Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 1421: Queen Mother Fall

The actions of the rulers undoubtedly deviate from what Muria wants to do, but Muria can't say anything about it, just because he wants a place where he can better polish his ethnicity, so the ruler can not ask Help him in return.

Based on this, Muria gradually gave up the assistance of the masters, and will no longer regard the master as a force that can be relied on, and everything is on his own.

But even so, Muriya’s Divine Court against the epics of the Mother of Everything system has not fallen, and even steadily and steadily advanced steadily. Overall, it still has a certain upper hand.

However, this kind of advantage is not commendable. This is the advantage of the fall of gods one after another, the destruction of legions built by legends at the core, and the world’s heritage is constantly being consumed at the cost of the advantage. .

Therefore, Muriya did not feel the slightest complacent for this, because it should have been so, gathered all the gods, gathered all the power of the world, and obtained the support of the will of the big world. Such a record is what it deserves. Righteousness.

A victory that should have been achieved for a unified spiritual system. I don’t know how long it has been before the endless years. When the Mother of All Things just invaded, if there was an organization similar to Shenting in the world at that time, the Mother of All Things could not successfully invade at all. go.

However, it is precisely because of the division of the spirits that the gods did not gather in one place to cause such a result, so they will be stared at by the existence from the void.


In the splendid and splendid shrine, the **** king of Wei'an stands high, and hundreds of gods' incarnations are arranged in neat four columns, standing quietly in his seat, and then continuously reporting various news or applying for support.

Therefore, in the eyes of the **** king, he saw that the gods he commanded worked hard to contribute his every ability to this war.

But none of this has anything to do with him. As the king of God, he does not interfere with the movement or material distribution of the legion directly under the court.

He did not want to manage these trivial matters, or it was not necessary to control. His divine power came from his power, from the recognition of the will of the great world today.

Therefore, what is essential to the eyes of the worldly king, military power, is optional in His eyes.

"How long will this war last?" A soft whisper sounded beside the majestic God King, and only the God King heard this question.

"When we win, it will naturally end."

"Victory? What kind does it mean? The escape of the Mother of Everything is a victory, and you kill it, which is also a victory. Which one do you want to win?"

"Nature is to kill her."

A voice full of killing in response to the inquiries of the gods around him, the information exchanged among the gods in the temple was stagnant, and after a few stagnations, this exchange began again.

"It's difficult to do this. You have to be clear that our current identity is God, and we are fighting a group of epics that can leave at any time to go to the void."

"I know that if they want to go, I have a high probability that they can't stop it, but who said that only us are in maternity leave in this war, the master is still watching."

"Aren't they not interfering?" The crimson **** fire burned quietly, and the goddess born in the Blazing Gods was a little puzzled. She knew, however, that her partner had completely excluded her siblings from the battle sequence, which did not take into account the factors and influence of their participation in the war.

"Normally this kind of battle, of course, these lords do not care, but when the mother of all things is going to flee, will they let this big fat slip away?"

"Oh!" Michaela was clear.


"What's wrong?" the goddess asked when she felt something seemed to be happening. Although her deity was fighting, it didn't affect her communication with her partner.

"I found some very special creatures."

The **** king is full of majesty, and there is almost no majestic eyes that can face it. Everything in the world is fleeting and then locked in a prosperous city.

The God King is above everything and the gods. He overlooks everything from the top. For the operation of most things, he is all watching and never intervening.

This is not indifference, but because he sees all things as equal, so he looks on. But when something that threatened everything in his eyes appeared, it was when he shot,

"found it."

Time goes by, the space shakes, the invisible rule force sweeps through the sky, lurks in the city, and tries its best to explore the news monster. It is caught in the hand by the **** king who patrols many realms, and then carefully examines it.

"what is this?"

Michaela looked at the translucent liquid creature in the hands of her partner, a little surprised.

Not surprised by the creature, but by the attitude of his partner. Because there are similar creatures in the world, don't have too many in the world. He really can't see the thing in the hands of her partner. What is special about the slime-like thing.

"It's just a worm." Muria looked at what was in her hand and replied blandly.

Under his gaze, the slug that was able to simulate most biological forms in his hand had entered a dying state. The reason why he did not die was only because he grabbed his **** king, and the information was not certain.

"Those sent by Lord Shenmu?" Although it was only a simple answer, Miguelella still speculated a lot of information, and it must be something that could be watched by her husband.

"No, it's not over there. It's from the void, from an old friend."

There was a smile on Muria’s face, but although he was smiling, his eyes were filled with endless killing intentions, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and a touch of rejoicing, because he had determined the old friend’s position.

"However, I dare to stop at such a close position to spy on my world, really looking for death!"

In the unknown space gap, the **** king comparable to the giant in the sky raised his head, staring at a void outside the world, then, a bow appeared in his hand, and then, pulled away from the hand Bowstring,


The mighty, endless golden torrent surged out of the world, instantly hitting a star hurriedly jumping out of the void, trying to escape,


Without the second result, the mother nest planet peeping into the world exploded, and the queen living in it was bathed in a torrent of torrents of energy, and sent out a scream of sorrow, a pain she never experienced.

She never thought she would be hit like this, and she didn't even understand how it happened.

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