Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 240: 1 line

"You just betrayed your captain so easily, don't you worry that he would kill you?" Muria hovered above the deck of the ghost iron armored ship, Muria looked at the Undead Chief Anlo, who was directing other Undead crew members. He was this fleet The only legend.

As for the captain, Muria also just met, just a soul-level ghost with a captain's cap. Obviously, the actual controller of this fleet is the first officer.

As for the reason, Ghost Captain Barbosa will let a legend under his command to a soul-level ghost, even if only in name, Muria has almost understood.

"Relax, my captain is very broad-minded and won't punish me for this kind of thing." The appearance of Barlow, who is the same with a large crystal skull, looks indifferent, "It's not the first time I've done this. ! "

Muria twitched his lips, and looked at the Jinlong Yu sister beside him, and asked, "How many times have you betrayed your captain?"

"This kind of thing, who can still remember it!" First Mate An Luo patted his brain, and his head shrouded in the flames of the soul of blue spirit looked at Muria:

"No, boy Jinlong, don't bullshit. Whatever betrayed the captain, I have never done anything like this.

I obey Captain Barbosa's order. If I meet an enemy that cannot be resolved independently, I will find a way to bring it to him and let him solve it. "

"Well, that Captain Barbosa is really responsible!" Muria looked at the darkness around, smiled and quipped with the first officer An Luo: "I just don't know that your captain saw you with a group of ancient dragons to find him What would he do? "

"Of course I'm happy." An Luo, who had just noticed her awkwardness, noticed the gaze of the ancient dragons who had boarded her ship, and the fire of soul shuddered, and said quickly.

Just after it took the initiative to take the ancient dragons to go to Captain Barbosa, these ancient dragons all boarded the flagship and let him lead the way, and Muria and Caslana followed.

Nineteen ancient dragons come together, even if all the legendary necromancers invested in this area by the necrotic council are not afraid, naturally they will not be afraid of Anluo playing tricks.

Only strength is fundamental.


"I've heard that Barbosa of the Necropolis has a fanatical collection habit of ghost ships. I used to run through every piece of ocean in Erassia to collect the ghost ships naturally formed by shipwrecks. Now it seems that it is still underestimated. he."

"I didn't expect that he was not satisfied with collecting the ghost boats that formed naturally, and began to try to mass-produce ghost boats on a large scale."

"It looks like he has achieved some results."

"It is normal to have results, after all, at least 70% of the ghost ships of Elasia are in his hands. For such a long time, as long as I have an idea, I can always study something."


Listening to the sound of surprise and admiration in the ears of many ancient dragons, Muria walked to the edge of the armored ship's side and looked at the almost boundless steel fleet in front of her.

This is what Anlo said, the main force of the undead fleet led by Barbosa himself. Different from Anluo's, a miscellaneous fleet composed of hundreds of completely different ghost ships.

In front of this fleet, the shapes of many ghost ships are exactly the same, and there are more than ten different types.

The contrast between the two ghost fleets is the stark difference between the non-brand army and the regular army.

"The standard ghost ship!" Muria muttered to himself, indicating that Barbosa had mastered the technology for mass-producing ghost ships. This is amazing. Before that, every ghost ship was unique, and their forming process was full of coincidences. No coincidence is needed now for the formation of a ghost ship.

"This is the real undead fleet, how about it? Amazing, haven't you been scared?" At this moment, Barlow's voice of unobtrusively proud soul came into every dragon ear. . By the way, Muria reacted from meditation.

"It's okay!" Looking at the fleet in front of a certain formation, Muria nodded indifferently. He has all seen the Sky Machinery City of the Emperor. These are just small scenes.

However, this neat fleet made Muria understand that this 10,000-year-old Lich was not simply interested in the Undead Ship. Perhaps it was originally an interest in collecting Ghost Ships, but now, absolutely not.

From this ghost fleet, Muria saw Barbosa's naked ambition: he wanted to stand side by side with the gods.

Because there is only one type of legend that hoards legion-level combat power — legends that want to be epic.

"Qi, Jinlong boy, have you ever seen a stronger fleet than Barbosa?" Anluo was dissatisfied when he heard Muria's evaluation.

"I've seen it." Muria recalled the mechanical continent of the Emperor Ji, the torrent of steel connected to the twenty vortexes of space and composed of various warships. The fleet in front of it is compared with it, but Firefly is generally not comparable to Haoyue.

"Oh, there are more than this powerful fleet! For example, the Ottoman Empire's Third Plane Colonial Expeditionary Fleet.

If your undead fleet clashes with them, you will definitely be beaten to the ground. "Sister Jinlong Yujie also said.

"This is not the same at all! This fleet was independently built by my family, Captain Barbosa, under his full control. And what expedition fleet you said was made by the human empire, and this fleet, You know at first sight that it is absolutely impossible to obey someone's order. "

When I brought An Luo and Jinlong Yujie to argue, a roar came from the five-meter-long one, and was guarded by many standard ghost ships, like a huge steel fortress moving mountains.

"An Luo, what trouble did you bring me back?"

Along with this angry roar, An Luo, Muria's space opened, and a skeleton wearing a gorgeous captain's suit, or Lich, came out with a knife.

"Sure enough, like the legend, Barbosa learns spells in order to transform himself into a Lich, but he still considers himself a warrior." When the big Lich appeared, Golden Dragon Queen Sister Cass Lanna hooked up with Muria with her mental strength, UU reading www.uukanshu.com whispered, "You see he doesn't even have a staff."

"Captain." When seeing the angry captain, An Luo ran to him, and a nodded dog leg looked like, "It's just a group of ancient dragons, not to trouble you."

"Gulong!" With the captain's triangle cap, the legendary Lich Barbosa with all kinds of ornaments larger than the actual extraordinary jewelry, turned his head, "looked" at those who stood together, still discussing his and his fleet. Nineteen ancient dragons.

"You're here to trouble the guy from Blainet!"

"That's right!" A Gulong admitted frankly, "we're here to ask you about Burt Lane. If you don't want to ..."

"I can tell you where Burt Lane is, but you must not interfere with the actions of our Necrotic Council." Gu Long was not finished and was interrupted by the great Lich. "If you agree, I will tell you his position."

"It is indeed Captain of Anluo." Seeing Barbosa sell his members without hesitation, Muria couldn't help sighing, "It's the same thing."