Thousand Blades of Death

v5 Chapter 115: Main building beyond imagination

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The black cat hasn't reflected from Ma Yuan's words.

To be precise, after seeing the development of the times, black cats should be used to expressing their feelings with the word "love" because they are too excited, and Ma Yuan just said that.

But the black cat had a feeling that it had never happened before, because Ma Yuan's words suddenly started to feel a little emotional.

This is unscientific.

Black Cat knows that he chose Ma Yuan because his ability is very suitable for him, and he also wants to find a place to go back.

After coming into contact with Ma Yuan, the Black Cat felt that Ma Yuan was the king who could do everything he could, but this emotional feeling was the first time in history.

"Hey, what are you doing black cat?"

Ma Yuan, who didn't seem to find the idea of ​​the black cat, shouted at the door of the fire escape and asked her to follow.

After all, the fire escape was discovered by the black cat. If she didn't use it herself, it would be impossible to explain.

The black cat immediately caught up with Ma Yuan and followed him into the fire escape.

The fire exit is very dark, and there seems to be no light. The black cat lit up Ma Yuan and himself with the color of the blue clan.

This made Ma Yuan's speechless own clan power actually use this way.

But what makes Ma Yuan even more strange is that this is just a corridor.

And it's daytime now.

That's right, during the day. If you had to say when, Ma Yuan did not wear a watch, but when he came to this era, his terminal seemed to be affected in the hole of time and space, but he could not use it, which led to Ma Yuan not knowing now. specific time.

However, if you roughly estimate the time, the best thing is about two o'clock in the afternoon.

At this time, it should be the time when the sun is the most, but there is no light in the entire corridor.

As if something was devouring the light, Ma Yuan felt something was wrong.

Although outside the main building, members of Scepter4 are responsible for guarding and security, what about inside the main building? Although it is certain that there will be members of Scepter4, members of the clan of the King of Gold have not been encountered since the beginning, which actually surprised Ma Yuan.

Immediately, the passage came to an end.

After all, it is not a long road, it will always come to an end.

When the door at the end of the passage opened, Ma Yuan was completely stunned.

He was not sure what he saw.

The place where you are should be the second floor of the auxiliary building, which means that the place where this passage can hurt is the second floor of the main building.

The second floor of this main building, which appeared in front of Ma Yuan at this time, was a circular hall as large as a park square.

There is a hollow in the middle of the hall that connects to the first floor, which seems to be an architectural design. From here, Ma Yuan determined that he was on the second floor.

It looks completely different from the outside!

If you look at the main building outside, you will certainly not feel that the hall is as big as this, but this hugeness also appeared in front of Ma Yuan.


At this time, a man suddenly talked to Ma Yuan.

The man was wearing Scepter4's uniform and seemed to be a member of Scepter4.

However, unlike the members of Scepter4 who gave Ma Yuan different feelings, he felt that this man was a little calmer, as if he were more powerful.

But also, Scepter4 members who can go to the main building are better than those outside.

Ma Yuan looked at this man. He didn't know what this man meant, why did he say this to himself.

"The technology here is made with the ability of the capable person. The space you see on the outside is definitely much smaller than that on the inside, thanks to Master Gaozhi."

Scepter4's man said this, and his feelings were different now.

If it was said that there was no murderousness, then this man is full of murderousness.

"You are here to find Kana Anna, this can not make you succeed, because Kana Anna is our blue king!"

The man said so.

"Anna is the blue king?"

Ma Yuan did not detail his ears.

He didn't figure out what was going on. First of all, Anna's color was wrong. She should be a member of the Barbara clan. At best it was red. How could it be possible to go to the blue clan to become king?

And when she saw Anna just now, she didn't have much performance from the king.

If you talk about the king, it is impossible to be imprisoned in this small place for a long time.

"Maybe not now."

The man gasped, Ma Yuan suddenly had the urge to kill.

Now people don’t know what hasn’t been achieved, so don’t talk nonsense?

"But Anna Kana will become the king of our blue clan, and will become the king of our Scepter4 who has been lost for ten years! So I will not let you take her away."

The man stretched out his hand and pointed to Ma Yuan.

"Although I don't really want to hit you, your king is definitely not a little girl, give it up."

Ma Yuan sighed, and then he quickly hid aside.

Because from the hand of this man in front of him, a light was actually emitted and he attacked Ma Yuan directly.

Ma Yuan didn't have time to respond to what happened, but the only thing he knew was that the man pointed his finger at him not because he was so angry that he wanted to point at Ma Yuan, but this was the man's attack.

A very fast particle was emitted from the finger, attacking the other party.

This attack method is not a common method.

Even Ma Yuan almost did not escape.

"It seems that your reaction is quite quick."

The man said this, moved his hand directly to Ma Yuan's position, and then attacked again.

The particles in the man's hands immediately attacked Ma Yuan again.

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