Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 217: Offer a reward

"What are you laughing at?" Muria looked at some smiling dragons, and frowned. "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

When Muria frowned, a faded, almost invisible dragon shadow emerged from behind him, and a strong coercion rushed to the audience, so that all the dragons present felt a depression. The laughter in the banquet hall gradually disappeared.

"Aren't you joking?"

"of course not."

"But, with the character of the red dragon, how could it be mixed with the green dragon and the black dragon?"

"How is that impossible?" Muria asked in return. "My followers have red and green dragons, and they can stay together."

"That's because of your presence, His Highness Muria." Silver Dragon Claire said. "Once you leave, with the red dragon's arrogant character, you will never stay with the green dragon, let alone the black dragon."

Among the five-colored dragons, according to the ranking of strength, there is a very distinct despise chain. The red dragon despises all color dragons except itself. The blue dragon despises the other three dragons except itself and the red dragon. White dragons, black dragons despise white dragons ... and white dragons, they can only bear the contempt of other dragon species silently, because there are almost no weaker dragons than them.

Therefore, the dragon attending the banquet will laugh because of it. With the pride of the red dragon, it is impossible to mingle with the green dragon and the black dragon.

"The six dragons I mentioned were raised by me from a young age. They are different from the regular five-colored dragons in your cognition." Muria explained.

"Grow up from a young age? Have you raised six five-colored dragons since childhood?" A young man transformed into a golden dragon was surprised.

"No, I keep a batch of each five-colored dragon." Muria said indifferently. "It's six dragons, it's just part of my raising."

"..." Attend the banquet and become a human figure, or become popular, or graceful, or the giant dragons look at each other.

All kinds of five-colored dragons have raised a batch. The news is a bit explosive!

"No wonder." Jinlong Yujie, who never held her arm, murmured, holding on to Muria's arm. "I said Muria, why do you have to conquer a group of five-colored dragons, it turns out ..."

"Well, the five-color dragons I raised are gone." Muria glanced at Cassanna, who had her blond hair curled up. "They are now in exile in Erassia.

In Ionia, there are six dragons left here, and I came here to retrieve them. "

"It is indeed the son of the golden sun, and has raised a group of five-colored dragons since childhood."

"Is n’t raising a five-color dragon the same as crystal dragon adopting a white dragon?”

"Not the same." A young man transformed into a crystal dragon looked at Muria with admiration, "We crystal dragons are only raising white dragons, and this Muria, my Highness, sees what he means, Even the Red Dragon has raised a lot. "

"Presumably the five-colored dragons raised by His Highness Muria have changed their habits."


...... After a while of discussion, a dragon finally asked Muria.

"His Highness Muria, I don't know, what are the characteristics of the six dragons you left on our Ionian subcontinent?"

"The first feature, I have already said, the six dragons are very likely to act together."

"His Highness Muria, are you sure that they will act together?"

"Indeed, they can also be separated." Muria thought about it. In the Titans, the group of guys, borrowing ten of them, did not dare to walk around, but in Ionia it was impossible to say. Already.

"Excuse me, what are some of the more distinctive features of Muria? After all, Ionian five-colored dragons are indeed many in number. Without clear characteristics, it is easy to admit mistakes."

"The five-color dragons I raised, just after they came out of the shell and had the initial learning ability, I began to teach them spells, just let them learn spells, and they never stopped. So, those six dragons are all master dragons."

In the banquet hall, there was a silence, and even some indifferent gemstone dragons looked up and stared at Muria stunned. Six colored dragons who have been learning spells since childhood? !!

"Excuse me, at what age are your six dragons?"

"Juvenile Dragon."

"Which level of their spell-casting ability has it reached?" A golden dragon wearing a scholar's robe and elegant temperament pushed the crystal glasses on the bridge of his nose and asked indifferently.

"It will not be weaker than their melee combat ability." Regarding the fact that he had been countered with the scales falling from them, Muria stunned and said nothing, it was too shameless.

"This is really ..."

"This is a very distinctive feature. The five-colored evil dragon in the youth dragon period is excellent in casting ability. If you have seen it once, you will never forget it!" Sister Jinlong Yu laughed, looking at the dragons in the hall "Have you ever seen these six dragons that Muria said?"

"never seen it!"

"Not encountered before."

... When Muria was extremely disappointed, none of the dragons in the hall had seen the six five-colored dragons that seemed to have abandoned him. However, as a result, Muria also made psychological preparations in advance.

Even if Ionia is only a subcontinent, it is too vast. The area of ​​activity of more than a hundred dragons does not add up to a small Principality, let alone, no matter what kind of dragon, it is basically a house dragon.

In the case of nothing, the dragons lie on the dragon's lair to sleep. In this way, the probability of encountering Muria's six rebellious dragons is even smaller.

"I haven't seen it before." Muria thought for a moment, and said again: "Then, now I will post a reward! Anyone who can provide me with the six traces of the five-colored dragon ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Whether it is Who, I will prepare a one hundred element crystal as a thank you. "

"A message, a crystal of one hundred square elements!" Many young dragons heard the words of Muria, and their faces suddenly showed a moving color. For dragons of their age, one hundred square crystals are one. A huge sum.

"Brother Muria, your reward is set a little high. Even if there are only 50 square element crystals, there will be many little guys to help you find it."

"It's okay." Muria waved his hand and didn't care. "It's just a hundred elements crystal. If you can get the six rebellious dragon news, it's worth it."

Before he left the Titan Islands, he took away a batch of elemental crystals collected for him almost every day and night for more than thirty years from the 30,000 giants on Taiji Island.

After all, this stuff is not just the ration of his higher creatures, but also the universal currency among the strong. Therefore, Muria now has no elemental crystal at all.

Muria did not lower down at all, so that many dragons heard it, so he was tagged by the dragons and was rich! generous!