Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 412: Long Wei

Killing all the demon believers found out with his own hands, Ya Heng, who had solved a hidden danger in the city, was in a good mood, and then began to stroll around the streets of the city where he was guarding.

Unconsciously, Yaheng walked to the door of a quiet orphanage. An old man with gray hair was holding a broom in his hand and sweeping quietly in the orphanage.

"Good evening, senior, are the children asleep?"

"I'm asleep." The old man glanced at Yaheng. "How many times have I told you, after the killing, wash the smell of your body and come here again, you will scare the child this day."

"I don't have a scent on my body." Yaheng sniffed underarms a little unconvinced.

"I can smell the thick **** smell on you, across the street," the old man said flatly.

"Hey, senior, this can only be felt by you." Yaheng grinned, walked over and took the broom in the hands of the old man, sweeping the floor for him. The old man who opened an orphanage was a hermit who had just discovered when he had just arrived in the city.

"Don't underestimate the child's consciousness in this area." The old man didn't give up, and let Yaheng **** the broom in his hand. "What people have you just killed?"

"Devil believer."

"Kill clean?" The old man gave a slight meal.

"I won't let any one believer."

"But you did not kill it cleanly." The old man looked up at the night sky illuminated by the seven bright moons, the original white flawless moon, at this time with a blood color, looking full of blood, chaos, and evil.

"How is that possible? I have killed them all." The young Yaheng looked at the blood moon he had seen once, and his body couldn't help shaking, this was caused by anger.

"You found only a small part." The old man looked down at the black-red night sky, his eyes lowered, and turned towards the house. He wanted to wake up the children and prepare to take them out of the city.

"Senior, I'm going to the garrison to ask for support, and I'm going one step ahead." The young man who had understood his dereliction of duty, dropped the broom in his hand, and the vigorous spirit in his body poured out, holding himself up towards the night sky. The magic hunting monument in full bloom was flying away.

"Roar!" But Yaheng has not yet approached the Hunting Monument, a gold-level winged demon suddenly appeared from the air, and then rushed to him without hesitation, killing him together, preventing Yaheng from approaching the Hunting Monument.

Many people noticed the first change in the sky of the city, and everyone's first reaction was to rush to the hunting monument, and to ask the king for help through the hunting monument.

It has been three years since the flood of demons plagued. A lot of knowledge about demons has become common sense under Muria's spare no effort to propagate. Devils followers launch blood sacrifice and call for signs of demons. Children who are a little more savvy know.

But unfortunately, all the people who moved to the Demon Hunting Monument were stopped by the sudden demons. Most of them were killed by the demons after a few rounds of engagement.

This was a premeditated attack. Most of the demons summoned by the demon followers were concentrated near the Demon Monument, and they did not want anyone to touch the Demon Monument.

As for the destruction of the hunting demon monument, this is an openly telling the capital's United Front Department, there is a problem here, quickly send someone over to rescue. There was a precedent before, a group of demon believers destroyed the demon hunting monument before the blood sacrifice city, and then the next ancient dragon came.

That's a very sad story, so as a latecomer, you must learn the lessons learned from your predecessors' blood. The Hunting Monument is absolutely indestructible. Can only think of blocking other people from approaching the Hunter Monument and sending rescue messages.

"Roar!" "Oh!" ... The roar of the demons roared in the city, accompanied by the screams and screams of human civilians. This is a desperation for ordinary humans. The devastation.

"Children, get up." In the orphanage, the old man awakened all the children, and shivered these horrified children with fearful faces around them.

The old man took the children to the gate and took a long sword with a bright blade from the door of the orphanage. The shining light on the sword represented the extraordinaryness of the long sword.

"Grandpa, I'm afraid!" A little girl in a shabby sackcloth with tears in her eyes, pulling the old man's clothes.

"Don't be afraid, you see, Grandpa already has a sword and can protect you." The old man smiled and showed the long sword in his hands to the children, which was his weapon when he was young.

"Human, who do you want to protect?" With a cruel and tyrannical voice, a seductive demon appeared quietly outside the gate of the orphanage, beside him, there were four heads of Frogers and dozens of them. A greedy, eager cowardly head.

"Gold-level demons!" The old man sighed sighing at the demons who appeared in front of him. He didn't expect his luck was so bad, and he encountered a big devil before he even went out.

"Human, give you a chance to dedicate all the children around you, I will spare you." The eyes of the seducer looked at the old man with no intention.

The old man did not speak, but looked at the seducer with an idiot's look, and patted the little girl who was pulling his horns, "Xiaoying, loosen up and give Grandpa some time to chop this demon."

"Grandpa, this is a seducer. It likes to deceive people the most. Once the deception fails, it will approach the opponent ..." The little girl crackled and said a lot of information about the seducer, and heard the seducer. Can't help but growl.

"Grandpa knows. With your information, Grandpa can solve them immediately." The old man took a sword and walked towards the temptation.

"Human, want to fight with me because of your aging body?"

"Gold-level demons, I have killed a lot of them before." Ignoring the screams of this seductive demon, the old man walked towards this group of demons with a long sword, and an almost vanishing soul appeared at his feet.

"Soul ..." The demon ended in a horrified voice as soon as he said a word.

"Oh!" The stink blood sprayed, and the old man who beheaded all the demons with a sword waved at the crowd of children, "Go, Grandpa will take you out of the city."

"Wow! Grandpa, you are so good!"

"That's ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Grandpa's sword has been stained with dragon blood." The old man told his children that they had adopted to appease their emotions, while using their own mellow and pure fighting spirit to All the children wrapped up and hurried out of town.

"Humans, stay!"

"Where do you want to run?"


Demon heads and heads emerged from both sides of the street and rushed to this old man with a group of orphans. As long as he was a demon, he could feel the aging body of the old man's powerful soul that did not match it. For the devil, It's a supreme meal.

... "Soul-like demons!" Looking at the six-armed snake demon in front of him, there was no helpless expression on the face of the old man who had killed many demons. "Although as a soldier, death is the best Home, but I can't die yet, I haven't sent these children out of town yet. "

expensive! Just as the old man was about to burn his soul and restore his youth, when he let go of a battle with the six-armed snake demon in front of him, a loud sound of dragon chanting sounded, and the pale golden dragon power diffused.