Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1293: What happened to my daughter?

Finally it's safe! "

After being smashed for the second time, Muria, holding the Seal of the Divine Seal, no longer felt any resistance, and nodded with satisfaction. What was needed was this effect.

Dividing the Seal of God, you can tell from the name that this one is simple and rude, and the type of existence for which the soldiers pursuing the purest lethality is forged.

After the casting of the **** soldiers is completed, it is natural to try the effect, but Muria can't really go to Erasia to find a true **** to try his lethality, so find an abyss lord to test , Is a cost-effective choice.

After all, if the Lord of the Abyss stays in his territory, the combat power can climb to the level of the gods, which can be called a weakened version of the demon.

And like the gods, the Lord of the Abyss also has the ability to resurrect after the death. Demon capture, the conditions for its resurrection are far more difficult than the deities.

But it doesn't matter to Muria, he just came to the abyss to find a sufficient test target.

"let me see!"

Muria removed the Seal of Divine Seal and looked at the new square square basin below. A lizard man with fuzzy flesh and broken bones was lying on the bottom of the pit. The exposed side of the sky had been hardened. He was smashed flat.

"Still alive!"

Feeling the breath of life below the candlelight in the wind, Muria frowned, and then slowly released, although it did not meet his expectations, it was not bad.

After all, a normal abyss lord is on his own land, but he can harden a true god. He can smash this abyss lord into this pair of appearances in two steps, which means that there are no more problems when he smashes a real **** a few times.

Of course, for specific situations and specific analysis, the true gods with weak and weak divine power levels can be easily destroyed, but those with moderate or higher divine powers may not be too easy.

"It needs to be strengthened, this quality is not enough." Muria was dissatisfied when she saw the gully that was cracked in all directions towards the abyss ground, centered on the spot of the split **** in his hand.

"Forget it, just after casting, it's good to have such power. Those who are content are often happy."

After suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart, Muria began to comfort himself, and then he found a fixed star bead and included the lizard lord that was almost a corpse below.

Dingxingzhu is not just a set of auxiliary equipment focused on imprisonment. Because the exclusive weapons owned by the Titans have growth potential, Muria has great expectations for Dingxingzhu, or ambition.

He asked the Spirit of the Nether to help cast the star beads, inspired by the set of Dinghai beads that can evolve into two or four days in myths and legends.

Therefore, Muria's fixed star beads also have certain spatial attributes, and each bead has a small space within a few kilometers. At this time, these spaces are temporarily useless, and their only use is to collect the wreckage of Muria's enemies.

"It's time to go to Elassia!"

Put away all the star beads, pick up the Seal of the Divided God, and Muria hanging behind Luo Tianjing tore the space, leaving the abyss that was alarmed because of his shot.

And when his figure had just disappeared, one after another the forceful spirits came from all directions, and this layer that was swept almost by Muria Hohod was almost extinct.

However, to explore the existence of the abyss, they don't care about the demons that are almost killed. It is well known that the demons of the abyss have extremely terrifying multiplication ability. Before long, this empty abyss will be liked again The demons who killed each other filled up.

What these beings care about is that the only square mark left on the abyss ground and the atmosphere that belongs to the Titans in the atmosphere.


Rumble ------

The moment Muria entered Erasia, as expected, the rules were sympathetic, the light of the mysterious rules shone around him, and the godhead belonging to him appeared in front of him.

Looking at the godhead that the world has condensed for him, Muria pushed it away with a smile. The water in Elassia is too deep. If you choose to seal the **** here, you basically don't have to look forward. , Just eat quietly to die.

Dominion of the Erasian world ... Don't even think about it, Muria erased the imagination that was basically impossible in her heart.

In the big world of the cluster, as an epic Titan who has not even broken through the imaginary world, he can also hope that he does have the opportunity to become the master of that special big world, but Elacia, haha, forget it!


Muria, who has just rejected the godhead, brows slightly. Because of his strength, he is now triggered by the return to the world of Eracia. There is no movement caused by his own Dragon King grandmother Yalista, but he still shocked those. The gods who are idle most of the time.

However, Muria didn't want to be noticed by these gods. His current status is not a return to his hometown. Therefore, the Luo Tianjing suspended behind Muria slowly turned, some rules were activated, and Muria's existence information was completely distorted. cover.

Therefore, when the gods living on the throne looked at the place where Muria caused the rule change, they saw nothing and nothing.

"What's going on? Shouldn't such fluctuations be the rule changes caused by the success of the promotion of the epic in our world and the return?"

"These rules fluctuate, that's right."

"So, where's the new epic? Where did it go? It disappeared too quickly! It was as if it were deliberately hiding from us. As for? It is already an epic, and it also covers our whereabouts, and we won't . "

"Well, it may be that this emerging epic feels that he is not strong enough! The rule changes he triggered are not comparable to those of the Titans, but the times have changed and they are not the same as before."

"Not strong enough!"

In the Pantheon, after hearing what the mighty Lord God said, after hearing this sentence, the level of divine power in the weak and weak divine true God's mind could not help but question marks?

And the epic of successful promotion in the void, still feel that you are not strong enough? So what are they? You know, the weakest epics can be right against them, or the ones that are especially relaxed.


"Do these gods have nothing to do all day? A little bit of movement, I have watched them one by one, really anxious."

With the help of Luo Tianjing, Muria concealed his shape and detected those gods who wanted to spy on him. Then he cut off his perception of these gods, and most of them may not be good at fighting directly. But in terms of perception, all of them are not bad.

"Well, that's not right!"

Thinking of her own strength, Muria naturally has no sense of indifference to travel at night. According to the standards of the Titans, having a realm of imaginary realm and above can be regarded as the hometown of honor. Www.lightnovelpub.net Look at it! Don't know what happened to my daughter now? "

After eliminating other misunderstandings, Muria had other thoughts in his mind. Naturally, his eldest son, Aerlos, needless to say, he has enough strength and has gone to the void. Now he is working in a cluster to be a big world.

However, his other three daughters did not know how. According to time calculation, their strength should be promoted to the peak of the legend, almost also the strength to go to the void.

However, today's Muria does not care about this. He is concerned about another thing. According to the hidden rules of these top long-lived species, every ethnic group who wants to go to the void must be sterilized because of its powerful strength. Before, the bloodline descendants were left.

So his daughter should now be married and give him grandchildren or something. But Muria never heard anything about it.

"Do I already have a great-grandson?" Extremely complex doubts came to mind, making Muria a little ... difficult to accept.

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