Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 427: Come out and beating

After the Dragon Lady came to the Rockman Kingdom, out of concern for Muria, she studied the distribution of forces around her. The three surrounding countries, the Sherman Dwarf Principality and the Red Wing Principality established by the King of the Dragons, were not You need to be careful because there is no threat.

Only in the dark area below the ground, the Kingdom of Medis established by the drow elves need to pay attention, especially after knowing that these black-skinned mules once had an offensive attack on the ground, the Golden Dragon Mother has no more dislike for them.

Creature born in the dark, just stay in the dark area honestly. The sun-filled ground is not suitable for them to survive and reproduce. Why should we wage war and cause death? Is it the best because you ca n’t get it?

After meeting her adopted daughter, Indira, another Relilia Princess, and knowing that when Muria abdicates, the little girl with blue hair and red pupil will take over the Rockman Kingdom. The mother had the idea of ​​solving this tumor of the kingdom of Medis.

Muria is now assisted by ten ancient dragons. Those black-skinned elves are afraid to move, but when Muria leaves, the ancient dragons will definitely leave with them. The Rockman Kingdom cannot afford the consumption of ten ancient dragons.

But after Remilia's succession, it was a bit embarrassing. In addition to the five legends loyal to the royal family, will the remaining nine legends of the kingdom really obey the princess' order? I'm afraid not!

In this case, if the Kingdom of Medis launches an attack on the ground again, what will the future Queen Remilia use to resist? Therefore, in order to prevent such a future from happening, Jin Longniang feels it necessary to solve this group of black skins now, at least to solve the cruel Queen Dilila, so that the group of elves return to the civil war period of 100 years ago, self-consumption .

The Kingdom of Medici has at least ten legends. The legend of the drow elves is not as weak as human legends. At least the basic qualities of the body are above human beings.

In addition, there is a variable, the elven queen Delia. She is a **** supporter. Behind it is the shadow of the queen Rose. It is difficult to calculate how much power she can burst out.

If she calculates according to the worst case, she regards herself as a carrier, and summons the spider's rose to project her incarnation. Jinlong Niang feels that it is not safe to pull ten ancient dragons. Maybe a dragon will fall because of this. This is what Jinlong Niang cannot tolerate. .

Therefore, Jinlongniang kept her own temperament. When Ansor came with three other Titans, she only spoke about the existence of the elven queen Delilah and let the Titans know. Of course, the Titans told the Zhuo Queen Seoul became interested.

"I can take you there directly." Jin Longniang heard Titan Eric asking for coordinates, indicating that she was willing to lead the way, "but wait a minute, there are a lot of black leather elves. In order to prevent siege, I will shout Some dragons come over. "

The Titans stared at each other, and eventually nodded silently, without speaking. It can be seen that Atris is hostile to the kingdom of Medis, and it is nothing to use their power, but it is just a hand ...

"Is this going to start the war of annihilation?" Dragon Maid Mia looked at the battlefield in front of her, and asked with some emotions in front of Muria.

"Almost! After this battle, the Medistrol Elf Kingdom will no longer exist." Muria also answered with a touch of pride, looking at the continuously gathering giants and dragons.

After the Golden Dragon Lady successfully stabbed Titan to take action against Queen Drow, she asked Muria to use his power as the ruling Grand Duke to summon all metal dragons who entered the Rockman Kingdom and had a strength above soul level to the capital Ska Rett.

At the same time, let Muria mobilize his Storm Giants as much as possible, the more the better, the cloud giants and the mountain giants or whatever, then forget it, the strength is too weak, don't drag behind.

The goal of Jinlong Niang is to solve the kingdom of Metis with zero casualties, defeat this newly formed country and let it disintegrate, and it cannot pose any threat to the future Queen Remilia Lori.

Well, the lovely princess Remilia is the cause of this war of annihilation, and quietly went for a walk in the dark area, and realized that the rich black dragons of the black-skinned elves were the root of the war.

Because the drow elves are too rich, and this group of elves happens to belong to the evil camp. Among the division of the golden dragon girl, they are targets that can be plundered.

"The people staying at Scarlet today are eye-opening. They have never seen so many dragons together in this life!" Mia laughed.

"It's the second time I've seen such a dragon gather." Muria stood high, looking at the capital in front of him.

The storm giants sent by Muria to guard all over the kingdom kept coming out of the teleportation array, and the metal dragons who were called by the ancient dragons came from all directions.

At this time, King Scarlett, there are giants walking on the ground. The sky has been occupied by soaring dragons and storm giants riding Jupeng. On the ground, the local residents of the city are not Eyes.

"Master Muria, whoever sees Scarlet now, would not think that this is the capital of the human nation!"

"It's true," Muria laughed, feeling that the current Locke Kingdom was indeed a little weird. There were non-human beings everywhere, and I was really sorry for the division of human nations.


"His Majesty, there has been a change in the Lockman Kingdom. According to the reports of our agents, many of the Storm Giants have left from their garrison cities. It is likely that they were summoned back by what the Archduke Jinlong wanted to do.

Many metal dragons entering the Rockman Kingdom are also moving ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ According to their travel routes and directions, it can be inferred that the destination point of these dragons is the capital of the Rockman Kingdom. "

"What does that dragon want to do?" The black-and-white queen leaning on the throne of dark gold sat upright, her brows frowning. When she heard the news, she felt an uneasiness and irritability for a while. It was against her, "Want to summon dragons and giants to attack my kingdom of Medis?"

"Your Majesty, at this time, that Grand Duke Jinlong should not wage war on us. The evil disaster has entered the most serious stage. Legendary demons have appeared. How could he still have the heart to attack us?"

"Yeah, that little dragon summoned those dragons and giants, maybe because the legendary demon appeared in his king, so he needs support."

"Huh! What's in your head?" Dillila stared scornfully at the vocal Drow who had just said, "The legendary demon now appearing can block ten legendary ancient dragons?"

"Dillila, come out and beat me!" Just then, a clear and elegant female voice passed from the outside into the parliament hall.