Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 234: Cruel world

"Princess Felicia, the emperor of the Orlando Empire on the main continent, the most beloved little daughter." Muria muttered softly, "I have the right to inherit the imperial throne. I like to wear men's clothing, and I have a strong sense of justice.

He likes to use his father's wealth to sign an alliance with the outstanding dragons of the Dragon family, forming a long-term employment relationship. Because of the large number of signed dragons, he has been awarded the title of Princess Dragon. "

"Oh, this little girl's brain hole is really big enough." Muria smiled helplessly, recalling the news about the dragon princess learned from her, "how can the imperial princess of the main continent appear in the Ionian? "


"His Royal Highness! The city's undead have been roughly cleaned up, and all the surviving humans have been gathered together." The slender, very old green dragon Fiona reported to Muriahui standing on the gate.

"How many people are still alive in this city?" Muria stood on the wall, staring at the white field outside the city-after the red dragon outlet burned the endless wave of necromancy outside the city, the remains Ashes.

"Nine thousand seven hundred and sixty-two." Green dragon Fiona gave a very accurate number, preparing to prepare the very old green dragon who has begun to learn spells. Calculating the population or something is simply too simple. Sweep it.

"How many people originally lived in your city?" Muria looked at the sisters and brothers who were holding the Dark Knight.

In order for her father to recover and the fire of the soul does not dissipate, the lady of the aristocrat, Olina, exerted a brute force of cattle on herself, and then dragged the dark knight in the armor with more than 300 kilograms to the wall.

Because outside the city wall, there are countless low-level undeads. For endless years, I do n’t know how many souls are buried under the bones. Under the top spells of the undead system and the call of the undead, these are supposed to be in the land. The slowly decaying bones in China all came alive.

However, these awakened undead were almost slaughtered by the Red Dragon Outlets at this time, and the fire of the souls of countless lost carriers fluttered in the air, slowly spilling in the air.

Olina dragged her father to the wall for the fire of these low-level souls that were dying ...

Upon hearing Muria's question, Olena has not yet answered, and the Dark Knight who is consuming the fire of a low-level undead like a whale sucking water, and has no worries about her death, answers Muria's question: "Cecil City With more than 234,000 permanent residents, if you add the floating population, there should be 300,000 people. "

"Thousands of people." Muria pursed her lips at the number given by the cecilian lord who had become an undead. "Now less than 10,000 people have survived."

"Miscellaneous!" The Dark Knight, whose soul fire has been stabilized, heard Muria's words. An unprecedented anger appeared, and he could not restrain a punch from hitting the wall of the city wall. Numerous cracks spread under his fist, and reached the ground. "Why do my leaders suffer this distress?"

"It's not just your territory that has been attacked by the Lich." Muria gave a glance, and the dark knight who nearly smashed a wall with one punch, "All the cities in your Bavarian kingdom are the same as you. Not to mention In case of accident, from now on, you are noble nations. "

"We are nobles now!" Olina and the little boy, Balk, paused. "What the **** happened?"

"The Kingdom of Bavaria was selected by the Necrotic Council. Two days ago, the kingdom of your kingdom was breached." Muria briefly described what happened and made them understand exactly what happened to them.

"Why would we choose our Kingdom of Bavaria?" Olena looked at the ruined Cecil city with resentment and anger. "Erasia's human kingdom is close to a hundred and the principality is a thousand. Why did you choose mine? country?"

"Although there is only a less than one percent chance, as long as there is a Necrotic Council, there will be a country annihilation every one hundred years. This is certain." Muria said flatly. "This time your country is selected No surprise. "

"Why is the Necronic Council so cruel? There are hundreds of millions of people in my country, so many people, they all have to be killed? What are they for? Is it to satisfy their desire to kill?" In the eyes of the girl Olina With tears in his eyes, he looked at Muria and asked for his answer.

Hearing the young girl's question, the Dark Knight on the side also turned his eyes to Muria. He also wanted to know what the purpose of the Necropolis was to destroy the country for 100 years.

After all, he was in front of his earl at home, and as a result disaster came down from the sky, and he didn't give him time to react and prepare. He ruined everything he had, and even turned himself into such a ghost.

"Collect cannon fodder!" Muria exhaled, closed her eyes, and slowly spit out four words.

"What?" Olina looked blank.

"In a hundred years, the cannon fodder of the Necropolis Council is almost exhausted. The act of annihilation is to re-collect cannon fodder.

Muria froze, telling the cruel truth to the people of the Bavarian kingdom.

In fact, when he asked Sister Jinlong Yu to learn about the purpose of the Necropolis Council's centuries of extermination, it was a long time.

When he heard this news, Muria was considered to have realized the cruel side of Elasia's world, and the rules of the clumps of weak meat and strong food were exposed to the fullest.

A top force, in order to supplement the depleted cannon fodder, can unscrupulously kill the country. Hundreds of millions of people in the Terran Kingdom are nothing but stubble leeks in their eyes. Every now and then a wave is harvested.

"How can that be?" Hear Muria said that they had suffered so badly, the girl Orina was dull, and the fire of the soul of the Dark Knight was trembling violently, representing his excited emotions.

"How can this not happen?" Muria asked in reverse ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Why can an evil organization such as the Necrotic Council always exist? Whispered the girl Olina. "Why don't our top ten empires join forces to destroy this organization?" "

"Because the goal of the Necropolis Council is always only the Principality and Kingdom of Humankind, it will never provoke the ten empires of your people, so you don't need to expect them to take action.

"So many principalities and kingdoms, why not join forces to fight this evil organization? Not one country, ten countries, one hundred countries?"

"Maiden, do you know what the envelope of Necrotic Fog over your head is?"

"..." The girl with tears on her face shook her head.

"These fogs cover all the territories of your kingdom, but they are also limited to the Kingdom of Bavaria. There is no trace of fog that will drift beyond the borders of your Kingdom of Bavaria!

When the fog dissipates, a kingdom with few people inhabiting will appear on Ionia. "