Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1354: Grandson

"Aiolos! They are all grown up, and they have been able to be independent for a long time."

The majestic dignity filled the hall, and Muriya sat on the seat of the throne, while confining his growing power due to his faith, he fell into contemplation.

Although it seems that some of his subordinates are close to him, his eldest son, Aurolos, is too miserable compared to the three daughters who are held in his hands.

But this is the result of the comparison. Muria gave his eldest son no less resources than any Titan, and even more.

But in contrast, it seems that Muria is extremely harsh on his eldest son, almost ruthless. And this is just the embodiment of Muria's concept of education.

Boys should be poorly fed, and girls should be richly fed. This is just a statement. In fact, his eldest son, Aeolos, did not get fewer resources than his three younger sisters, but in a special way.

Affected by a certain concept, Muriya takes it for granted that boys should receive more experience than girls, so that they can withstand the storms and waves.

When his eldest son became an adult, Muriya simply chose Titan's attitude towards his descendants. As long as there was no danger to his life, he would freely toss outside. No matter how much success he achieved or how much setback he suffered, he would not interfere.

But compared to the growth experience closer to the Titan, the eldest son who was outside, the three daughters of Muria completely broke away from the normal growth path of the Titan. They were raised by Muria in the deep boudoir and enjoyed All the best in the world. It is their existence that highlights the misery of Aylos.

"These should be obtained by him."

Muria looked at the materials prepared for his eldest son and sighed lowly. Unfortunately, he has already promised his wife, so give him this material extracted from the snake.

After all, there is no way to directly improve the strength of his eldest son, at most it is to double the quality of the equipment on Aiolos, well, it has little effect.


In the modern city with many buildings, one road after another runs across it. Different, even weird means of transportation pass through it, and there is no stopping for a moment.

One of the buildings at the top has risen into the clouds, and a young man stands on the middle floor of the building, looking through the bright glass, looking down at the changing city below, with a calm look,

"His Royal Highness!"

An angel with three pairs of pure white wings behind him kneels on the ground with a respectful face, and the seemingly soft wings fall on the soft carpet. Such a humble gesture, if seen by outsiders, will exclaim " impossible".

Today ’s era is different from the past. A few years ago, there were only dragons in the world, a kind of intelligent creature that possessed extraordinary power beyond human cognition.

In order to fight against this kind of creature, humans have to resort to the power of humans, because transcendence is unreasonable in many cases. However, with the development and progress of the times, human beings have gradually relied on their own wisdom to suppress dragons, and even in today's era, most humans can live safely in their own world without knowing the existence of dragons.

According to normal development, dragons should have gradually disappeared into the rivers of time, or they have been completely brought into the control of human beings, analyzing their extraordinary secrets.

It should have been like this, but accidents always appeared inadvertently. On a day that was extremely calm, a red dragon with strength comparable to the legend, Wei Li, comparable to the god, appeared.

He only existed, which made the order of the human world crumbling, but fortunately, this dragon, which could destroy the whole world, had great goodwill to the humans who slaughtered the dragons, so the new order was in absolute force. Next, re-establishment, during which almost no disturbances occurred.

As a result, most humans have returned to their original daily life, enjoying this seemingly simple peace, and then slowly accepting all kinds of magical things from other worlds.

At the same time, it also slowly accepted a variety of extraordinary creatures from different worlds, accepted their rule, and accepted the noble existence of natural blood to replace their rulers.

The angel is one of them. Compared with the majestic appearance, it can give people a great sense of shock. It is a form of angel and represents a divine light. It is more affinity.

Although the angels are so fierce, they are more ruthless than anyone else, but the ruled humans do n’t care about them. They all know that male angels are handsome, tall, powerful and handsome, while female angels are dignified, elegant and holy, and can be seen at close range every day They can't be better.

After all, although dragons and angels are considered perfect creatures in a certain sense, they have comparable beauty, but humans are more willing to appreciate the beauty of angels than the majestic beauty of dragons.

Therefore, in a world where every angel has a huge fan support group, if one sees a six-winged angel kneeling down to a human being, he will surely be criticized, and everything forged is fake.

"Your mother, Michaela, please go to Sinapus."

"Sinapus? Isn't it in Elasia? I can't go back for now."

"His Royal Highness, Muriya has moved Sinapus here, so, if you want, you will be able to see the palace where you once ruled the empire."

"It seems that a lot of things that I didn't know happened during the time when my consciousness was obscured. Tell me about it!"

Aeolos, who succeeded his father and became the second emperor who had just established an empire, spoke with undoubted majesty, and the majesty he showed at this moment made the angels involuntarily press his head It's even lower.

"This ... Your Highness, I have been in the cloud city under Michaela for a long time. I have only recently come out to assist the rule of these common people, so I have limited information. If you want to Knowing all things, you can go to Sinapus and ask Miguelera. "

"Say what you know."

"Observe ..." The lowered head can only see the angel on the soft carpet below, and feels the pressure that permeates the space, like a substantial pressure, and tells all the information he knows. In fact, it is some well-known information, without any confidentiality Meaning.

"My father and mother were sealed? How could it be?" Aurous frowned when he heard the angel's report. The lack of information made him somewhat unable to understand what he knew today.

"His Royal Highness, in fact, we are also very puzzled, but the two men made such a decision, naturally they have their considerations, we only need to obey the order."

"Well, I used to ask."

Although Auros was puzzled, he was not in a hurry. As the angel said, his parents must have done something like this for some reason.

"Oh, my sisters?"

"The three Highnesses also followed, and now they are helping Muria to fight the world."

"Is that so!"

Hearing his sister also coming, Ai Luosi also smiled on his face. Although his growth and treatment are very different from those of his sisters, Aeolos can understand the father's "good intentions".

The reason why he will suffer more is because his father expects more from him, and expects him to be able to bear the empire that was defeated by force. Because of this, he was not able to enjoy the treatment of the empire's great prince.

This is the truth, and indeed it is said so. But this does not mean that Aylos has no other ideas in his heart, and some small resentment is inevitable.

Among the emperors, although he was considered to have a gentle temper and a broad mind, he still had no way to relieve this kind of thing, and he still remembers it firmly to this day.

Of course, I remember him, he would not really do anything to vent his suffocating experience during that period. And he would not have any special thoughts about his three sisters because of this kind of thing.

In fact, when he knew of the existence of his three sisters, the joy in his heart was far greater than the suffocation in his heart. After all, a person is really too lonely.

And now when he knew that his three sisters had also come to this world, he couldn't help being happy, but a little dissatisfied that his sister actually participated in the war,

"Father, what exactly do you want to do? I didn't train them in this area, but now let them do these things and fight this kind of thing. It's just clear that my elder brother will do it."



Thousands of golden thunder snakes roared in the pure white space, and the terrifying power shocked the whole space, and they were about to explode this pure white space, which made the existence of this temporary half-plane extremely uncomfortable.

"Muriya, you are enough. The fellow of Dimos said that you can ignore me now. I don't believe it. It seems that this is true. No wonder you have such guts to dare to abduct my granddaughter."

Behind them, a pair of broad and beautiful men with bright wings turned red, staring at the pure white space, controlling the existence of thousands of Thunder Dragon Snakes, feeling aggrieved.

"This kid, if it were not for the purpose of sealing the gods, would never be my opponent. At least it would take another ten thousand years!"

"Oh, it turned out to be my grandfather! Sorry, the action you just took was so sudden, I didn't react at all. This is an instinctive reaction, haha, sorry!"

Recognizing the identity of the winged man wearing a Chinese suit in front of him, Muriya said with a smile, and then quickly converged the power of automatic protection on her body to avoid certain embarrassing scenes.

Haha, no response? This is intentional!

Arudiba stared at Muria's smiling face and felt discomfort at all. After all, for the existence of the epic, the first level of the gods, the reaction is not very nonsense.

"Now you are stronger than me, so you dare to ignore my existence and trick my granddaughter. Hum!"

"Grandfather, what are you saying? When I married Michellela, it was not all with your consent. Why do you still mention this kind of thing? I already have four children with Micah. Out. "

"It's not this thing, I mean the **** Micah." Arudiba was speechless. Under the premise of preconception, the fiery **** looked at Muria even more.

"Well, that's what it is." Muriya showed her face, "I tried to stop it at first, but it really couldn't stop it! Grandfather, you know this kind of thing, and it can be done in a moment." "

"Did you say something to my granddaughter?"

"No, grandfather, don't think about it. I weigh a few pounds myself, I still have a few. I chose to plot the world's master, and I knew this was a big pit, and I may not be able to climb out myself. Maybe it will pull Mijia down? "

"Since you have this self-knowledge, why did you still make the decision to consecrate the gods?" Arudiba did not worry about it. In his view, even if his granddaughter volunteered to conquer the gods, Muriya should also bear the main responsibility. , After all, he took the lead.

"I want to try it." Muriya smiled. "After all, there is a possibility of success."

"One in 10,000 is possible. Forget it. It's too late. It's too late to say anything." Arudia sighed and canceled the temporary space built between waves.

"What about Micah? Where is she? I will talk to her."

"She goes ..." Muriya said a series of coordinates. "She was led by the legion to conquer there."

"Huh, you know how easy it is, let my granddaughter take the army outside to kill and die, you sit here and enjoy the success." Arudiba snorted.

"Cough, this is Micah's initiative, I can't stop it, after all, you also know her character." Muriya coughed and explained.

"Okay ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ I don't listen to your rhetoric, I'm going to find my granddaughter." Re-pressing the power to the peak of the legend will not attract the attention of the world's will, Arudiba is ready to find him 'S granddaughter, but it was at this time that he felt a breath of blood close to him at the root.

"Huh?" The disguised Fiery God looked down from his sensed position, and suddenly saw a young man who was guarded by many angels and flew towards the shrine where Muria was.


Seeing the appearance of his great-grandchildren, the fiery **** who had the tradition of spoiling his juniors stopped.

"When did you find him?"

"I found it when I first came. It was only recently that his will was awakened, so it has been delayed until now."

"..." Hell, how could he not have such luck? Arudiba thought angrily that if he had this luck, he would not be teased by the golden dragon.

"How come they all come together? It's trouble." Muria looked at the scene in front of her and rubbed her eyebrows, which was completely beyond his expectations.