Time Travel Rules

Chapter 432: bid farewell

Compared with Feng Yi, Li Muchuan felt that Feng Yi was more like a father.

After all, although Li Muchuan is also taking care of these children in every possible way, in fact, Feng Yi takes care of some of these children more.

Feng Yi is watching these children almost all the time, and then analyzes and sorts them out.

When it comes to giving and caring, it seems that Feng Yi has given more.

But these little guys didn't know the existence of Feng Yi, they just thought that Li Muchuan was doing these things.

"Boom! Clap!"

A sharp sound sounded, and fireworks rose one after another, and then exploded with a bang, bursting out extremely beautiful fireworks.

At this moment, Zhou Yanxia and a group of little guys in the school all ran to the open field at this time, and then looked up at the fireworks in the night sky.

"Wow! Are these fireworks? So beautiful!"

Looking at the fireworks in the night sky, it was the first time the little guys saw it, and they were a little surprised.

"Yeah, these are fireworks, beautiful."

Li Muchuan also raised his head when he heard the words, glanced at the fireworks in the sky and nodded.

After all, this thing is considered a tradition, and the fireworks were not cancelled during the New Year's Eve.

Instead, some improvements have been made to make the fireworks a lot more beautiful.

"According to our traditional festivals, this New Year's Day is very festive. Paper-cutting, sticking couplets, hanging lanterns, setting off fireworks, etc., are all customs."

"The Chinese civilization in the future will still depend on you to continue."

Li Muchuan took out the prepared firecrackers and distributed them to these guys, so that they could also try the feeling of setting off firecrackers.

It's really good to be a little more lively during the Chinese New Year.

A group of little guys felt a little infected. Although their ears were a little red from freezing, they were still enjoying themselves at this time.

The New Year's Eve dinner is already being prepared in the house.

Li Muchuan took the ladder, slowly flew up, and hung up the lanterns one by one.

The students on the side were already surprised when they saw this.

My own teacher, who sleeps on the air when he sleeps, never uses a bed or anything.

Ask the teacher, the teacher said that it is more comfortable to sleep without a bed.

A person who can even sleep on the air is really nothing to fly now.

After hanging the red lanterns one by one, wait until they light up.

Immediately beaming with joy, firecrackers began to be set off at the door at this time.

When the robot in the room greeted and said that the New Year's Eve dinner was ready, a group of little guys cheered and rushed into the room.

It was just that after they were all seated, they sat on the chairs in a proper manner.

They were waiting for Li Muchuan to come in, and only after Li Muchuan announced the meal would they start to move fast.

This has become their habit.

When Li Muchuan came in, he still had a smile on his face.

Seeing the students in the room, he took out the red envelope from his pocket.

"According to the custom, there is lucky money during the Chinese New Year. Everyone comes to receive a red envelope. The money in the red envelope is different. It depends on everyone's own luck!"

A large stack of red envelopes was in his hand, and it looked even brighter at the moment.

A group of little guys had already prepared their meals, but when they heard this, their eyes lit up.

And something like New Year's money?

"Come on, line up and come forward to get one yourself."

Li Muchuan beckoned, and a group of students immediately lined up, and then stepped forward one by one to take a red envelope from Li Muchuan.

After they returned to their seats with the red envelopes, they did not open them immediately.

They want to go back later and take it apart.

"Okay, let's eat!"

This year, Li Muchuan didn't say anything about how these little guys usually behaved.

The most important thing is to be happy.

Hearing Li Muchuan's order, a group of little guys cheered and immediately started to eat.

There are all kinds of delicious food on the table.

Although before, every meal was especially delicious.

But the robot in charge of the kitchen has mastered all the food. After nearly a year, the food is almost the same.

People who were not full in the inner circle at first, now have no resistance to these foods.

It was rare for Li Muchuan to sit and eat with these little guys.

However, compared to these children, Li Muchuan seemed to be a lot slower to eat.

Pinch the glutinous rice in front of you and taste it, the glutinous rice is full of flavor and fragrance.

"It's a good robot that can cook. When I go back, I should get one at my house."

Li Muchuan nodded while eating.

As far as the cooking level of this robot is concerned, after returning to open more hotels, many chefs will have to be laid off.

Therefore, Li Muchuan does not have the idea to popularize this kind of robot for the time being.

Originally, the emergence of this kind of cooking robot was a slow and gradual process, and it was taken out all at once, which forced some people to lose their jobs, which is not good.

But it's still possible to go back and get one at home.

"Go back? Teacher, where are you going?"

Zhou Yanxia, ​​who was still working hard to cook, caught Li Muchuan's words immediately, and immediately put down the small pot in his hand, and asked worriedly.

The others were stunned when they heard this, and put down their food.

All eyes turned to Li Muchuan.

Li Muchuan was talking to Feng Yi just now, how did he expect to be heard by Zhou Yanxia this week, the other party was still so sensitive, he immediately started to ask.

"Nowhere, let's eat!"

Li Muchuan waved his hand, indicating that there is nothing to do, let everyone eat.

When a group of students heard this, they immediately felt relieved and continued to cook.

The time of day when they are cooking is the time when they are happiest.

Dong Niman was not like the others, and continued to cook while bowing her head.

Instead, he sat aside and watched Li Muchuan carefully for a while, and determined that Li Muchuan had no intention of leaving, so he began to eat little by little.

Seeing the students like this, Li Muchuan couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling a little bad in his heart.

He doesn't have much time left in this world.

If you leave, you have to tell them.

Don't be when the time comes, these students will be crying and making a fuss.

Thinking about it this way, Li Muchuan felt that it would be extremely troublesome to explain the matter at that time.

Forget it, take it one step at a time.

Li Muchuan also felt helpless, so he could only try his best to appease them when it was time to leave.

Seeing Dong Niman not far away still looking at him, Li Muchuan put his thoughts away and smiled at the other party.

Only then did Dong Niman continue to eat with confidence.

Li Muchuan was funny when he saw it, this guy has a lot of heart.

After the New Year's Eve dinner was over, Li Muchuan began to greet everyone to keep the New Year together.

Then I talked to them one by one about some customs of the Spring Festival.

When Shou Sui passed, there were countless firecrackers and the roar of fireworks blooming in the air.

This year's Spring Festival seems to be extraordinarily lively.

A group of little guys were lying directly by the window, watching the fireworks rising from the whole city, and the deafening roar that sounded in the distance, their eyes widened at this moment.

Compared to some of the previous fireworks.

Today's fireworks and firecrackers sound, as if it can be regarded as a real firecracker sound.

Even if they didn't meet other people, they could know at this moment that all the Chinese Yanhuang clan were celebrating the arrival of the new year.

Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new!

The sound of firecrackers and explosions of fireworks lasted well into the second half of the night.

And at this time, these little guys just lay down and fell asleep with a deep drowsiness.

Li Muchuan yawned, then lay down behind him and fell asleep.

the next day.

Li Muchuan directly gave the children a leave, indicating that they could play in the urban area.

I had given them lucky money yesterday so that they could go out for a walk.

These little guys have had few vacations since they started studying.

Just relax for a while now.

Shortly after the Spring Festival, it is the Lantern Festival.

Li Muchuan counted the time, and it was time for him to leave after the Lantern Festival.

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan couldn't help but have another headache.

After the Spring Festival, the days of leisure pass by in a flash, and the Lantern Festival is over in a blink of an eye.

After seeing the children happily passed the Lantern Festival, Li Muchuan saw that it was almost time, and immediately called all the children into the classroom.

The children who were still noisy at first calmed down immediately after seeing Li Muchuan come in.

They all looked up at Li Muchuan, with a very serious expression.

Li Muchuan rarely said anything in the classroom, but if he did, it was something important to say.

Probably a bit like the head teacher, inexplicably bringing a little pressure to them.

It was inevitable that he would wonder if he let Li Muchuan know when he was naughty.

Li Muchuan walked in and looked around. Seeing that the children were already seated, he smiled at everyone.

After a slight hesitation, Li Muchuan stopped beating around the bush.

"The teacher will be leaving in a while, and he probably won't be back in a short time."

"As for your studies in the future, the teacher has already arranged it. As long as you study hard here, you don't have to worry about eating and drinking. After you have succeeded in your studies, you can go to your own professional department for research work."

Li Muchuan's words were like a bomb, and the ears of the students who were directly bombed were buzzing.

"Teacher, I just asked you last time, and you said you wouldn't leave!"

When Zhou Yanxia heard this, she was a little anxious, and asked loudly.

During the New Year's Eve dinner, he clearly asked, and he was relieved after getting a positive answer from Li Muchuan.

But today, why did I hear that Li Muchuan was leaving?

"There is no way for the teacher to leave, just like when the teacher used to be in history. Hundreds of years ago, Li Muchuan appeared once and then left."

"It's time for the teacher to leave. The teacher's departure is only for the opportunity to see the glorious moment of Huaxia in the future."

"As for whether the teacher can see that moment, it's up to you."

"You may not understand this concept very well now, but when you grow up, you will understand."

Looking at the group of students in front of him, Li Muchuan softly comforted him.

The time has come, he must leave.

But before leaving, Li Muchuan left a little time to explain.

When the students listened to Li Muchuan's words, Qi Qi's eyes were all red. They really didn't understand what Li Muchuan said. They only knew that Li Muchuan was going to leave.

However, they were not willing to accept this fact in their hearts.

They want to see each other every day when they get up.

Instead of getting up every day in the future, I can only spend it in memories.

How is this different from their parents?

The difference is that their parents are dead, while Li Muchuan is alive but leaving.

They cannot accept such a distinction.

"Teacher, can't you stay?"

Dong Niman couldn't help it at this moment, and asked out loud.

She felt that she was already well behaved and sensible.

But why is the teacher leaving when he is so good and sensible?

Doesn't it mean that as long as she is obedient and willing to do a lot of work, she won't be driven away or hated by others?

Li Muchuan looked at these students at this moment, and all of them looked like they were about to cry.

Although I already had some expectations in my heart, after seeing it at this moment, I still feel a headache.

After thinking about it, Li Muchuan pressed the projector in front of him, and then a picture appeared in front of them.

"You should know that we originally came from this place called Earth."

"Back then, we lived well on earth, but one day, an extremely aggressive civilization in the universe was eyeing us."

"We began to be forced to flee. Teacher, I found a lot of ways to let our people escape the earth, but the earth was destroyed afterward."

"After wandering in the universe for decades, we found this side of the Noon Galaxy..."

Li Muchuan briefly showed the students the development history of modern China.

"The teacher appeared several times at these time nodes, and every time UU Reading www.uukanshu.com appeared, it was only to ensure the continued survival of our entire race."

"This time the teacher appeared again, and for the survival and continuation of our race, the teacher still needs to continue to leave to ensure that the Huaxia family can continue in the future."

"So, do you understand?"

On the projection, Li Muchuan pointed out several time points one after another, and said to the students in front of him.

This time, the students probably understood something.

Zhou Yanxia looked at the projection in front of him, looked at Li Muchuan again, and said.

"Teacher, if you ensure that the Huaxia family will not perish in the future, don't you need to be so tired and run around here?"

He didn't understand that deeply, but he understood one thing.

As long as it is ensured that the Huaxia family will not face such dangers in the future, it seems that the teacher does not need to leave like this, and then go to the future world.

Li Muchuan listened to Zhou Yanxia's understanding and looked at the other party with a serious look.

After thinking for a while, he nodded, "That's right, if you can do this, the teacher shouldn't be so tired."