Thousand Blades of Death

v7 Chapter 12: Xuandu's receipt

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According to Mr. Fangcun's allocation, one line was left for Ma Yuan, and the remaining three, one for the doctor himself, so that he could make an illusion at any time according to the instructions of CCG, and one for Miss Ryoko, so that she could always prevent it. The last one is naturally left to Mr. Fangcun.

The doctor is still awake, and Miss Ryoko asked anxiously, "Mr. Ma Yuan, when will my husband wake up?"

At this time, Miss Ryoko forgot, she is the family of the doctor. She can actually judge when the doctor can wake up according to the current situation of the doctor, but when a person is in a hurry, she is either in a hurry or loses her reason temporarily.

Obviously, Miss Ryoko belongs to the latter.

"Don't worry, his body is recovering himself. He will wake up at this time tomorrow." Ma Yuan observed the doctor's physical condition. "Don't do too violent movements when he first wakes up, but don't stop Activity, otherwise it is not conducive to his physical recovery. Remember to give him that thread, he should understand what it is."

Miss Ryoko nodded and suddenly remembered her daughter: "That young child..."

"Hinshi stay here first, you have to take care of the doctor these days, but you can't be too busy." Mr. Fangcun is still his signature smile, kindly like the grandfather next door, people can't be a little wary. .

Ma Yuan certainly won't stop it, but he is happy to see such a result. Ma Yuan feels very happy to think that the young children like their own strength. What does this mean?

Explaining his original charm, he can't escape his charm offensive when he goes to ninety-nine and just walks down to the next!

It’s not Ma Yuan’s narcissism. Since Ma Yuan was a Saiyan, peach blossoms have never broken, and each is a top big beauty. Ma Yuan is naturally blessed, but it does need the original charm of Ma. Just fine. ,

After the negotiation, Ma Yuan sent Ms. Ryoko and the doctor home by the way. He just killed the people sent by CCG to monitor, and did not destroy the monitor, just to let them send someone to do it.

"Uncle Ma Yuan -----!!!" Dong Xiang's voice suddenly spread throughout the Anding District, "The young ones are awake!!"

If he was just awake, Dong Xiang would certainly not be so aggressive. If Dong Xiang disregarded his usual image, there was only one truth-the young man was wetting the bed.

Ma Yuan looked at this mess, and he didn't know what to say. Was this the impression that he was clever, cute, and kind? Who is this little boy in the bedwetting Does he know?

Thinking like this, Ma Yuan still agreed to change the clothes and pants for Chu Shi.

Why is it Ma Yuan?

Chushi doesn't let anyone touch him at all, only loves playing with Ma Yuan.

So only Ma Yuan could calm her down and change her clothes.

But the problem came again.

What is happening now? Ma Yuan pondered at the door of Chushi's room. What just happened?

Time back to ten minutes ago:

"Uncle Ma Yuan, my mother said, I will stay here." Chu Shi looked at Ma Yuan innocently.

"Well, that's the case. You really have to stay here for a few days, but--" Ma Yuan suddenly turned around. "What does this have to do with your bedwetting?"

"Of course there is a connection. My mother helped me change it at home, but my mother is not here now." The young pretend to pretend to be awkward, in fact, his eyes are spinning.

"So I'm here to help you change your clothes, don't you think Sister Dong Xiang and Mr. Fangcun have drove away?" Ma Yuan still didn't think there was any connection, but it was for the child's sake. , Ma Yuan smiled and explained to her.

"But you are a man." Young Shi grabbed her quilt without letting go, and looked alert.

"..." Ma Yuan Fuqian, such a small girl, worried about this? Ma Yuan gritted his teeth and said: "You are only four years old." What to look at, it depends... well, no one can look at it.

"Then I'm a girl too!" Chushi refused to let Ma Yuan change her clothes, but didn't chase him out.

It has been a long time since I met my opponent Ma Yuan. At this time, I am speechless. Men and women in ancient China did not sit at the age of seven! !

"Did you change your clothes?" Ma Yuan decided not to care about the children, let alone discuss the affairs of men and women with a four-year-old girl, or say it was better to go back to business.

"Of course I have to change it! But you are a man! I can't let you change it for me!" At this time, Chu Shi was a particularly principled little girl.

Ma Yuan felt that she had to run out of patience: "Then call you Sister Dong Xiang?"

"No, I don't like Sister Dong Xiang, I like you!" Chu Shi didn't know anything about euphemism at all, but children, where can I understand this?

Of course, Ma Yuan does not think of a baby indifferently. He is very pure now, but it seems that the young is a little impure. Ma Yuan shook his head: in his memory, he is innocent and innocent. Where did you go?

"Then what are you going to do?" Ma Yuan was completely ruined. He felt frustrated when he thought about it. He had come over so many storms and waves, but he couldn't manage a child? Who said it?

"You go out, I'll change it myself!" Hsushi finally decided to let go of Ma Yuan, and made a decision with compassion.

But this is the case, even if you don't believe it, Ma Yuan nodded and went out. The gentleman closed the door, waiting for the call of the lady inside.

Although Ma Yuan doubts whether Hunshi will wear clothes on his own.

Ma Yuan raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already 7 o'clock in the afternoon. He was really tired today. When he arrived, he would be tossed by a little fart boy. What's the matter? Does his aura stop working here?

"Uncle Ma Yuan, there is your letter." Dong Xiang stretched his head from the corner of the wall and looked at Ma Yuan's expression of wanting to smile but dare not to laugh. Ma Yuan suddenly covered his black line, this girl, in him Find balance on your body.

Young Shi's clothes got wet. Dong Xiang was the first to be kicked out. Young Shi didn't say that she didn't like Dong Xiang. Even when Dong Xiang touched her, she started crying. It was impossible to cooperate with her to complete the dress change. Child, so Dong Xiang came out unhappy.

Seeing that Ma Yuan was standing outside the door to get the youngsters now, Dong Xiang instantly felt that he was balanced. He shoved the letter into Ma Yuan's hands and flew away as if he didn't know. What about a love letter?

Ma Yuan shook his head funny and lowered his head to open the envelope. At the same time, I was puzzled. I came to the world of the kind, and I have been fooling around here. Most people are here. Who will write to him?

As soon as the letter was opened, Ma Yuan knew:

"Uncle Ma Yuan, I am in District 19, not far from you, I am very good, help me take care of my sister!"

Only this sentence, there is no payment, but I want to know that it is gorgeous.

[Maybe some people may ask why Ma Yuan unilaterally helped the seed, and suppressed all the CCG people. In fact, this is not the case. Everyone knows that the final result of the seed world should be the peaceful relationship with humans, not That party won the victory alone, so Ma Yuan suppressed the searchers with crooked thoughts. After all, it is too cruel to transform such a kind of plan, whether it is for the kind or for humans. Very cruel, so Ma Yuan will prevent such a thing from happening]

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