Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 133: 1 point difference (above)

? Dragon's greed is rooted in blood, it is their nature. Even Muria cannot distort this nature. Because he also has the characteristics of this dragon.

But perhaps because of the existence of Titan blood, his greed is only aimed at rare treasures like legendary metal and sap of life, and he doesn't care about "common" resources like elemental crystal.

"Be honest, eat up the elemental crystals, don't think about taking them out here." Muria stared sternly at the severely wounded dragons. "You kill the elemental crystals of the demon reward, wait a moment. After settlement, I will let Casio give you. "

For dragons, what best motivates them? It was money! Money, in other words, is all valuable items and rare resources.

Nothing can make the dragon full of momentum. Whether it is a newborn dragon or a Taikoo dragon who has spent a long time, it is suitable for all ages, and it will fight for money.

Therefore, Muria brought the dragon group into the abyss training ground. In order to prevent dragons from paddling, he set up a series of reward measures. As long as he kills the demon, he will reward the element crystal. According to the strength of the devil, the rank and the number of reward elements Crystal to maximize the enthusiasm of the dragon.

Moreover, Muria did not fool these five-colored dragons with the abandoned crystals that were depleted of elements, but instead rewarded these dragons with real, abundant elements and no used elemental crystals.

Twelve years have passed, and the six red dragon eggs given to him by the golden dragon girl Atris have hatched the red dragon, which is about to enter the youth dragon period, and the dragon eggs donated by his father Ansor, hatched from the giant Dragons have all entered the youth dragon period.

The dragons of this age should have some private dragon property, all of them penniless, like what.

Encouraging one's strengths and powers is the royal means. It has been repressed by force, and violence will sooner or later cause problems.

… Give White Tiger Troy the task of staring at the eight-headed wounded dragon and eating the element crystal honestly. This beast with legendary blood, after more than ten years, has also become more powerful, just like Muria, in a state of gold that can break through the soul at any time.

Not to mention that these dragons were injured. Even if they were not injured, the eight-headed dragons would go up with Troy at most. So Troy stared, Muria wasn't worried about what moths the dragons could make.

"Casio, after you've calculated the rewards for the dragons, you can pay them out directly. I'll take a bath." Muria shouted toward the void.

"Understand!" Troy's translucent figure didn't appear, but her voice came from all directions. Strictly speaking, this courtyard is the body of Casio. What Muria usually sees is just a cluster of elements.

Before entering the stone hall of the pool of life, Muria tilted her head and looked at a hall surrounded by ivy and flowers, this hall seemed more vibrant, but the elves who once lived there had left, leaving This lonely, empty and vibrant hall.

A few years ago, after Muria learned the inherited arrow skills of the elven royal family, Hessel did not hesitate to resign to Muria, and it was useless to keep Muria several times. The Moon Elves left unwillingly.

And shortly after, the first Swordmaster Ron also left. Muria has passed all the sword-related parts of his Titan heritage to the swordsman. And the sword master also taught all the swordplay inheritance and kendo experience to Muria.

When Muria spoke, the swordmaster refused directly. He has nothing to teach Muria. What's more, his stay did not help Muria's growth, but became a hindrance.

Day after day, year after year of guidance, Muria developed a dependence on Swordmaster Ron. After seeing this, Swordmaster Ron left after learning Titan's inherited sword skills.

The departure of Sword Master made Muria rather regrettable, but there was nothing he could do about it. Of course, Muria is really curious about the whereabouts of the sword master, because Muria occasionally heard the mention of the sword master, and he seems to have planned to leave Elasia and travel to other worlds. In the Titans, this happens exactly.

Of course, Muria didn't know exactly where Swordmaster went. Even if he asked Casio, he could not get the answer. His revision is too low, and many news is not authorized to know.

"Casio, arrange it." Muria sank into the pool of life and ordered to the air, "I'll take a bath in my mother's castle when I'll bathe."



Under the blue sky, between the white clouds, and the golden scales of flying dragons shuttle between the dragons, and playful, and under this group of dragons, is a crystal castle blooming in the sun with dazzling five colors and ten colors.

Around the castle, there are dragon beasts exuding a powerful breath. Their scales are like flying dragons in the sky. They are refracted by the golden shimmer in the sunlight.

They are all dependents of Golden Dragon Mother Atris.

At this time, above the castle, a small teleportation formation was formed, a dark-haired golden pupil, wearing a dark blue robe, and a child about ten years old stepped out and stood up in the air.

"Howling! Howling! Howling ..." As soon as the child appeared, some dragons who were playing around noticed it, and then the dragon's panic roar sounded, attracting more dragons' attention.

In the end, these golden dragons that were somewhat laid back were like natural enemies ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ All the dragons scattered and flew, and fled in a hurry. Every dragon wants to stay as far away from Muria as possible, as far as possible, Pull away.

On the ground, some dragon beasts that had been dozing and sunning in the sun were awakened by the movement of the flying dragons in the sky. Then they saw the children standing in the air, and then these big and big guys got up in a panic, one after another. Spread into the dense jungle, hide your body, and converge.

"As for what?" Seeing the dragon and beasts in the sky treating him like a flood beast and fleeing frantically, Muria pouted, "Did you just train you a little bit last time."

Every year, Muria comes to the Crystal Castle of the Golden Dragon Lady Atris several times, and every time you see the lazy dragon beasts guarding the castle, once or twice is fine. After more times, Muria can't help it Living.

After living in the Titan Islands for more than ten years, he could no longer bear such laziness, so he began to "train" dragon beasts in his own way.

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