Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 190: end

The riots subsided, but once the emperor and the courtier, Li Xuanzhen became the agent of the country, the people in the court panicked.

He did not have any mercy, cleared the court, promoted heroes, and awarded several counts in succession. The prison was overcrowded overnight.

Some families are happy and some are sad. Some families have fallen in this father-son dispute, and some families have taken advantage of the situation to rise, such as the tide rises and falls, and a new crop of new aristocrats springs up in Chang'an, like new branches on the branches, which can grow strong as long as the rain and dew are nourished. growing up. From generation to generation, life is endless.

Li Xuanzhen sat on the couch and criticized the memorial.

In the hot weather, he felt a faint smell of fishy smell from the wound on his body, and the attendant brought soup medicine in the morning and evening, and the smell of bitter medicine wafted all over the hall.

A memorial was sent to him.

Zheng Jing knelt down in front of the case and said, "His Royal Highness, the King Tan Mo of the Royal Court came to Chang'an personally to ask for marriage, and the delegation asked to enter the city."

Li Xuanzhen paused and opened the marriage invitation letter.

The essays were written by Tamara Gha. He is really proficient in Chinese, his handwriting is healthy and handsome, and he is free and easy.

Li Xuanzhen can imagine how happy Tamaraga was when he wrote this marriage invitation letter by stroke.

Yaoying likes him and is willing to marry him.

Li Xuanzhen closed her eyes for a moment.

This is just a cutscene invitation letter, it's a mistake, and he has to personally answer it.

He sent her out of the cabinet again.

The wound on her back split, and the pain was so painful that Li Xuanzhen opened her eyes and lifted the pen, sweating from her forehead.

No matter how unwilling, she can't stop her. She is no longer who she was when she moved. She has to bear the consequences of the turmoil in the Western Regions. What's more, there is a strong royal court behind Tamaraga, and he has no chance of winning half a point.

The water is passing by, and to miss is to miss, there is no chance to look back.

Persistent, he is the next Li De.

Li Xuanzhen settled down and was about to write, the servant bowed his head into the hall.

"His Royal Highness, Princess Wen Zhao sent someone over."

Li Xuanzhen was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Please come in, what's the matter?"

The internal servant said: "Princess Wen Zhao said that her Royal Highness is hurt, and the invitation letter from Wang Ting will not work. Your Royal Highness will give her a reply. If King Tama proposes to her, she can reply by herself."

Li Xuanzhen was stunned for a while, then put down the pen, her lips curled up, and she didn't smile.

It really is her style.

She is in charge of her marriage.


The news quickly spread throughout Chang'an.

Princess Wen Zhao's consort is here.

However, it was not the consort who entered the city first, but the betrothal gift from the Wang Court.

Amidst the joyous music played hard by the musicians, an elephant covered with jewels stepped into the city gracefully, followed by a carriage inlaid with gold inlaid treasures, full of large open cages and cages. Full of precious gifts, silk satin, jewels and jade, sunlight shines, brilliant and dazzling. Men and women in royal costumes stood beside the cages, smiling, holding gold plates, and throwing flowers and happy money to the side of the road.

Wherever the team passed, there was a strong and rich fragrance.

The people in Beijing hadn't seen such a grand scene for many years, and the city was full of sensation. The people rushed out of their homes and chased the royal delegation. There was a lot of voice, and the children followed the elephants with curiosity.

Standing on the top of the tower, Li Zhongqian watched the cumbersome elephants strolling along the long street slowly, and rolled his eyes to the sky. Why hadn't he discovered that the monk understands worldly human relationships so much?

There were a few crisp laughs beside him, like beads falling on a jade plate.

Yaoying glanced at the convoy with no tail in sight, smiled, and saw Li Zhongqian looking calm, her eyes rolled: "Brother, these are the military expenses of the Western Army, aren't you planning to form an infantry specializing in formations? The place is selected, just wait for you to go back and pick someone."

Li Zhongqian lifted his chin and snorted coldly, "You keep these betrothal gifts, it is the Wang Ting's heart after all."

After the bride price, the Wang Court delegation entered the city.

The city gate was surrounded by mountains and the sea, and the wide and long streets were crowded with water.

The branches were still dew, and the melodious bells reverberated in the wind, and the music was endless, the lingering sound was lingering, the cold morning light poured down, the faint morning mist was full of shadows, and the sound of horses' hoofs came slowly.

Inside and outside the Long Street, countless eyes converged into a vast ocean, and they looked over.

With the sound of hoofs, a few golden beams cut diagonally across, illuminating the brocade robe with gold and silver gleaming in one corner, a tall and tall figure enveloping in the strong summer morning, and its face is half-bright and half-dark.

Everyone stared blankly at the man riding out of the fog, and couldn't recover for a long while.

The wind lingered in the sky.

Li Xuanzhen slowly walked off the high platform, glanced at the young officials who were standing still and looked at Tamaraga.

The handsome figure walked towards him surrounded by the guards of officials. The gold and silver embroidered robe was embroidered with gold and silver thread, the waist belt was leather belt, the dagger and the scimitar were not daggers. There was a clean and cold air posture standing there, without saying a word, just a look in the eyes, the surrounding group of tools were exaggerated, specially dressed, and the young Erlang secretly and his rivals were all overshadowed for a short time.

The unconvinced young officials looked stiff for a moment, silently stepped back, their heads downcast.

Everyone secretly admired that such a celestial prince, and Princess Wen Zhao are a pair of bi people.

The official of the Ministry of Rites came forward to flatter, Tamara Gaya nodded in greetings, and opened his mouth, the elegant and authentic Chang'an Mandarin, without the accent of a foreigner.

Everyone was in a daze again.

Li Xuanzhen stepped forward, and met Tamaraga's eyes in midair.

For a moment, neither of them backed down.

Looking at Li Xuanzhen's eyes, Tamara Gya's bones exudes a calm and unhurried aura, with a gentle face, but there is a sharp edge silently surging in the deep blue eyes, like a Buddha, with a majestic implication.

The two entered the hall surrounded by officials.

At the banquet, the young official racked his brains to make things difficult for Tamaraga. He coped like a stream, knew well the Chinese classics, and picked up the local customs.

The officials couldn't help being discouraged, their appearance and demeanor were already a lot worse, and their knowledge was also hard to beat the gangsters. In terms of martial arts, they couldn't be compared with the gangsters.

The official of the Ministry of Etiquette cast a discouraged look at each other: Let's prepare for the wedding.

During the negotiations between the royal delegation and courtiers, Yaoying was busy dealing with the affairs of the Western Army.

She announced her life experience, and the court retained her title, because she was going to marry Tan Moroga, and she was given the title again. The people still call her a princess. General Qin, who guarded Nan Chu, recruited Nan Chu in her name, and the remnants who were still resisting quickly surrendered, and Nan Chu gradually settled down.

The style of Nanchu is prosperous, and I learned that Yaoying was originally from Nanchu, and the words praising her deeds have sprung up in the shops one after another like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Yaoying improved the publication of the story. Now that the literati writes articles, they will soon be able to print and sell them. The people are eager for these words. It didn’t take long before the story of her marriage with the pro-Western Regions and Tamara Gaya was passed on. All over the country, the story is full of twists and turns and sadness. Fate felt that this person who grew up outside the region heard it and immediately disliked the rumors of the people of the Western Regions that were not moving enough.

She ignored the matter, packed up her bags, and planned to return to Gaochang.

Yang Qian resolutely refused to be the lord, nor allowed her brother to be the lord, she persuaded him: "Hexi and Central Plains have been cut off for too long. It is not a bad thing for the Yang family to take the lead in integrating into the court."

Thanks to her efforts, the policies and decrees of the states in the Western Regions are now the same as those in the Central Plains, and the people have begun to trade extensively. The road to return to the east is not just about reclaiming the land.

Yang Qian scratched his scalp, haha ​​smiled: "The princess knows something...The identity of the princess is precious, and one is a squeamish one. I am a bull-tempered person. I am afraid that I will not get along and neglect the nobles."

Before I finished speaking, thinking that Yaoying was also a princess, she ran away and went to find Li Zhongqian for a drink.

Yaoying laughed.

On this day, someone suddenly sent a litter of fine dogs. She asked the attendant, and the attendant said it was a gift from the palace.

"His Royal Highness went out of the city specially and picked it for you personally! Each one is very energetic."

Yaoying was out of God for a while, and ordered the attendant: "Send to Yingnu'a, let him raise it."

The attendant looked a pity: "Why doesn't the princess keep it for herself?"

Yaoying said indifferently: "The fine dogs I raised before are gone, so I won't raise them by myself in the future."

The fine dog was sent out, and the news was sent back to the palace.

Later, Li Xuanzhen took the fine dog back and raised it herself.

After finishing the big and small things, Yaoying wrote a marriage reply in her own tone, called Yuanjue, and asked him to take it to Tamaraga.

Yuanjue's mouth was grinning to the root of his ears, and he carefully returned to the post house holding the marriage reply letter.

Outside the window is a pond of hibiscus, slender, full of lotus fragrance.

Such beautiful mountains and rivers can nurture his Mingyue slave.

Tamaraga took the book and stroked her handwriting with her fingers, as if stroking her snow-white skin, looking at the lotus blossoms in the scorching sun, the corners of her lips were slightly curled.

When I return to the royal court, I will find a way to raise a pond of this lotus.

On the eighteenth of this month, the sky was clear and the wind was light and the clouds were clear.

The Royal Court officially welcomed the wedding.

Flags fluttered, the sound of music pierced through the clouds and cracked rocks, and the Tamara Gaya wore a Chinese dress, standing tall and tall, waiting in front of the city gate, always calm and unconscious, showing a little bit of anxiety on his face.

The long street was crowded, and the people knew that Yaoying was out of the pavilion today, putting on the brightest clothes, wearing flowers on her head, holding gifts, blocking both sides of the street, and greeted her.

The luxuriant locust and elm trees on the side of the street are covered with silks of various colors, the clouds are steamed with xiawei, and the flowers are clusters of brocades.

Before dawn, Zheng Biyu asked people to light up a bright candle and led the ladies to dress up Yaoying. It took him two hours to support her on the carriage in exclamation.

Yaoying sat in the carriage, combed her hair in a high bun, crowned with twelve hairpins, full of pearls and emerald temples, dark blue Zhai pattern robes, plain yarn medium single, gilded phoenix patterned red dress, brows dotted with green, lips He has a dazzling face, wrapped in heavy makeup, holding a ball fan in his hand to cover his face.

The carriage drove through the long street, and the people cheered, chasing behind the carriage, calling Yaoying's title, and the sound of congratulations was like an undulating ocean wave.

"I wish the princess and her husband will grow old together and fly together!"

"The princess and her husband had an early son!"

"President often comes back to check it out!"

Yaoying couldn't help but think of the scene of leaving Chang'an in a carriage when she was forced to be married. At that time, she thought she would never return in this life.

She is back, her family is well, and the world is peaceful.

This time, everyone smiled. Li Zhongqian walked in front of the motorcade, freshly clothed and raging, heroic, free from Li De's shadow, and he was much more cheerful than before.

On the avenue in front of the city gate, flowers were paved with flowers, and several snow-white gold-patterned flags fluttered in the wind.

Yaoying's gaze was fixed on those flags, and the day when she first saw Tamaraga appeared in front of her, the corners of her lips were lightly pressed.

At that time, he rushed up in despair, without thinking about it at all.

She has a faint smile on her face, clouds and temples, bright and moving, like a goddess.

The cheers of the people became more enthusiastic.

The ceremonial officer boarded the high platform and read the edict.

Tamara Gha waited patiently. Behind him, the royal guard knights in blue shirts and white robes clenched a fist with one hand and placed them in front of their chests, paying respectfully to their queen, solemnly.

Waiting for the ceremonial officer to read the last word to announce the completion of the ceremony, Li Zhongqian blinked at Yaoying, "If you are wronged, brother will vent your anger for you!"

After speaking, he retreated with the western generals.

Tamara Jia drove forward, rolled over and got off his horse, walked to the car window, and leaned over.

This is the custom of the royal court.

With a pair of delicate hands pulling the driving curtain, Yaoying's smiling face came into his eyes.

Tamara Gha stared at her in costume in a daze.

Yaoying smiled, her face was so beautiful that the blooming tree on the street lost its color, her eyes flowed, there was a kind of bright light glowing from the inside to the outside in Gu Pan, her skin and face, full of beauty.

Goddess came to the world.

He remained silent for a while, and his heart was filled with strange, indescribable joy.

Yaoying smiled and grabbed his sleeve, let him get closer, and pecked him on the face.

Wang Court musicians played their instruments more and more vigorously.

Tamara Gha returned to his senses, looking at the falling car curtain, the corners of his lips slowly raised.

The royal guard knights rushed forward, surrounded their king and queen, and headed west.

The people chased mile after mile, reluctantly watching the convoy go away.

Many years later, this grand wedding is still one of the most popular events in Chang'an.

The convoy had just left Jingzhao Mansion, and the bride motioned to the carriage to stop.

Tamara Gha immediately stopped.

The curtain swayed, Yaoying poked out the window and patted the swaying golden phoenix beads at the side of her temple, "Luo Jia, I'm too tired to wear this. I want to change clothes and want to ride a horse."

Tamaraga stared at her, his eyes softer than the wind blowing through the flowers.

Xie Qing took Yaoying's mount, she took off the heavy phoenix crown, took off her coat, put on a light brocade robe, saddled on the horse, flicked the long whip, and galloped across the endless plain facing the brilliant sunlight.

After running a certain distance, she stretched her muscles and bones, let out a long breath, and smiled back.

Tamara Gama urged the horse to walk quickly, and walked side by side with her, reaching out to hold her whip hand and clasping it tightly.

"Mingyue Slave, I don't know how to be a good husband, you have to teach me."

Yaoying raised her eyebrows and shook her head: "Neither can I."

The tone is playful.

She won't be fooled. When he said at a loss that he didn't know how to be a good lover, she suddenly relented. In fact, he had a big idea!

Tamara Gya couldn't help smiling and leaned over to kiss Yaoying's hair.

The two people held hands and rode their horses swiftly, and the two shadows cast on the ground were closely nestled together, inseparable.

Just like them, holding hands together, staying with you for a lifetime.


One muscle and one face, full of grace. From "A Fang Gong Fu".

For the description of costumes, refer to "Tong Dian", "Tang Dynasty Wedding Clothes" and related expositions.


It feels that the text ends here and it is very good. With a happy ending, Yaoying and Luo Jia will not have any more tribulations. The rest of their lives will be smooth, kind and loving, and benefit the people. The Western Regions will continue to circulate their legends, and the two brothers will also start their own affairs. New life.

This article has been written for a long time and exceeded my estimation. Thank you all for your company and encouragement along the way. I also thank you all for pointing out my shortcomings. I have a lot of thoughts. About the text, about Yaoying and others, I think about it and think it is redundant. A simple thank you is more appropriate, thank you for your company and support!

I will work hard to improve~

Next, I will write a few chapters. The time is not fixed. Just think of it and take a glance.

Then the new article may open one of "I Just Want Prosperity and Prosperity", "Dressing as a Traitor's Daughter", "Brother, Ask for Money", because the pre-collection is too long, I really want to write it~

See you next~

By the way, when it's over, please humblely ask for column collection and new article collection~