Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 3: Tianzhu Monk

In the early morning of the next day, Xie Qing reported to Li Yaoying: "Your lord, the servant of Yiningfang said that Princess Fukang often went to Yiningfang three times in half a month."

After finishing her makeup in the morning, Yaoying took care of herself in the mirror. She pressed her fingertips on the emerald green gold foil flower tin on the center of her eyebrows, and asked, "What is she going to do in Yiningfang?"

Standing outside the twelve vertical screens, with a straight back, Xie Qing replied: "I heard that I went to the Zoroastrian ancestral hall to watch the Zoroastrian ceremonies."

Most Hu merchants believed in Zoroastrianism, and there was a Zoroastrian ancestral hall in Yiningfang. Hu people often held sacrifice ceremonies in the ancestral hall.

Yaoying put down the sunflower and Luotian bronze mirror, and her doubts became more serious.

Zhu Luyun is devoted to revenge, and will never go to the ancestral hall to watch Zoroastrians breathe fire and slay swords.

Sai Zuo is just a cover for deceiving people.

She suddenly put down her body and interacted with the Huren, what on earth was it for?

Does she want to buy the Huren to assassinate Li De?

In the book, Zhu Luyun made many assassinations, but failed again and again.

At first Zhu Luyun thought that Li Xuanzhen was obstructing her revenge plan in secret, but later she realized that Li De had known that she wanted to assassinate herself.

Li De pretended not to know, and kept her by his side, just to wipe out the remnants of the former.

Yaoying told Xie Qing to continue sending people to follow Zhu Luyun.

She didn't worry about Li De's safety, but was afraid that Concubine Xie and Li Zhongqian would be implicated.

Xie Qing retired.

The maid Chunru came into the house, smiling and holding up an embroidered strip of silk with an inky blue flower and bird pattern.

Li Yaoying took it and put it on her arm, and painted the stars with silver powder on the silk. The sun was shining, and the flowers and birds were like flowing between the galaxies, lifelike and brilliant.

Chunru smiled and said, "If you enjoy the spring banquet next month, your lord will surely be able to crown Jinghua beautifully."

At the spring banquet, peony flowers are usually fight against each other, but everyone knows that fighting against flowers depends on people in the end.

The seven princesses are beautiful and elegant, and they have novel and chic bright brocade clothes to match. In addition, the second prince spent tens of thousands of dollars to buy the peony flower king from the eastern capital of Luoyang. At that time, people will be beautifully dressed and beautiful, who can compare to the princess?

Yaoying drew close to Phibo: "Don't be busy with this, I won't go to the spring banquet this year."

She and Li Zhongqian agreed to go to Qujiang for a horse race and spring together.

Chunru was stunned, with a look of regret: "The maid of the prime minister's maid said that you will definitely attend this year's spring banquet. The gang of Jingzhao Mansion were so happy that they all jumped up and down. When they were busy cutting new clothes, they almost bought out the brocades in the east and west markets, and the price of the powder for noodles and the gems inlaid with jade bands also went up, and the Hu merchants made a fortune."

The seventh princess looks like a fairy and has a noble status. The children of the family in Beijing have admired her for a long time, suffering from not having the opportunity to get close to her.

I heard that she would attend the spring banquet in the Prime Minister's Mansion, and the threshold of the Prime Minister's Mansion was almost broken by those who came to ask for an invitation.

The young men were so excited that they started preparing for half a month ago, bathing in incense, adjusting fat and making powder, vowing to overwhelm other competitors at the spring feast.

If the Seventh Princess does not go, I am afraid that half of the banquet will be frustrated.

Listening to Chunru vividly describing how the high school students in Beijing applied fat and powder, Li Yaoying couldn't help but laugh: nowadays men regard Fu Fen as a beauty, and she really can't appreciate it.

"It's a pity that your lord won't go..."

Chunru remembered something, his eyes rolled.

"I heard that Zheng Jia Saburo will also go to the spring banquet, and he will have to compete with the children of the Wang family, the Cui family, and the Lu family to compose poems!"

Yaoying raised her eyebrows.

Zheng Jia Saburo Zheng Jing, the default candidate for the horseman.

Everyone knows that Zheng Jing is the direct son of the elder of the Zheng family, but his talent is far inferior to his concubine Zheng Dalang.

Li De praised Zheng Dalang in public many times.

It is rumored in Beijing that Zheng Dalang will take over the office of Zheng's father in the future, while the mediocre Zheng Jing will stay in the clan to manage the Zheng clan affairs.

Only Li Yaoying knows that Zheng Jingneixiu, looking at the mountains and dews right now, will rise to the top in the future and become the prime minister.

Li Xuanzhen became faint and irritable after middle age, and several expeditions almost brought down Wei. After his death, there were several turbulences in the DPRK and China, thanks to Zheng Jing's steadfastness to stabilize the situation.

Zheng Jing assisted three generations of emperors throughout his life, and the power was in the hands of the ruling party.

Father Zheng had booked a marriage for Zheng Jing.

A few years ago, the family unfortunately died in the chaos of war.

According to the book, Zheng Jing set up a mound for his unmarried wife. After that, he never married his wife. However, he took in many concubines, and his children popped out one by one, so that he had to expand the backyard, otherwise it would not be enough to live.

Li Yaoying has seen Zheng Jing several times and has no particular impression of him.

Listening to Chunru at this moment, she still couldn't remember Zheng Jing's facial features, but vaguely remembered that he was tall and thin, gentle and gentle, no different from other aristocratic children.

In recent years, Yaoying has been cautiously guarding against Li Xuanzhen. She is so young that she has never thought about marrying someone.

This family member of the Zheng family was made by Li Zhongqian behind her back, and he made an verbal agreement with Zheng's father before leaving for the expedition.

This matter was not hidden from Li De, the news came from Li De's close attendant.

Thinking of this, Yaoying couldn't help but hum.

The second brother was so dull that he appointed her a husband!

When he comes back, he must be beaten first!

Chunru sighed secretly.

She deliberately mentioned Zheng Jia Saburo, but the princess was still indifferent.

The weather is brighter day by day, the cherries in the other courtyard are ripe and the spring is stronger, the palace courtyard is shaded with willows, and the apricot blossoms are like snow.

Xie Qing reports Zhu Luyun's movements to Li Yaoying every day.

Zhu Luyun seems to have no interest in Sai Zhu, and has not been out of the house since that day.

But her servants passed news between the princess mansion and Yining Fang every day, and their whereabouts were secretive.

Yaoying heart said: Zhu Luyun may really be preparing for the assassination plan.

While she asked Xie Qing to continue to pay attention to Zhu Luyun, she was worried and looked forward to Li Zhongqian's safe return as soon as possible.

The battle report was sent back from the front, and Li De led Wang Shi to a triumphant victory. There was a little change on the road, and the return date was uncertain.

Yaoying looked forward to it, and kept sending out people to inquire about the situation.

It was originally said that he would be able to return to Beijing at the end of the month, but by mid-April, Li Zhongqian still lingered.

Early that morning, Yaoying used a cup of cane-berry butter cherries, leaning on the felt mat under the corridor, leaning against her crypt, looking through the ledgers sent everywhere.

The breeze is peaceful, and the porch is colorful.

There was a sudden rush of footsteps deep in the corridor.

The maid in Xie Guifei's palace hurriedly found her.

"My lord, the lady is sick again!"

Yaoying immediately put down the ledger, stepped on the wooden clogs, stepped down the corridor, and hurried to the main hall.

As soon as she walked through the corridor, the voices in front of her were chaotic. A middle-aged woman with a disheveled face and haggard face walked towards her, stumbled and fell over.

Seven or eight court ladies gathered around, trying to help the woman, but they were afraid of scaring her.

Yaoying walked forward quickly, frowned slightly, and said softly: "Aniang, it's me."

The sound is like a spring breeze, soft enough to drip out flower dew.

Concubine Xie wiped her stray hair indiscriminately, her eyes were confused, and her expression ignorant: "Mingyue Slave... Erlang? He said he would come to see me today..."

Yaoying gently held her arm, her voice softly: "Aniang, Brother A wrote back and said something was delayed on the way, and it will take two days to come back."

Concubine Xie was stunned, and asked cautiously: "Really?"

Yaoying walked back with her mother, patiently persuading her: "Really, brother will be back in two days."

Concubine Xie's eyes floated and she kept repeating over and over again in her mouth: Erlang, come back.

Yaoying tirelessly assured her: "Second brother will be back."

He even coaxed and deceived, sending Guifei Xie back to the bedroom.

The maid sent me the decoction which had just been decocted.

Yaoying washed her hands, took the comb and combed her long hair for Concubine Xie, groomed her, and fed her some medicine by herself.

The medicine is sweetened with sour plums.

Concubine Xie drank the medicine obediently, and suddenly reached out and touched Yaoying's cold wrist.

The weather is getting warmer, Yaoying is afraid of the heat. Today, she is wearing a pomegranate red dress with small clusters of flowers and an undergarment. She is covered in a thin winged wide-sleeved shirt with a brocade side and half her arms. When she raises her hand, her sleeves slip and her wrists are bright. Ningshuang.

Concubine Xie asked affectionately: "Mingyue Slave, are you cold?"

As he spoke, he grabbed the drape beside the couch and put it on his daughter's shoulders.

He urged back and forth: "Don't catch cold... Mingyue Slave can't catch cold... Take medicine every day..."

Gentle and loving, as always.

Yaoying's heart was slightly sour, and she shook her head: "Aniang, I'm not cold." Continue to feed Concubine Xie and take the medicine.

Even though she is crazy and silly, A-niang still remembers to care about her.

When Concubine Xie and Tang were fighting, Tang died and Li De was angry with her.

Soon after, Xie's family crossed the river to protect the people and defended the empty city, full of heroism.

Concubine Xie suffered the loss of blood relatives and lost her only support. Li De's attitude towards her was even more indifferent. From then on, she was crazy, idiotic and stupid.

She had never been injurious to the Tang family, and Li Xuanzhen still felt puzzled when she fell to this end.

Until she swallowed gold and committed suicide, he still said to the people around him: "There is more to blame for the death of a poisoned woman!"

Li Yaoying frowned as she watched Concubine Xie fall asleep and walked out of the bedroom.

In the past few years, Xie Guifei has been up and down. She has visited famous doctors all over the world to diagnose and treat Xie Guifei. Although there has been some improvement, Xie Guifei's illness is a heart disease after all.

Many years ago, Concubine Xie insisted on marrying Li De thanks to the love of her brother Xie's uncle.

Uncle Xie was helpless, sent her to marry, and tried his best to assist her husband.

Finally lost the entire Xie family.

In exchange, Li De's cold-eyed treatment.

Yaoying sometimes thinks that Concubine Xie's insanity is not necessarily a bad thing.

Li Zhongqian thinks so too.

The brothers and sisters never mentioned the uncle Xie, who was already martyred to the city, in front of Concubine Xie. Concubine Xie thought that Xie's family was still alive in this world, but they just didn't want to associate with her.

The imperial physician hurried to diagnose the pulse of Concubine Xie and prescribe a new prescription.

The maidservant made tea in a fan oven, and Yaoying asked the doctor to go to the porch to have tea and sit down.

The fragrance of tea curled up, and the imperial doctor looked at the white tea foam in the Liuli tea cup, pondered for a moment, and said to Yaoying: "Your lord, a talented person is shallow in learning, and there is a negative entrusted by the lord."

Yaoying smiled, straightened up, and solemnly bowed to the imperial doctor: "The imperial word is serious, my mother-in-law's illness is really a heart disease. In recent years, I have relied on the kindness of the imperial doctor to take care of my mother, me and brother. I haven't thanked Feng Yu yet."

The imperial doctor was flattered and dared not accept Yaoying's courtesy.

After discussing a few sentences about Zheng Guifei’s illness, the imperial doctor remembered something: “The famous doctor from Tianzhu who asked a certain inquiries by your lord the last time has arrived in Beijing, and now he lives in Dacien Temple, Jinchangfang.”

Yaoying smiled with joy.

In the last years of the previous dynasty, the world was in turmoil. In order to avoid the flames of war, the monks in the Central Plains fled to the relatively peaceful place of Shu.

After Li De became the throne, he sent troops to Shu to lobby the monks to return to Beijing.

Among them is an eminent monk from Tianzhu, who is said to be not only proficient in Buddhism, but also a master of Xinglin's medical skills. He traveled by sea from Tianzhu to Guangzhou, traveled more than half of the Central Plains, and then went to Shu. This time he will return to Chang'an with other Central Plains monks.

Yaoying had long heard of the reputation of that eminent monk, and looked forward to his early entry into Beijing.

The doctor said again: "If your lord wants to ask him to see the pulse of his imperial concubine, it is better as soon as possible. Someone heard that he was anxious to go to the Western Regions. This time he came to Chang'an just to pay homage to the Buddha relics enshrined in Ci'en Temple."

Yaoying thought for a while, sent the imperial doctor away, ordered the servants to prepare their chariots, and decided to leave the palace immediately.

Dacien Temple was built by Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty in memory of his mother, Empress Longsun. The eminent monk Xuanzang once presided over temple affairs, organized scripture translation, and promoted Buddhism. Xuanzang and his followers founded the Weishi Sect of Han Buddhism, so Dacien Temple is regarded as the ancestor of Weishizong.

In order to welcome the eminent monks returning from the north, Dacien Temple has been renovated. The temple is magnificent, the palace is majestic, and the rebuilt Big Wild Goose Pagoda stands majestically on the banks of the Qujiang River, solemnly and solemnly.

The first batch of monks from Shu area arrived, and the temple was very busy.

The prison stayed up all night and was so busy that he frowned when the Zhike monk entered the house.

The Zhike monk handed over the post, and the Supervisory Court took a few glances, immediately took down the affairs in his hand, and stepped out of the courtyard.

Just stepping out of the threshold, there was a rustle of footsteps in the corridor.

Several soldiers in small-sleeved gowns walked over, surrounded by a glamorous young girl.

The girl has bright eyes and white teeth, a fairy-like jade color, an elegant veil, and her clothes fluttering, as if the magnificent female venerable with the Wu belt on the frescoes in the temple was alive.

Wherever she passed, the little novice could not help but look up, and was stared at by the older monk beside her, before bowing his head and reciting the scripture silently.


Zoroastrianism: Zoroastrianism, the state religion of ancient Persia.

Weizhizong: One of the Chinese Buddhist sects, founded by Master Tang Xuanzang and his disciples, also called Faxiangzong, Ci'enzong, Yingliyuanshizong, etc. (Relatively advanced, with high requirements for entry, it is too difficult to put it simply. There are not many practitioners. Xuanzang and his disciples declined after being passed on for a few generations.)

………………………………… Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-1820:13:45~2019-12-2300:08:39 Oh~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 day dream boat;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!