can really change, then all of this can be achieved. No matter how I use my life, I will spare no effort.

But I don't know anything except fighting, Mai Mi said to herself softly. There is no exaggeration in her sentence. There is no ideal, no desire, her heart is only empty like burnt scorched earth.

Although her inner world is completely different from Qi Si, but as a warrior. The two of them are strikingly similar. The presence of Wu Mi reminded Qi Si and also set an example for him. Because of the presence of Mai Mai, Qi Si sealed himself in a contradiction, making him a completely ruthless hunting machine.

What do you plan to do after you have completed your ideals?

Hear Alice Phil asking. Wu Mi's eyes became confused again.

I never thought I would complete the task alive. If I can really survive, I have no meaning of survival. There must be no such place in the world changed by the cut heir.

In a world without any war, a person like yourself who can do nothing but fight must have no place to stay. This is a logical conclusion for Mai Mai.

So sad. The sad feeling made Alice Phil burst out.

No, it won't be like that. Mai, you still have to do after the war.

Alice Phil continued her eyes as she watched the confused female warrior.

You have to find your family and your own name, and the whereabouts of your child. These are things that should not be forgotten. These are things that should be remembered.

Is that right

Contrary to Alice Phil's enthusiasm, Wu Mi's answer was filled with ruthless indifference.

If a world without war can really be ushered in, the memories of people like me are like nightmares. Remembering again only makes yourself more painful. Do you want me to bring the seeds of hatred into the ideal township that was finally established?

No, your life is not a dream. That is the fact that it happened. If you bury those memories in the dark past and build on it, it is simply a sinful self-deception. I think. A truly peaceful world is not simply about forgetting the past pains. It is to prevent myself from repeating the misfortunes of the past and conscientiously mourn the agony and sacrifice before we can create a new world of peace.

Mai Mi stared at Alice Phil in silence, then her face became a little more cheerful.

These words of yours should be said to Chedi early. If that's the case, maybe he is now redeemed.

Wu Mi's emotion brought joy and loneliness to Alice Phil's heart.

Perhaps close to her collapse, there is no more chance to chat with her brother.

Then. Mai Mai. Just ask you to convey these words to him. I just said it.

Wu Mi shrugged shoulders ambiguously.

I will handle it properly. But that was also after the battle ended. Can't carelessly yet.

Although Wu Mi's answer was cold, Alice Phil still heard the ridicule in Wu Mi's words.

You're so real

Alice Phil's words didn't finish, and the underground warehouse suddenly shook violently.

Wu Mi hurried to Alice Phil and hugged her by the shoulder, quickly switching to the fighting state, her eyes becoming sharp and sharp. Right hand grabbed the light machine gun and aimed at the iron gate of the underground warehouse.

The underground warehouse was shaking again. This time, the heavy iron gate became twisted under the violent impact from outside. Someone seemed to be hitting the door of the underground storehouse outside. This seems a terrible thing that can only be done by mobilizing the crane. For the two who participated in the Holy Grail War. It's not something that is surprising. Instead of being surprised, it is better to say that they feel only despair.

Now, if the other party who is trying to burst into the underground warehouse is really a Servant, then Mai Mai's weapons can't compete with it at all. And the current situation is even impossible to escape, it is simply a dead end.

But before the fear, the two crossed the heads in their minds with unbelievable doubts.

Who on earth actually knew that Alice Phil was hiding in this underground warehouse?

If it is through the scout of the demon or clairvoyance, the defensive enchantment can be detected. But without any prior investigation, the Servant was directly dispatched to find his hiding place so accurately. Did the enemy know this place long ago?

The third shock. Before the iron gate was destroyed, Zhou Tong's earth wall could not bear such an impact and collapsed first.

Along with the flying dust, the iron gate collapsed towards the inside of the warehouse. Outside the door shines a blood red dyed by the sunset.

The huge figure standing among the rubble and dust is undoubtedly the Servant.Rider conquering the king Iskandar.

Wu Mi can only desperately hold the light machine gun in her hand desperately.

When the evening was about to come, Saber vaguely thought, today's ambush will not be in vain again. She was disturbed by this thought.

According to information obtained from Archer's Master Tosaka Tosaka, Saber came to Fukyama-cho. There was indeed the residence of the old couple Qur'an Mackay. The old woman appeared in front of Saber after hearing the doorbell. According to the old woman, the grandson and his friends did stay here for a few days. The old lady seemed to mistakenly believe that Saber was also a friend of her grandson, so she had no doubt and easily told the truth.

Saber used the words to put on the clothes of the two people. There is no doubt that these two people are Rider and his Master. Unfortunately, I can't feel any Servant's breath. For houses of this size, if a Servant is hiding inside, it should be noticeable even when standing at the entrance. ,, ..

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