Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1174: Divination of grazing civilization

"Boss, here it is, here it is."

Feeling the threat from the top that made Dragon feel that the scales were about to stand up, Oston immediately panicked. Although he knew it was just an incarnation, not an epic deity, but it was the same for him. .

In the sky above the unknown mountains, a cloud of inconspicuous black mist has appeared in the sky that has been stained with blood by a group of powerful creatures killing each other, followed by a second, third ... and then darkness in the sky Spread, absorb all the light, and wither everything for it.

"Save me!" Seeing this vision that made the world and the earth discolor, Red Dragon Austen screamed wildly in his heart, but its surface was still wanton and untamed, and it was not regarded as an evil dragon. , Did not humiliate Muria.

"What's panic! I've been there." Muria sneered at seeing Austen's fierce appearance, but he was actually afraid.

"It's coming!" Red Dragon Auston raised his head, staring at the dark center of the sky, with flames burning in his eyes, and the lightless world had little effect on him.

眼睛 Every eye appeared in the sky, and the light of destruction flowed between the pupils, but at the same time brought light to this world that had become dark.

The war was stopped at the moment when the evil **** came, and the giants of the storm riding Jupeng were guarded around the red dragon Oston, and they jointly confronted the evil god. The surviving Cyclops were trapped in the air, welcoming their ruler.

"Family of the Dragon God!" Has arrived, but only his eyes can be seen, and the incarnation of his real devil is overlooking the battlefield below. Even if it sees his family members being massacred, it does not have much emotion. fluctuation.

离开 "Leave here, you will cause all damage to my family members, I can forgive you!"

"What stupid words are you talking about, forgive us? Where did the evil **** come from, you have made me laugh!"

Oston looked at the big dense eyes above his head, the fear in his heart was even worse. This was not his timidity, but the simple suppression of life.

When he felt fear in the suppression, this nasty red dragon became even more mad, because he knew that there was a peer behind him.

This is also the reason why the incarnation of the hundred-eyed evil **** did not directly act at the moment of the incarnation. It felt the arrogance of the arrogant **** beside him in the creatures who slaughtered with his family.

"Like your ruler, but he didn't teach you, what kind of attitude should you face to another god?"

The darkness that pervades between heaven and earth has become stronger, and at the same time, more terrifying coercion has come down from the sky, oppressing that bad red dragon, and the darkness rising in the sky has become more intense.

"I know how to face an epic, but I don't think it is necessary to give you any respect for your existence."

The red dragon raised his head and stared at the incarnation of the evil **** suspended in the dark. "Know what a thing like you is called in my world? Evil thing."

"So offensive, I will wipe you out of this world, and the dragon **** has nothing to say."

Hundred eyes of evil gods incarnate and stare at him, dismissing him as a dragon of evil spirits, sending out a voice of indifferent soul.

"There is nothing to say, you erase it, then I will find a way to erase you from the void."

The golden light rises from the junction of the sky and the earth, just like the rising sun, dissipates the darkness that envelopes the sky and the earth. In the sun, a magnificent shore, the Titan giant of Yuantingyue is looming.

The giant walked, and the golden light gradually dissipated the darkness from the sky and the earth as he moved forward. For a moment, this intense light even dispelled the darkness on the incarnation of the evil god, making this ugly and ugly The creeping monster was exposed to the light.

This is a deformed mass of constantly flowing huge irregular meatballs covered with more than thirty large and small eyes, which are bred with a dangerous light that can destroy everything.

Around these eyes, there are sharp fangs growing, while others are irregular bone spurs, and even more, simply twisted tentacles ... strange, visual impact.

But in the next moment, a thick dark surge surged, covering the body of the incarnation again.

"Dragon God!" Many eyes of the incarnation of the evil **** looked at the giant stepping from afar, "Your family has offended me and called me a evil thing. This offends the existence of our gods and should be wiped out."

"Why erase? I don't think he made any mistakes in your title, which is very appropriate."

Muriya looked up and stared at the evil **** above. The light that bloomed on his body had pressed the darkness formed by the power of this evil **** to the limit.

Darkness and light are fighting on this side of the sky and the earth. At first glance, they seem to be evenly matched, but if you take a closer look, you can see that the golden light is better in this battle, and the darkness is just suffering. Just support.


"You are too arrogant, Dragon God, you lack respect for someone who is equal to you!"

"Respect? Oh!"

A giant double-edged tomahawk appeared in the hand of a giant like a mountain. He was holding a tomahawk and splitting at a monster in the sky, as if the golden axe that split the sky and the earth into two Dark monster.


At the moment when the giant waved the tomahawk, the incarnation of the evil **** who had already reacted was dancing with tentacles to block the attack, but his hasty defense did not stop the long-awaited chopping.

Twisted twisted tentacles fell from the sky, and then dark and filthy blood splattered from the sky, forming a waterfall. From a distance, it seems that because of this slash of the giant, the sky was wounded and the blood bleed.

"Indulge your dependents, impact my realm, wantonly slaughter, and devour souls. Is this your respect for me?"

"This is your field?"

的 The evil incarnation who was cut and wounded by Muria was asked a little bit wrongly. At this time, his wound was slow to heal, and the dirty blood was dripping like money.

当然 "Of course." Muria, who cut the incarnation of the evil **** in a near-sneak attack, said rightly, as if he was really the master of the human world.

"But I don't notice any breath or sign about you." The evil incarnation tried to justify his actions at this time.

"It's ridiculous. I was the first to discover this world. What mark do I need to leave?" Muria sneered.

既然 "If this is the case, then it is my fault. I am willing to apologize to you and compensate my family for all the losses caused to you."

After thinking about the evil spirit incarnation for a moment, he made a clean concession to admit his mistake, and looked very reasonable.

How could it be so simple to justify the existence of a demon who destroys the world and sees hundreds of thousands of souls in nothing? He reasoned because he realized that the power of this incarnation of Muria was enough to suppress him.

之外 The same is true outside the world. In the face of his unbeatable existence, shouldn't it be natural to tell him? In fact, the evil **** at this time is also a little depressed.

He has deliberately avoided conflicts with any peers, so when he entered the world with two other epic family members, he deliberately avoided the direction in which they went, chose a direction at random, and harvested souls.

If he didn't expect to run into the first dragon **** who discovered the miracle place that can breed a fetish, he would run into his relatives who didn't know when he would be sent into the world.

"Compensate for all my losses, can you pay for it?" Muria disdain, "Do you know how much time and energy I spent here? As a result, the seedlings in this area are almost killed by you. All your investment is gone, and all my possible gains in the future will be strangled by you. "

"?!" He heard Muria's indifferent but seemingly angry and helpless soul voice, a hundred eyes of evil spirits startled, he thought of the terrible aspect based on his own knowledge.

In the void, there are some long-lived existences ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ They have made long-term plans based on their long and borderless life.

They let their dependents invade the world, but they did not cause any damage to the creatures in the world, even the intelligent creatures hidden in it that were not born by the world.

当 And when the intelligent race bred in the world encounters an irresistible disaster, these dependents will appear to help them through their sadness.

存在 These existences are not sages without desires and broad minds. These existences are nothing more than the wisdom races bred in these worlds as the seeds of civilization.

发现 After discovering the seeds of these civilizations, they used their power to take care of them, cultivate them, fertilize them, and apply water, and when a certain time comes, these existences will take the fruits of mature civilizations!

Such a time-bound plan is magnificent, but the returns are extremely amazing, and those who exist to cross a level are possible.

But such things, he has never heard of it, and has not seen an example, because the time spent by such a grand plan is too long, even for the epic.

现在 But now, the hundred-eye evil **** feels that he has seen an example. He feels that he has seen the existence of a grazing civilization with his own eyes. After all, this dragon **** arrived here first.

Is it so possible? The dragon **** stayed here from beginning to end, and he never left. The civilization to which the humans slaughtered by him belonged is the kind of civilization he planted, waiting for the harvest time.