Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1054: Attention from Wang

The royal family who was hit by Muria's jaw flew up to the sky, crossed an elegant parabola, and fell to the ground. This time, he was directly snored by Muria's punch and entered a vertigo state. So, instead of stopping in mid-air, he hit the ground, making a dull collision sound that made people feel a little bitter.

A slender, but powerful thigh threw down a toma's head like a tomahawk, and Muria avoided the thigh with the sound of wind howling.

Then, the child who showed the initial awakening state of the king's blood grabbed the ankle of the oldest female royal family by one hand, followed her strength to round her in the air in a semicircle, and then threw her out. .

The huge power caused the queen girl to make a dark shadow in the air, which made her too late to react. The whole person smashed directly to the ground and plowed a shallow gully on the hard slate floor.

"You ..." Seeing Muria's three fists and two feet solved the two royal families, the shock in the lead daughter's heart has reached a point where she could not speak.

It's okay to be able to awaken the king's blood at the age of five. This can be attributed to the talents of different talents, and she endured. But what is going on now?

Obviously, it is only a preliminary awakening, why this five-year-old brother can hit them like a child, which is unfair. The development of things should not be like this.

It should not be that the four of them surrounded him, and after giving him great oppression, they randomly chose a person to fight with Arnold, and then taught him a hard meal to let him know what it means to be inferior and superior. Know what it would be like to reject her brother.

But not only did everything not evolve as she envisioned, but it also developed in a completely different direction than what she envisioned.

"Sister Wang, go crazy when fighting. But taboo. Have you forgotten the fighting skills your teacher taught you?" Just when the ten-year-old king girl walked away, she was gentle and slightly hoarse. The voice sounded beside her.

At this time, the queen girl found out that she did not know when her other partner was also hit by Muria to the ground, leaving her and Muria in the sky.

"You can't hit me!" When the girl kept dodging and found that she couldn't get rid of the prince who was only half her age, the prince was a little flustered.

After all, no matter how mature her mind is, she is, in the final analysis, just a little fart who hasn't seen many waves. She did experience some things, but it was done smoothly with the care of someone.

And like now, she is completely out of her expectation and control. This is the first time she has encountered it, so she has no idea how to deal with it, because according to the current situation, she is likely to suffer a blow.

This made her feel very uncomfortable. So many brothers and sisters below looked at her. If she was beaten by this prince who was so much younger than her, where would she put her face?

"Oh, why can't I beat you?" Muria always kept her position less than five meters away from the sister Wang, and asked with interest.

"Because I'm your sister." The king girl who didn't want to be beaten, hurriedly pulled out a reason that seemed reasonable to ordinary people.

"Oh," Muria nodded after hearing the reason. "Rest assured, I won't kill you."

"Wait a moment." Seeing Muria's raised palm, the queen girl stopped again, and she warned Muria, "Arnold, you have to think clearly, if you hit me, that is to talk to my brother thoroughly break."

"Um." Muria still didn't show the expression on her face. She raised her palm and patted it fiercely, then shot the king sister who tried to subdue him from the sky.

The slender and slender girl left a little bit of black smoke in the air, then fell to the ground and fell to the ground. She has the ability to fly because of the special nature of strength, and her physical strength is far from the gold level of the Erasian world.

Therefore, the impact after being dropped from the sky has basically made her lose her combat power.

Since then, the battle that began abruptly and ended quickly has come to an end, but the subsequent effects have only just begun.

Fighting between the royal families without permission was originally not allowed. In addition, this battle was besieged by four royal families against another royal family. This kind of absolutely unfair fighting in the number makes the nature of this battle very special. bad.

But it is very surprising and shocking that the party that was supposed to be in absolute weakness actually took advantage in this battle and won the final victory unscathed.

However, this does not mean that this battle will be ignored by some beings in the royal palace, but will cause more eyes than normal.

Therefore, all the royal families participating in this battle were punished. Muria was punished for three days, that is, staying in his own palace obediently, not allowed to step out of the door, and then there was no more.

As for the other five guys, they were jailed for a period ranging from one month to three months, and after the jail was over, there was another punishment. It was not clear what punished Muria.

This result is no surprise to Muria. The State of Gay is a state of martial arts. He can complete the reversal of this battle without occupying any advantage and would have been given special treatment.

This kind of punishment that is more symbolic than practical is an omen that he will receive special treatment in the future.

Therefore, on the second day of confinement, Muria ushered in an uninvited guest in his dormitory.

"Father King." Muria looked at the man who stepped into his dormitory, and calmly shouted what he should say now.

"Arnold, you're better than I thought." Fernand looked at his young boy, eyes filled with satisfaction, "but this is not the reason you want to fight with your brother and sister Wang Wang. Know your How long will those brothers and sisters be held in confinement? "

"I've heard of some." Muria responded that he didn't need to hide. Although his mother was not the most powerful person in this palace, her power was not bad, so Muria also belongs to herself. Information channels.

"Do you know what their confinement time means?"

"I don't know." Muria was very straightforward.

"That represents the time for their injuries to recover." Fernand looked Muria with deep eyes.


"They hurt you all. Arnold, no matter how they are, they are your siblings. You shouldn't be so serious."

"They are four," Muria looked up at the man with a pair of horns on his forehead. "And I am alone. If I don't start to heavier, it's me who can't get up in bed now."

"That's right." Fernand nodded at Murcia's words. He wasn't accountable. "But I'm more curious than how you won the battle."

"My king's blood is awakened."

"let me see."

"Um." Muria did not refuse to show the father of this body the initial state of awakening of his king's blood. A scene two days ago, his body became more slender and erect, and fire lines appeared on his face ...

"Nice," Fernand felt the air in the room was starting to get hot, and saw Muria's current posture, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"It really is the awakening of the king's blood, but this does not explain why you can defeat the four royal families without injury, and they are still older than you."

"I have the strongest fighting talent in the world." Muria, as always, told the truth to his father.

Then his father did not live up to his expectations, and he took this truth as a ghost story. Muria's sentence was directly understood by his son as having a strong fighting talent. Although a bit ridiculous, the facts speak louder than words.

"How old are you this year?" Fernand, who ignored Muria's answer, asked Muria a question that a qualified father would never ask.

"It's almost five years old."

"Very good." Wang nodded even his son's specific age was more satisfied.

A royal family with a normal level of talent, usually around the age of ten, will be initially awakened by the king's blood, the fluctuation range up and down in the middle is not large, or morning or evening is a normal range.

But lightnovelpub.net like Muria is not normal. However, this also shows that Muria's talent is the best of all his children.

So Fernand, who had arrived with a purpose, took out an adult's palm-sized black metal box from his arms and gave it to Muria.

Muria looked up at him, took it over, and without hesitation, opened the box directly, and immediately saw in the metal box, a black-red spherical crystal suspended in it, exuding a slight band The breath of oppression.

"What's this?" The moment he saw the crystal, Muria felt that the power in her body was agitating, and they conveyed a thought to Muria: they want to swallow and fuse this crystal. But the restlessness was easily suppressed by Muria.

"The crystallization of the power left after the death of the prince who has awakened three times." Seeing that Muria did not have the reaction he expected at this time, he was able to ask Fernand with such a calm attitude. There was a hint of surprise on his face.

You know, even if he is such a crystal of power before him, he will have an impulse to swallow it.