Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1159: Overlapping world

The girl didn't think much, so she surrendered the control of her body. Because she realized the existence, she seemed to be asking her symbolically. If she refused, she could not imagine the consequences.

At the moment when the girl promised to surrender control of her own body, the girl who seemed to have no change in appearance and appearance instantly changed her momentum and became fiercer and hotter.

"Well, I really don't want to take over."

With this weak body in motion, Muria sighed. Muria actually didn't want to touch this female human body, which was very different from the male body structure and was not suitable for fighting.

But he really did not expect that this young girl who seemed to have experienced many battles was so weak, giving her inhuman strength, she couldn't solve these evil things that were completely restrained in attributes.

"I'll give you a kind reminder and watch how I fight next, only once."

Under the blessing of his strength, Muria was active and almost healed, walking out of the ruins. However, between the walks, his brow was still slightly raised, because the chest of the body was tightened too tightly, and he felt shortness of breath and tightness.

"Strange human! Death!"

Not long after he stepped out, Muria saw the distorted evil spirits chasing him. In the attack of the young girl pig's rapid advancement, the evil spirit noticed the crisis, so she chased the girl out immediately after she was repelled come.

With the wind of the deadly gray Wraith blowing in, this is an attack that can plunder the living creatures, but when the wind blows in front of the girl, the dead air in it will dissipate directly to the invisible, it is impossible to Loot the slightest vitality in the girl's body.

"An alien monster! Oh!"

Looking at the twisted monster in front of him, Muria, who controls the girl's body, chuckled, and the epic vision allowed him to see the essence of the monster at a glance.

It is indeed a spirit creature. This is true, but it has a weird distortion that is incompatible with the surrounding environment. This distortion has caused its shape to change, and its strength has been suppressed.

This kind of distortion and suppression is the standard of alien creatures entering the world through illegal channels. In short, the evil that is raging in the city is essentially an invader from another world.

Just another invader of another world, Muria can be sure of it. Without it, Muria did not notice the breath of the evil god.

And this is where Muria is most interested. A mere evil spirit with complete wisdom has actually appeared in another world through illegal channels. The representative may be enough to attract Muria's deity. Advent.

Finding that his halo attack was useless to Muria, the evil **** stretched out his twisted claws, and patted Muria's head, a vicious wind blowing with the breath of death.


The pale gold dagger flashed, with extremely overbearing attributes, and the attack of the inflammatory attributes directly cut off a claw of this resentful virtual body.

Next, the girl's body fluttered lightly, as if she had no weight, and then exceeded the next attack of the evil spirit, and then rose up in the air, stepping directly on the evil spirit's head.


A layer of gas explosion ring visible to the naked eye spreads. At the feet of the girl's long and straight thigh, the red-gold flame shone, and then the head of the evil spirit who screamed and screamed born blasted directly into the air.

Before waiting for the evil spirit to recover its body, the girl took advantage of the falling gravity and drew the evil spirit's body into two with her dragon-shaped straight knife in her hand.

"It's over, you can solve the next thing yourself!" Muria, who wiped out the strongest danger, returned the control of the body to the girl without hesitation.

The reason why he will do it is because this evil spirit threatens the safety of the girl who summoned his will to this world. Before he has deduced the coordinates of this world, no one wants to touch her.

"Oh!" The slightly ignorant girl restored her physical control, and then looked at the co-cop who was disintegrated in front of her. She never thought that she would be able to control such a powerful force one day.

"What should I do next?" The girl who realized she had attracted a lot of attention, asked Muria involuntarily, a scene she had never faced before.

"Do what you want? But on the premise of preserving your own life, your current life has important significance that you can't imagine."

Muria, who is about to succeed, responded that the girl was of vital importance to him, and that was the only medium for him to connect with the world.

Once the girl has an accident, even if he holds the world coordinates, what he wants to do to this world is a more troublesome thing.

"How can I explain to others the source of my power? To be honest?"

The strongest evil spirits have been beheaded, and the rest of the nature is not a concern. The humans who observe this city are not really weak chickens. They still have some strength. Then, the girl who found that she had nothing to do, remembered what might happen next.

"Don't expose my existence, how to explain it is your thing." Muria, who was about to do something, warned the girl seriously.

"But I can't make sense of this power no matter how I explain it? How strong I am, many people know."

"If you ca n’t explain it, then you do n’t explain it. Face all doubts with silence. Strength is strength. No matter how the outside world evaluates and views you, the strength I give you will not change because of this. There is nothing like this Worryingly, don't underestimate your compatriots, they will make up a logical and meticulous explanation for you. "

"Does this work?"

"Of course." Muria affirmed. The brain tonic ability of intelligent creatures is very powerful. For things that happen to them that are not reasonable, they often make up a seemingly very reasonable explanation based on their own insights.


Three days later, the young girl who was defined by the outside world as having a special constitution and awakened in the crisis of life and death lived in a brand new cottage, looking at the sky with a little confusion,

"Sir, why did you respond to my request? Give me strength."

"Why? Because it's boring!" Muria, who still had no will to be expelled by the laws of the world, gave the most authentic answer.

But unfortunately, sometimes the truth is mostly unbelievable. For example, now, after hearing the explanation given by Muria, the girl has a stiff smile on her face, and her eyes are still revealing. Worrying.

The pie will not fall in the sky. Although the girl has never heard this sentence, she still understands a similar truth. A powerful existence that she couldn't understand at all suddenly came, saved her life, and gave her strength. .

As a price, she just paid an eye that was sometimes out of control. Compared to her gains, the price seemed insignificant. The existence claimed that she would do it just because of boredom. Of course, girls cannot be convinced.

"Human, like to think wildly when you have nothing to do," Muria lamented all the reactions to the girl, even her mental activity,

"Calculate me as an unscrupulous existence, you must also think about whether there is anything in your own body worthy of my conquest, to think about whether you are qualified to let me play with you . "

"Sorry, Your Majesty! I ..." Because there is nothing to do these days, I am a little embarrassed to think about the more and more young girls, because she thinks carefully and finds that she really thinks too much. An orphan without a mother, what can this great shore existence plan for her? !!

Sting her? Nonsense!

"No need to apologize, worry about the future is just biological instinct, I can tell you very clearly that I have no interest in you, and your kind, your world."

Muria, who has obtained a lot of information about the world through the girl, is very interested. "I'm interested in the evil spirits you hate extremely."

"Ah!" The girl was somewhat surprised by Muria's answer.

"I can tell you the information that is absolutely inaccessible now. The evil spirit you hate is a creature from a different world. This is not a special species that you have in the world."

"What?" The girl was suddenly shocked. She stood up sharply, her fists clenched, her knuckles whitened, and then slowly let go.

"Are you surprised? In fact, if you look carefully at ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, you will find the first and the earliest record of observing evil spirits. Seven hundred years ago, for you humans, seven hundred years is a For a long time, it took so long that the special groups of your human beings were used to the existence of evil spirits, taking the existence of these monsters for granted.

But once you widen the time span, you will find how abrupt and unreasonable the emergence of evil spirits is, and there is even a kind of monsters in the situation where the environment has not changed much! "

"Why do these monsters appear in the world?" This was a doubt from a girl who suddenly learned the truth.

"There is no reason why, but your world is unlucky. It is closer to the world where the evil spirits are located, but it is not simple. After all, the number of evil spirits that have appeared in your world has increased over the years."

"More and more ..." The girl who had never noticed this was slightly silent, then she looked up again and asked Muria in a very serious tone, "Can these monsters be killed?"

"Of course I can," Muria chuckled, "but you can't do this kind of thing, but I can."

"That's enough."