Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1252: Evil God Revives

"Don't know if you can give this metal ball as a gift to His Majesty the King?"

The slender golden dragon looked at a broken metal ball with a radius of 100 meters in front of it. Although this damage caused this external metal wire to stagger, it was difficult to see the metal ball like a cantaloupe skin, but its huge volume But still quite shocking, even the golden dragon is inferior in size.

"His Royal Highness, this good luck is also the crystallization of a civilization. I think it's feasible to give it to another goodness."

The body is larger than the golden dragon, and the red dragon, whose limbs appear extremely strong, faces the golden dragon with a touch of charm, and said carefully.

"Of course, you have to repair this gap we made. Otherwise, it would be a bit disgusting."

"Repair it."

The huge, strangely shaped metal ball slowly turned on Jin Long's thoughts, and then one of them suffered a severe gap and appeared in his eyes.

"In fact, it is not difficult. Your Majesty, as long as you are willing to provide sufficient resources, the monster with a sense of ethnicity in it can heal itself."

"Don't you be afraid of pitting yourself with this suggestion? This thing should be placed in my world." Muria chuckled, seeing this red dragon who was reluctant to return to the world, he would rather carry Suppressing the laws of the big world, we must also walk outside.

In Auston's thinking, there are no enemies now, and he is suppressed because of being suppressed. Anyway, he has not lost all his combat power. Compared with freedom, it is not uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, I believe in your mighty power. Under your protection, even if this monster has returned to its intact state, it cannot break through the seal you have laid and hurt us."

Auston closed his neck and looked at the seal sealed by Muria. Compared to the original metal ball, which was tens of thousands of times smaller, there was not much fear in his eyes.

If he is a single dragon, in the face of such a miracle creation, how far he will run, even if it is in a sealed state, he will never touch it.

But in the world under Her Mauria, even if it is in the complete state of Vinda, just now he has followed the family legion, and without the attack of His Majesty Muria, this star star burst The creation controls its core.

Now, even if this thing is repaired, an accident occurs, allowing it to break through the seal, and there is the existence of family members, and there is no problem in detonating it again.

"Okay, don't talk about this nonsense, as long as I still exist, Vinda cannot break through my seal."

Muria waved his claws. For his seal, he was extremely confident. The seal whose strength level had not reached the epic at all was naturally captured. Although it was a spectacle whose body size had reached the star level, it also The quantity is objective. Compared to him, it is nothing at all.

"Are you sure you want to withstand the law and follow me? Don't you feel uncomfortable now?"

"Thank Your Majesty for your concern, although it is a bit uncomfortable, but it is still within the range that can be tolerated." Red Dragon Auston responded with beauty, this is from an epic care.

"Oston, you now have the legendary seventh-order power. This power is enough to attract the attention of the world will. You guys staying with me for a long time will increase the risk of my deity being exposed. I now There are no plans to walk in this world of deity. "

Muria told the red dragon very straightforwardly, he didn't care about his face, because this guy didn't have a little consciousness, didn't he know that he was a stowaway in a different world?

Maybe when will it be chopped alive by the thunder that descends from the sky, and it will chop, but it will be bad for him.

"Your Majesty!"

Hearing Muria's words, this ancient red dragon, which had lived for thousands of years, suddenly felt like a ton of bitter gourd, and his eyes were grieved.

"For your own good and for me, can you stay in my world?" Muria asked again.

"Your Majesty, I can give you a mount for contemporary steps." Auston twitched, still unwilling to enter Muria's world, because it was too boring, and he was fed up day after day. The days of sleep.

"No, your strength is too strong to be appropriate." Muria refused decisively. In Muria's eyes, this old red dragon is like a moving celestial dynamite pack, and it may blow up at any time.

"Your Majesty, aren't you good at seals? You can seal a part of my strength so that I will attract the attention of the will of the world, and it will probably reduce the punishment for the sky a lot."

Under the flash of red light, Red Lane Allston immediately proposed a compromise idea. In his opinion, the possibility of his master's acceptance would be much higher.

"What seal!" Muria raised her eyebrows and agreed without hesitation. Because I still have the idea of ​​using this old subordinate to experiment.

If he sealed the strength of Auston and reduced the suppression of the will of the world, then this method could be further expanded and even promoted on a large scale.

Of course, in this way, Muria also thinks about how to apply it to her dependents on a large scale. As for the epic, forget it. It is enough to reduce the will of the world, and the methods of foreign epics can be regarded as mysteries. How can it be achieved with seals at convenience.


Hundreds of meters long ship gradually docked in the whimper, and when it stopped at the ship, just as idle workers swarmed on the dock, praying that they could be selected to obtain a meager with cheap labor Remuneration.

The strong ones were easily selected by the stewards of the porters and then taken away. The rest spread out with a look of disappointment.

In the evening, when the sun will sink into the horizon, the workers who have been busy for a day begin to spread out in twos and threes on the quay, and even if they can drag their tired bodies to continue working with tenacious spirit, The environment also does not allow it.

"Mado's body is also very good. I feel that after this guy comes to work at the dock, I feel that I need to earn less than ten coppers a day."

"Less bragging, you only earn a few bronzes a day, and ten less a day. If that's the case, I'm afraid you'll find him desperately."

"Hey, if Nicoa dares to find Modo desperately, he can put him down with one punch and send him directly to the crematorium."

"You guys, don't make such a bad joke, after all, Modo's body is really strong. I guess he can do ten people alone."

"I can't see more than ten people. I think there are twenty."

"No matter how many he is, he can't succeed in the sky. In the end, Modo will be physically stronger, not just like us, but the life of a dalit."

Dragging his tired body, among the dock workers who returned to each house, a muscular man with a body of two meters stood tall and stood tall.

The bele workers on the dock are all poor people at the bottom, and their bodies tend to be thin and short. Such burly bodies are very rare. After all, no matter how good the genes are, they must have enough nutrition to grow as large as they are.

Such alien species can naturally attract the attention of others, and then cause resentment and jealousy. Because of his physique, Modo, who has been under the attention of many people for a long time, has long been used to it, and he doesn't care about the maliciousness contained in his eyes.

As the dock workers entered the city and fell low and the sewage was flowing, but the large-scale slum area, there were fewer and fewer workers around Modo. In the end, he was left alone walking on the streets that had been covered by darkness.

But the surrounding darkness is not complete darkness. The light projected from the rich area, just a few blocks away, brings a little light to the dirty and poor places in the city.

This kind of light caused some distorted, spooky, and horrible shadows on the ground. With the mice, bugs, and the like that shuttled on the ground, it made the slum dazzle like a human being.

However, such a horrible scene did not change the face of the muscular muscular Man. He just quietly listened to the breathing from the surrounding broken house, and then took the step with almost no sound, as if Spooky through the streets of sewage.

In the end, Modo returned to his temporary residence, a clean and tidy dilapidated stone house, and a mansion-level house in the slums ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, and returned to the residence and lit quietly A kerosene lamp, a luxury for civilians, filled the light with this small stone house.

At first, when the light was on, it also caused the greedy jackal, but when such a light was unwaveringly on time every day in the slums, no one kept his eyes open, no one's fool, even It's in the gutter, and the same is true of the mice that make a living from trash.

Under the light of the falling lamp, Modo sat quietly sitting on a stone bed with only a straw mat, like a simple statue, but when a pure white sacred light shone in front of him, the simple statue Reincarnation made people.

"Mado, report the situation in your city." The old voice echoed in the stone house, with a slight anxiety.

"Oblique the elders, for the time being, no signs of pollution from the evil gods have been found, but in my opinion, it won't be long before the evil gods erode here, the best breeding ground for the evil gods in this city to restore their strength."

"Resentment caused by poverty is a problem that our civilization has existed since its inception but cannot be resolved. We can only do so as long as possible." I heard the voice of the old man sighing.