Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 374: Thought I was talking to you?

"Her Majesty the Regent! Isn't that right?" As soon as Muria had finished speaking, a nobleman jumped out to oppose it.

"What's wrong?" Muria was high on the throne, looking calm, and it was normal for someone to object, which was expected.

"The legislative power of the aristocracy was settled by the founding monarch, and the founding of the nation has never changed ..." This middle-aged nobleman who looked a bit old and gray-haired, began to tell where the rights of the aristocracy originally came from. stack.

"Who do you have any opinions?" Muria patiently listened to the nobleman's statement without making any angry expression, and then asked calmly, "Stand out and let me see."

It is biological instinct to protect one's interests from infringement. Although Muria cuts the interests of real nobles, the relationship between the nobles is inextricably intertwined. Many of these vain nobles standing in the parliament hall have relationships with real nobles Below, many people have spoken one after another.

"Every civilian under the rule of the lord, because of the existence of those noble lords, can safely farm and plant land in the city without being disturbed by monsters, so the lords have the right to pay their taxes ..."

"Dagong, you can't cut it. Once your order is given, those aristocratic powers will definitely be dissatisfied, have resentment against you, and be detrimental to your administration ..."

Muria was so quietly listening to this group of human powers talking, basically looking for various reasons to oppose his order, and none of them supported his order, which is normal.

After this group of powerful and noble clamors ended, Muria opened his face inexplicably:

"What did you tell me? Do you think I'm talking to you? I called you over to discuss how to better implement these orders, and don't let you oppose me."

As soon as Muria's words were finished, there was silence in the parliament hall, and all the human powers looked at the young granddaughter sitting on the throne in amazement, a little dazed.

The newly-appointed grandfather was too domineering. He didn't even think about communicating with them, calling them over, but just following orders.

Well, just now they racked their brains to find reasons to persuade him that it was all in vain to get him to take back the order. The Golden Dragon Grandpa didn't hear a word.

"I don't think it is just the aristocratic laws and harsh tax donations that need to be abolished. Even some laws and regulations set by successive kings need to be revised. The times are advancing, and some things are out of date."

Muria spoke even more thrilling words. He intends to reform the Rockman kingdom with a drastic plan. Such a backward power system really makes Muria intolerable.

As Belladion said, there are ten ancient dragons behind him, and he has nothing to worry about. With enough power, you can let everything follow his thoughts.

These words by Muria made the human powers in the parliament hall startled. They never expected that the ruling consort would make such a decision.

"Golden Dragon, Her Majesty Belladion has just abdicated and asked you to take charge of the administration of the state. You are so arrogant that you intend to abolish the princely order, weaken the rights of many nobles, and make them resentful against the kingdom ...

Immediately, a righteous aristocrat stood up and scolded Muria, rebuking him harshly, as if Muria had committed an unforgivable mistake.

"Prince Muria, Her Majesty Beladion trusts you so much, but you want to weaken the divided kingdom. You are really ashamed to do this ..."

"Oh!" Seeing one after another jumping out against him, and even someone pointing at himself, Muria showed a sneer smile on his face: "Jin Long's reputation is so good that a human being dares to point it I talk."

After Muria's voice was heard, the House of Representatives suddenly became silent again, because after feeling Muria's anger, the cloud giant leaders on both sides turned around and looked at these somewhat unknown nobles.

"I don't think I will kill you casually? So you dare to be so presumptuous?" Muria sneered: "When I called on the legendary dukes, they faced me with respect and respect. What kind of confidence do you have in front of me?"

The faces of the nobles who just accused Muria of clamoring for errors suddenly changed. The Golden Dragon seemed to be different from what they heard, but since the words had been said, there was no way to recover them.

"Beladian has appointed me as the ruling archduke. Do you have any opinions?" Muria's right elbow rested on the throne armrest, her body was slightly tilted, and her right hand leaned sideways. "If you have an opinion, it's simple, now you can Resign to me and just leave your hands alone, so you don't have to see me, and you won't have opinions. "

"..." There was a moment of silence, and even the nobleman who had just roared shut up obediently. At first Muria let them talk freely, and let some people float. Now when Muria showed a little anger, they all counsel .

"The few who just reprimanded me have boldness." Muria stood up, her face indifferent. "None of my parents or elders reprimanded me. You guys made the first case."

"But don't worry, I won't kill you because of this." Muria's mental strength extended, touching the ring on her finger lightly. Then a figure wearing black slim body armor, who couldn't see his face appeared slowly, then fell to his knees under Muria's feet.

"Shadow Guard!" When this figure appeared, many of the powerhouses in the parliament hall became ugly. ~ Www.lightnovelpub.net ~ Standing in their place, it is difficult to be loyal to this kind of speciality. The royal family had a good opinion of the agencies and departments that investigated their intelligence and secrets, and occasionally part-time assassinations.

Of course, as long as the nobles who are better informed know the existence of the Shadow Guard, this is an open secret. But you know, no one wants to see this hidden institution in the dark. Really having contact with the Shadow Guard means that it hasn't been long to live.

"Master, what do you tell me?"

"Introduce the life information of these people briefly." Muria reached out and pointed at the nobles who had scolded him just below, "emphasizing what they had violated the laws of the kingdom."

Hearing Muria's order, the shadow guard, who had recorded countless noble officials' information in his head, did not return his head. He directly described the black history that Muria had just pointed out to those who had done it. come out.

Then very simply, Muria dragged the nobles out and cut them in accordance with the laws of the Lockman Kingdom. When the ruler wants to find his own human subjects, it should not be too easy. Humans are creatures, and it is too easy to make mistakes.