Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1148: Really think your ancestors are fighting

Latest website: "Oh, do n’t say more, you also know what the big world is. Take our Erasia as an example. If you reincarnate into an Erassia-like world, you think the probability of you gaining the power How big? Or, how likely is it that you will be able to return to the top? "

Hearing Muria's mention of the big world, Timothy, who was transformed into a dragon, looked at his grandson with a smile.

"I see. My strength is still too weak. I am not qualified to see the big world."

Hearing Timothy's words, Muria shook his lips, and he knew what his grandfather meant.

The small world doesn't say anything, because of the limitations of its world personality, even if a perfect and extraordinary system is born, its strength ceiling is only limited to legends.

No creature can ignite a divine fire in a small world, hold up the seat of the throne, and obtain eternal life, let alone epic. There are no other reasons, just pure resource constraints, talent? This has nothing to do with talent.

Going online is just a legendary little world. For the epic that Muria can mix in casually, it is just a playground after another.

That ’s right, for the epic, for the epic, the birth is only to experience the mortal life of a small world, and basically there is not much to gain. If you want to get the power from the small world, you can only learn from the evil god.

The medium-sized world is different. The ceiling of the medium-sized world has risen directly to the level of gods and epics. Of course, to be able to give birth to gods, the epic medium-sized world is unique.

In general, in the medium-sized world, the birth of gods is easier than epic. Each epic born from a medium-sized world is a miracle that cannot be copied, and each of them is a unique existence.

And it is for this reason that when Timos, Arudiba, and the like joined forces to drag back the evil deities of the wild and his motherland from the world community on the other side, they caused so many epics. Onlookers with shrines.

They were not just watching this evil god, they were watching the medium-sized world behind him. An epic world can be bred, and sometimes even if you find the whole world community, you may not find it.

Although miracles occur under countless coincidence conditions, as usual, there will not be a second occurrence, but maybe a second miracle occurred.

Therefore, in the eyes of some beings, this medium-sized world dragged back with the evil **** is more valuable than the evil **** of the desert.

In summary, the medium-sized world is a very good place for the epic that Muria just needs to accumulate. Although it has some dangers, its gains are also very good.

The big world is quite another story. In the void, the natural world nurtures a number of natural deities at the beginning of its birth.

But the ancient gods born in the big world will gradually decrease with the passage of time, but as their number decreases, many intelligent races will also appear in the world.

These intelligent races will instinctively imitate the gods and find ways to compare with them. In the process, one powerful system after another is constructed.

The number of innate gods will decrease with the time when the world is empty, but their position will be replaced by the latecomers.

In simple terms, as long as there are not too many moths, the internal defense force of a large world will generally rise as the years pass.

The longer it exists, the stronger the extraordinary powers within the world, and the more the epic spirit exists at the first level. Of course, this is overall, and sometimes there are special situations in the world.

The Alacian world is a very typical example. The ancient gods at the beginning of the world have long disappeared. For example, the first titans of the Titans and the ancient gods who left the Blazing Gods have disappeared and left the void. Exotic, missing.

At the beginning of the creation of the world, the group of ancient creatures, in the long years, either died out or were suppressed by the beasts of the world that were born from the world. The remaining ancients were quite low-key. There are none of the ancient people who are still active in Elassia.

For an epic like Muria, which is still in the accumulation stage, blending into the big world to gain benefits is purely about eating peach. The benefits that can be easily mixed have long been given by the world's native superpowers.

As for the source of power from the big world, it is even unnecessary to think about it. Once a problem occurs in the big world, the local superpowers are already solved, and it is not possible for foreigners such as Muria.

Besides, the problems that Muria can solve can also be solved by the Xeons in these big worlds, but Muria cannot solve them, and these guys may be able to solve them.

So for the big world, a guy like Muria who wants to mix in and get benefits is completely redundant.

Moreover, if Muria is reborn into the world with his current strength, let alone talk about how to gain benefits, he still wants to think about how to save the life of his reincarnation body.

The personality of the big world determines that the number of strong men in the world will not be small. If the world is in a state of chaos, no absolute ruler will suppress all strong men and formulate order.

Then the probability of being reborn in the process of growing up is quite high. At that time, if you were lucky, the reincarnation had a strong background, which could also reduce this probability, but this probability always exists.

And once the reincarnated body dies, Muria will be exposed. With Muria's strength, if he wants to be expelled by the laws of the Great World and forced to disengage, it is unnecessary to think about it.

The medium world may not tolerate an alien epic, but the big world is different. The Great World desires to fuse every epic, whether he is dead or alive

Without making any contribution to the world, Muria once exposed his identity in the big world, his only end is to be forcibly merged by the big world.

As for what kind of attitude to merge, it depends on Muria's choice. If he chooses to resist, under the call of the world's will, the epics and gods that come will kill him alive under the blessing of the world.

At that time, Muria will be integrated into the world in the form of mountains and rivers. If he chooses to obey, he will become a new **** in the world.

For another possibility, if Muria's coming world maintains a fairly stable order, there is not much danger in his growth. A very critical and deadly question is coming, how can he grow to the top of the world? ?

If you reincarnate into a large world randomly by chance, the probability of being regenerated into an ordinary creature is more than 99%. No matter in any world, ordinary people always occupy most of the world's souls.

And an ordinary mortal who wants to grow into a true strongman does not just have to be accomplished by gifted understanding, but also needs cheats, instructors, resources, and so on.

Of course, these are not reasons to prevent Muria from becoming stronger, but it takes more time. For his experience, this is not a hindrance.

The question is, how does he become a self-strengthening world? The strongest existence in a big world, underestimated at least, is also equivalent to the third-order epic, its combat power is enough to match the powerful divine power in the sequence of deities.

At this level, Muria's deity has not been reached. What if he reborn again? It's impossible.

Therefore, it is completely a dream to want to use the mystery of the magic of the sky to blend into the big world to gain benefits. In the big world, the most important thing is not the subtle secrets, but the powerful strength that you have.

Don't think that you can eat the entire void with one secret technique, because there is nothing perfect. Spell mysticism can shield the will of the world, obscure the identity of outsiders, and forge the identity of native life, but the same can definitely see the existence of mysticism.

"So don't think about it in the big world for a while, unless you want to die and you don't want our elders to help you avenge your body, you go."

"I see." Muria responded dullly.

"I heard that your world is a broken world, right!"


"In this case, I recommend you to use the Titan's mystery. The mystery of the Titans can allow you to complete the second-order pseudo-world as quickly as possible and be promoted to the epic third-order creation. At that time, you will be qualified to fight the world. Idea. "

"I know, isn't it killing evil gods!"

The mysteries of the Titans allow the caster to frequently contact the evil gods who destroy the world, and then fight. Titans who can survive this battle and survive will inevitably be powerful and fast.

His Titan grandfather, Archimonde, and the Emperor Osiris, are very typical examples. They are so strong that the gods who are brave and powerful are strong.

And their confidence comes from the victory after a conflict with a demon **** ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, and complete the second-order epic boundary of the epic with the body of the demon god, giving them strong self-confidence.

"Yes, by the way, you haven't tried to let the half plane you control, or the incomplete world devour an epic, don't you know what it is like?"


"You can feel this feeling later."

"Are you talking about the evil **** of the wild? When they finish, the evil **** is probably destroyed. The corpse left behind is estimated to have little essence."

"No. In addition, I remind you in advance that after you taste this taste, you are likely to be addicted."


"Of course. Otherwise, why do you think your ancestors of Titans are so eager to fight at the epic level, you really think they are a group of fighting mad!"