Thousand Blades of Death

v11 ~: Seventy-eight

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In the blood-colored space, a naked figure floats horizontally, and countless blood-colored air flows continuously from around the space to the figure, and the blue muscles that appear on the body also prove that these blood-colored breaths are not a free flow. Go in.

"Ah, ah"

Ma Yuan felt like he was thrown into Daoshan, and the whole body was covered with knife-like pain, and every time he wanted to faint, the incomparable pain always kept it in the most sober state.

In the end what happened?

Ma Yuan's memory only stayed at the moment when he was about to liberate the treasure to solve Caster, and then his eyes were black, and he knew nothing.

I just vaguely felt that there was a very important and important person who had a crisis, and he must go, not go!

And now Ma Yuan's spirit and body are separated, and the spirit alone suffers great suffering, but the body does not know what happened, but he can feel that his body seems to be controlled by people?

That comes from the instinct control inside the body, or something else, Ma Yuan is not yet known, but he only knows that the most important thing now is to quickly grasp the initiative of the body.

This feeling of being out of control is too bad.

"Huh, but it was the same feeling the last time. Could it be that I became that way again?" Although I didn't have any impression after I was violent, if someone next to me could know what it was like after I was violent.

Although, it is not a good memory.

Ma Yuan also has his own guess as to why he will be violent when important things are damaged. Now it is only a rough idea. After solving all the enemies tonight, Ma Yuan intends to start solving his own body. problem.

"But now, let's go out and talk about it first. This space of seven deadly sins is really not a place to stay."

Suddenly, the naked body trembled, then turned into a stream of light, and ran in an unknown direction.

"Ma Yuan!"


Ma Yuan, who regained his body initiative, lay on the ground. When his consciousness was not yet clear, the voice from a distance made his mind gradually clear.

That was Alice’s voice, and she worried her again, really...

After listening to Saber’s description, Alice Phil rushed over immediately after the necessary cure for Kyuyu Mai, leaving Saber to watch Kyuyu Mai’s Alice Phil running alone On the way, her heart trembled and was ashamed

"Why, why am I so stupid and make him like this again?"

"Okay, let's protect him all the time, don't leave him alone"

In Alice Phil's heart, Ma Yuan is a lonely child. Although he is strong, domineering, unmatched, beautiful and unforged, in her heart, he is a lonely child who needs someone to care for.


Under the moonlight, the two figures slowly approached until they coincided.

"Ma Yuan, sorry, I..."

Seeing Alice Phil in tears, Ma Yuan frowned, and put Alice Phil's head around her, and kissed him arrogantly.


Alice Phil opened her eyes and looked at the beautiful face of Ma Yuan in front of her.

However, my heart has settled down...

The table was filled with various delicacies, as well as rows of candlesticks shining brightly.

At Michael's banquet, Elin's nobles gathered together. This is the climax of the banquet.

These ordinary people who admire military force have done their best to make a polite gesture today.

Only tonight, they were immersed in the elegant floral fragrance.

Yes, this is a banquet for delicate flowers.

King Cormac of Ireland. mark. Att’s daughter Grania will be engaged tonight. The other party is Phine, son of Kuar's son. Markle. He is a great hero with supreme wisdom and control over the healing water. Only he deserves to lead the unparalleled Fiona Knights. His heroic name is even comparable to that of the king. It is really a wonderful marriage.

Next to the old hero Phine, there is his son poet Ossian and grandson hero Oscar. And the brave warriors of the Fiona Knights.

"Horse" Gilda. mark. Luo Nan, "Trembling on the Battlefield" Geer. mark. Mona, ConanoftheGrayLashes, and "Luminous Face" Di Lumuduo, who was given the highest honor. Audina.

Each of them is a brave knight. They love Finn and vow to be supremely loyal to him. The great hero looked up to the king, loyal to him with swords, guns, and life. This is the honor of the knights. The glorious vocation of the knights is acclaimed by the bard.

Longing for this road.

Carry out this belief.

Even if one day died on that sacred battlefield, he would never be shaken.

-Such thoughts until he met her on the night of that fateful fate.

"Swap my love with your sacred oath, dear, please stop this absurd marriage. Take me away...Go to the end of the sky, on the other side of the world!"

The tear-eyed whirling girl told him the light of his love with his eyes.

That was the fire of purgatory that would burn out his body... The hero had realized it at that time.

But he failed to resist.

A trial-like heavy oath, and the path of loyal ministers up to now... Which one is the right path. No matter how many times I ask myself, I can't find the answer.

Therefore, what made him decisive must not be the so-called honor.

The hero took the princess's hand and abandoned the bright future together.

that's it. A tragic love story that inherited the Celtic myth was staged.

——Through the wonderful dream, Kenes woke up from a deep sleep.

What he saw and experienced were far away, but he was not surprised. The master who signed the contract with Servant can sometimes peep into the memory of the hero in the form of dreams.

For Kenneth, he naturally understood the deeds of the heroes he called, but he did not expect to be able to feel the scene so truly... The dream just now was indeed in "The Story of Di Lumudo and Grania" Scene. "But why am I here?"

The consciously dizzy Kenneth looked around.

He was in an empty place that was extremely quiet. Dust filled the cold air in winter night.

There are only cold mechanical devices around, there is no figure, and I have been here from the future.

But here he is no stranger. This is the abandoned factory where Kenes once hid after the winter wood hotel was destroyed.

Organize your messy memories.

He followed the car all the way to the forest in Einzberen, after the Servant battle. He faced the duel with Saber’s Master alone...

Clenched your fist. As if he wanted to squeeze the irrepressible passion into his hands, because he found that his hands and feet had no consciousness since he woke up, and in fact his hands and feet were not bound by anything.


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