Thriller Trainee

Chapter 139: Judgment Day

Obviously, these two main tasks brought a lot of shock to all trainees.

They have never experienced a situation where the main mission is so bright that the trainee will destroy the instance.

Although destroying a copy is indeed a way to allow the main system to recognize its strength, it is too difficult and can only be regarded as a tacit rule. The main system to create a dungeon of terror requires less resources, if the main task is to destroy the copy, wouldn’t it be shameful?

As a result, it was good now, and the destroyed copy was directly put on the table.

There is no need for Zong Jiuduo to say, the trainees themselves know that there must be some hidden secrets in this.

[The 360-degree panoramic camera with no dead ends in all directions has been turned on. This round of the game will only open the team camera, and the live broadcast will be carried out when the number of teams is greater than five]

[The trainee has entered the live broadcast state]

Four thousand trainees, 30 in a group, almost 150 teams, open the same number of live broadcast rooms.

Among the survivors in the live broadcast room with a clear leader are naturally countless people flocking to it. Those low-level trainees pooled up 30 live broadcast rooms and basically no one cares about it.

After the accumulation of many copies before, Zong Jiu and his team's live broadcast room attracted a large number of viewers as soon as they opened.

[Here, the live broadcast room is finally opened, I want to kill the magician! 】

[Yes, they have rested for ten days after the Colorful Amusement Park, and there is no live camera in the trainee dormitory. Now my happiness is finally back! 】

[Come here, sisters, I’m here, let me see what scenes the magician has drawn...Huh? How bright this scene looks? Does it come with light effects? I’m simply wondering. jpg]

[Ahahahahaha, you must laugh at me upstairs. I just stared at the live broadcast room for a long time and couldn’t think of any adjectives to describe it. Only when you add light effects, I suddenly realized that, yes, it’s not just added Light effect? This is the first time I have seen a copy with a filter]

All the trainees wear blue and white uniforms and stand in the monotonous room.

But in the live broadcast room, you can see that outside this ceilingless room, the world is peaceful and quiet.

Sunlight emerged from the blue and white clouds, and flowers were planted in the neatly stacked flowerbeds in the town.

The church stands in the middle of the town, with dazzling golden light reflecting off the edge of the cross. The air was scented with soft and sticky flowers, and the waves were surging further away, and fine sand was deposited on the beach, paved a winding coastline.

[This atmosphere is not like a horror dungeon... and combining the name of this dungeon with the main mission, it always feels a bit wrong]

[And the trainees, what's wrong with this, how do they look sad all by one]

The trainees stood in the room, looking at each other.

Zong Jiu was the first to recover.

He turned his head and looked at the few people standing behind him.

The first is Xu Su, staring blankly, with tears faintly hung on his face, as if he had just cried loudly.

Zhong Yiyuan reacted, took off his glasses and wiped the corners of his eyes. Many other trainees, like him, had red eyes, and even the A-level Anthony was stunned, with a slightly moved expression on his face.

No one else in the room, only the sky and the monotonous walls around it can be seen.

So Zong Jiu broke the silence: "What is your pre-story?"

Xu Su sniffed, "I saw my mother, she, she said that she hoped I didn't forget her, and she also said that she hoped that I would be a good person."

Others nodded silently. Some said they saw their grandmother who had been dead for many years, some said they saw their best friends, and they saw their golden retriever dog in the real world.

After they entered this dungeon, the memories of the real world that were deliberately obscured by the main system all exploded.

No one does not exist without feelings. Since they are a member of modern civilized human society before entering the infinite cycle, they are bound to be bound. Have their own acquaintances, have their own social circle, have relatives, friends, and pets.

If it weren't for the main system to deliberately obscure this part of their memory, every night when people quietly look up at the bright moon, who can't miss the days in the real world?

Even if life is hard, when 996 is a social animal, facing a mountain of homework or work, and being scolded by the boss at the nose, it is better than entering this infinite world full of ghosts and monsters, **** and unknown.

They were discussing there, but Zong Jiu didn't have any expression on his face.

Perhaps because his memory has never been blocked by the main system, or because his natural emotions are different from ordinary people, in short, he does not have the same experience and feelings as the trainees.

"This is a horror copy, it's just an environment created by the main system intercepting your memories."

The white-haired young man folded his arms and poured a basin of cold water coolly.

"I know, but..."

Xu Su’s expression became even more sad, "I just miss home. I don’t know why. I never feel so sad when I think about it occasionally. But when my mother told me she was waiting for me to go back, I really ——"

I really want to go back alive.

Obviously it was nothing but the illusion created by the main system using memory, but Xu Su was clearly terrifying in his heart.

He knew that even if he returned to the real world, his mother would definitely say these things, he knew her too well.

"Then try hard to survive."

The magician's gaze swept across the room, not knowing what to think.

Others don't say that even experienced veteran A-level trainees such as Anthony are slightly moved, which has already explained the importance of the problem.

The main system will definitely not open up their blocked memories for no reason, and certainly will not give everyone a separate pre-plot for no reason.

So, what is the intention behind this copy? What kind of interference does the main system want to use memory to cause them?

Zong Jiu was meditating, waiting for the other team members to adjust their emotions, then suddenly the light swept across the ground, and suddenly stopped.

The empty ceiling is connected to the sky, and the sun shines into the house, which is beautiful and warm.

The most common weather in the horror dungeon is cloudy and thundery, whether it is the deserted village dungeon or the first middle school, there is no exception, very few dungeons will be carried out in the sun.

However, the weather at this moment was incredible, and there was no sign of rain at all.

These are not Zong Jiu's concerns.

What he is concerned about is the clear floating of sunlight on the ground, without any object casting black shadows caused by occlusion.

Including people.

Not only the standing people, but even the utensils placed in the house, there are no shadows.

Following the magician's sight, the spectators who were watching also discovered this.

[What's the matter, there is no shadow in this room? 】

[Not only this room, you zoom out the camera a bit, look outside, all the buildings in this town seem to have no shadows]

[I havetily and my people are gone, it’s too scary to have no shadow, do you still remember the iron law of our horror copy...]

The simplest iron law of the dungeon of horror does not require psychics or yin and yang eyes, the most intuitive way to judge ghosts——

Look at the shadows.

Those with shadows are people, and those without shadows are ghosts. This iron law applies to all newcomers, and I don’t know how many lives have been saved.

How many survivors chat and laugh with ghosts and ghosts in ignorance, you and me. When Yu Guang accidentally glanced down and found that the other party didn't even have a shadow, it was like cold water invading his head with coldness, and his limbs trembled.

There used to be a very famous copy of Class A doll. After entering the copy, the ghost would kill the trainees and replace them. Originally, according to the difficulty of this dungeon, the group should be destroyed. However, no one thought that the ghosts made the biggest mistake, talking and laughing with the survivors, walking under the sun.

Soon, not only Zong Jiu, but Anthony also found out.

He twisted his eyebrows and squatted down/to touch the ground with his hands, "Where is our shadow?"

At this moment, the door that had been closed suddenly opened.

The trainees showed a guarded posture one after another, looking towards the door.

"Oh... relax, I have no intentions."

Standing at the door was a bald middle-aged man in a black police uniform. He looked at the thirty guard lines in the room and slowly raised his hands.

Xu Su widened his eyes in disbelief, "Uncle?"

I really don't blame him for being surprised, but the person in front of him is exactly the same as his uncle who is a policeman, regardless of his profession, appearance or everything.

"You **** is here too, long time no see."

The middle-aged man smiled and waved to him, "I will talk to you later, let me explain the current situation to you first."

When he said this, Xu Su reacted and withdrew his hand in a jealousy.

He reminded himself in his heart that illusion, here is illusion, everything is fake, and then he raised his head again.

My uncle started his commentary: "This is a city of goodness, a beautiful place that cannot be described in words. As for the specific situation—"

He blinked at everyone, "Wait for you to know when you go out by yourself."

Everyone looked different, and no one spoke.

Immediately afterwards, the little uncle dropped another heavy bomb/bomb.

"We know where you came from, and we also know how terrifying and terrifying life and death you have experienced, round after round of testing the cycle of life and death. Including the survivors who are watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room, yes, we know everything ."

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Not to mention the trainees, the audience in the live room was silent for a second, and then a huge wave was set off.

[Fuck, what's the situation? ? 】

[The people in the horror copy know they are in the copy? Know the existence of an infinite loop? 】

[Grass, they even know that there is a live broadcast, they also know that we are watching, Wo Ri, my back feels cold]

[This is the first time I have seen this copy of the baby. The vests and the bottoms of the trainees have been lifted. What is going on? Sure enough, the speculations in the forum are true. It is indeed an S-level copy. Air-conditioning]

"Please don't worry, we are not malicious."

Seeing the excited and unbelievable expressions on everyone's faces, the police officer smiled helplessly.

"Hey, telling you this, maybe you can't easily believe it, so let's go out with me to see what this small town really looks like, you will understand."