Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1236: Control of civilization

"Breaking through the defenses of my palace and appearing in front of me, are you God?"

Although shocked by the sudden appearance of the handsome child, the empress's face did not show the slightest confusion, and she still spoke in a calm and calm tone.

"I am so boring because of your calmness, why not try to call the guards outside to save you?" The two in the room were suddenly changed. Yu Guangren, who was still able to maintain his calm demeanor, Muria, who was not satisfied with his bad taste, felt a tedious yawn.

"Since Your Excellency can appear before us, we must have taken into account the defense forces outside the palace, so naturally we will not do such useless work."

The minister, Remy Locke, who had already slightly touched his fingers and wanted to touch the alert button, gave up his call for help. People's words have already talked about this, and he will look like he is idiot when he asks for help. He does n’t think The weird existence before him is to fool him.

"Since Your Excellency did not use force against us just now, then there must be some appeal."

"Well, there are some things I want to discuss with you, but I happened to hear what you just talked about, so I modified my plan again."

"A plan to cooperate with God? Sorry, this is just a kind of boring delusion. It has no possibility and value to realize."

The emperor gazed at Muria, her eyes had red gold flames flowing, and after the civilization developed to a certain height, the advanced technology could in turn give the entire ethnic group extraordinary strength.

"So you guys are teasing me?"

Although no coercion was released from Muria, the emperor and the minister felt that the surrounding air was frozen. They were like drowning men who could not swim, no matter how hard they breathed and entered the lungs. The ministry's water will always be taunting.

"Sir, we didn't know that you existed before you appeared. How can we tease?" The minister gasped, explaining that he felt irritated by the danger in his palace, and had to explain in a low voice.

"So why do you feel that working with God is an impossible delusion?"

"A race that is totally dependent on foreign objects and all members can be strangled. What qualifications are there to cooperate with God? This is the first and last time our civilization tried to cooperate with God. That God sent What the messenger said to us. "

The Empress looked calmly at Muria, "Although we have suffered such humiliation, after analysis, we also have to admit that we are indeed not qualified to cooperate with God, and the gap between us and God is simply impossible to use technology To make up for it, so cooperating with God is a delusion, and this is our conclusion. "

"Have you tried to cooperate with God?" Muria's face showed a different color. "After failing, you completely give up this plan? If you give up after just one failure, it may be ..."

"We have analyzed that unless we are in control of the means of attack that can cause a fatal blow to God, otherwise we have no way to cooperate with God. So, can you tell us your identity?"

"It's too fast to change this topic." Muria spread his hands. "However, as my identity, I just said, a **** willing to cooperate with you."

"Sir, you can avoid all the vigilance and defense and appear before us. We admit that your means are superb, but this is not enough for you to fool us."

A rounded gemstone shining brightly appeared in the hand of the Minister Remi Locke who reported to the Empress.

His patience has reached the limit. He believes that as long as enough movement can be created, even if the guards of the imperial palace are out of order, there is still a strong enough defense force in the capital. By that time, he only needs to support it for a period of time. You can survive this inexplicable disaster.

"I'll tell you the truth, but you think I'm fooling you, you guys, it's really difficult to get along!"

"Sir, we have a lot of contact with God. We also have a certain understanding of God. You can be here in this way, and it can never be God."

"Well, yes, it seems that you really know a lot about God, but you also know that gods have a limited range of activities because of religious constraints."

"So, sir, please be frank with your identity. Otherwise, we would rather take a risk than admit this fooled shame."

"I will never lie and lie, please keep this in mind in the future. I will tell you more in detail! I am not the **** you have come to rely on faith, I am free in the void Walking, you can choose whether to respond to the epic of the prayers of all beings. "

"Epic ... what is it?" The empress and the minister glared.

"You can be understood as a God who is not bound by any restrictions." Muria helped the two lords of Yuguang civilization understand the message he just said.

"How could God exist without any restraint?"

At this time, Minister Remy Locke finally couldn't maintain his calm demeanor, washing his arms with no manner.

The more you come in contact with God, the more you can understand the horrors of the gods. Their civilization is in contact with God, and the most important reason they can pass on to this day is that these gods have a limited range of action ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ He We can only exert their power in a fixed area to destroy everything.

An unrestricted God, what a terrible thing, if it does exist, it will be a nightmare for the entire civilization.

"Why not?" Muria laughed.

"Well, Remy Locke, step back and keep quiet." Seeing the minister whose emotions collapsed for a short time, the empress who remained calm aside gave a soft drink.

"Observe, Your Majesty." The Emperor, who also wanted to argue with Muria, immediately took the order and stepped back aside.

"Sir, no, Your Majesty, according to your statement, you are unfettered, and you can do whatever you want with the Void True God. In that case, why should you cooperate with us?"

The emperor's eyes stared at Muria. She was able to achieve her current position, not only because of her extraordinary ability, but also because of her strength, which was also the top position in the empire, so she could detect it.

"If you have to study carefully, you are naturally not qualified to cooperate with me, but who gives you a geographical advantage?"