Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 53: Soul

"Those who consciously cannot resist Siren's command to sing, quit now!" Muria raised his hand to stop the Siren leader who sang and opened the bright red sakura lips below, watching the giant representatives and the sea below who came to discuss Clan leader, "Don't blame me when it's ugly."

After hearing Muria's reminder in good faith, only a few leaders of the mist giant went out with great interest. After that, no giant or seaman went out. Except for the leader of the mist giant, the worst thing to enter the hall was the existence of the third stage of gold, and I felt very good.

At the same time, the sea leaders who participated in the meeting, including the Seren leader who was preparing to sing for Muria, were all golden peaks and very powerful. Naturally, no sea people would retreat in order to avoid the singing of the Siren of the same level.

"No one backs down? Do you think you can bear the sound of the Siren?" Muria rubbed her brows a bit helplessly, and the Siren's song is not only famous in Erasia.

"Leaders of the cloud giants." At this moment, a mermaid leader with a large white skin in the hall looked at the eighteen cloud giants in the hall. "Can you please step down for a moment, the voice of the leader Diana may be louder than you Imagine even more terrible. With your current strength, I'm afraid I can't resist the temptation. "

"Huh!" The giant Cloud commanded Botton a sneer, and the mermaid leader's kind reminder was a kind of contempt in his eyes. "The sound of the sea monster, I haven't heard it, but I want to hear the sea of ​​the golden peak. The temptation of the voice of the demon. "

虽然 Although many of the other cloud giant commanders did not speak, looking at their unpleasant expressions, they all knew that they took the reminder of the mermaid leader as a contempt.

"唉!" The mermaid leader saw the expression of the giant cloud leader, sighed, turned silently, and stopped talking.

"Kalena, let them listen if they want to listen, who can stop them if they want to be ugly?" The Siren leader saw the low-looking mermaid leader with a disdain. The leader of the cloud giant commanded just now, she also listened Arrived.

"His Royal Highness Muria, I will present to you the voice of the sea monsters in my area." The leader of Siren was also annoyed by the words of the giant Yun, and she was determined to give these cloud giants a lifeless lesson.

"Hmm!" Muria glanced at the commander of the giant Bolton Cloud, who had just spoken, and responded softly.

穆 After Muria agreed, Siren immediately cast a second ring spell on himself, turning his fins into toes. Then, an almost naked beautiful woman who just covered her private part with a shell came out of the water polo.

的 The leader of the Siren completely transformed into a humanoid through spells, opened her lips and sang loudly, and the elegant and beautiful singing voice immediately reached every corner of the hall, and the air seemed to jump with the singing of the Siren.

"This song ..." After hearing the sound of the Siren recorded in the book, Muria only slightly warmed his body for a moment, and then there were no adverse reactions. Instead, he felt that the sound was very elegant and beautiful. In this song, Muria slowly closed her eyes and listened carefully, "That's great, Voice of the Siren."

"Leader Abbot ... hold on." At this moment, Muria, who had closed her eyes and enjoyed the voice of the Kraken, heard a very dissonant voice. He opened his eyes, and then saw the cloud giant leaders being extremely embarrassed. Performance.

Every cloud giant's leader is confused, each one looks like a color to the soul, some giant mouths even began to drip, a foolish look, no one can resist the Siren Siren The voice of charm.

"How embarrassed." Muria waved his hand at the storm giant guarded in the hall. "Stun them all to me and carry them out, these shameful things. All the giants who behave like them, Let me out. "

The Storm Giants, whose strength is at the peak of gold, will naturally not be confused by the voice of the Siren of the same level. They follow Muria's order and lead the cloud giants who have subconsciously approached the Siren who is singing and singing. , And then carried out of the hall.

"Second ring spell, mechanized mind." Beside Muria's throne, Claudia in the form of white dragon casts the spell directly to resist the charm of Siren's Voice.

"Can't bear it, just go out! No need to hold it up." Muria looked at the shaky magic aura of Xiao Bailong, and said in a helpless whisper, "You don't have any meaning to listen to Siren this way."

Claudia raised her emotionless eyes and took a look at Muria. Without thinking, she walked out of the hall. Now she is in a state of absolute rationality and will not be affected by any factors. She will only do Make the best choice for you.

Mechanized mind is only a second ring spell, unable to resist the voice of Siren at the golden peak for a long time. This second ring spell cast by Claudia just resisted her charm for a short time, and it is about to collapse now.

As Claudia walked out of the hall, some tidal giants who felt that they could not resist the temptation also followed. At this time, the rest of the hall is the existence of the golden peak level, except for the third-order gold of Muria.

"Very good song." After Siren's leader sang a song, Muria took the lead and applauded, "It is indeed the voice of the sea monster, I like it very much."

"Nice ..." In the hall, Siren, who had just sang, was dull, and the voice of the sea monster always had the title of the voice of death. To be honest, Siren has lived so long, and this is the first time she has heard someone say she sings well.

"Thank Your Highness." Siren was so happy that she was so excited and praised.

"Oh, I want to hear you sing again and again." Muria looked at the excited Siren and asked with a smile: "Can you sing?"

"Yes." The leader of Siren agreed directly.

"My Highness, I can sing for you."

"My Highness, I sing better than Grace, please let me sing for you!"

...... I heard that Muria also wanted to hear the voice of the Siren, and the other Siren leaders were not calm. They also cast their fin-to-toe spells, turning them into almost naked human beauty images. Water polo, asked Muria.

"If you want to sing, sing. What do you want to fight?" Muria looked at the several siren who were about to fight below.

这 Since then, the charming voice of the sea monster in the hall of discussion of the White Jade Temple has been going on for three days. Muria listened to the voice of the Kraken for three days, and saw many giants secretly whispering, feeling a bit ridiculous.

"Muria, when will you hear this charming voice?" While Muria was still obsessed with Siren's singing voice, she applied her mechanized mind to Claudia and left again. Entered the hall and questioned him.

"Huh?" Muria, who squinted and enjoyed the wonderful singing, lowered her head, looking a little confused, and looked at her, even if she had cast a spell, she could see the angry expression on her face. "Claudia, you what happened?"

"You still ask me what's wrong?" Claudia looked up at Muria. "The mountain giant has been waiting outside the hall for two days with the drawing you want. And you have been listening to a group of sea monsters singing, Are you confused by the Siren's singing? "

"Joke!" Muria heard Claudia's questioning, slightly angry, and he raised his hand forward and made a downward movement to signal the Siren to stop singing, "I just think they sing nicely, How could he be confused? "

"But you have been listening for three full days!"

"Three days!" Muria repeated it incredibly, "How could it be three days. I was really confused?" Muria raised her hand and touched her face in disbelief.

"His Royal Highness, do we need to sing again?" In the hall, the first Seren leader Grace, who sang, asked a little embarrassingly.

"No, you don't need it." Muria frowned and waved. "So far, you all go back. Remember to come on time next month to attend the meeting."

"His Highness Muria, then we will retreat." In the hall, all the sea leaders retreated, and in the blink of an eye, the whole hall was left only the guarded giant of the storm and the white in front of Muria. Long Clodia.

"His Royal Highness, this is the construction plan we designed." While Muria was sitting on the throne meditating, a group of mountain giants came in with a stack of design drawings.

Mage's hand. Muria used a zero-level trick to get the drawing of the mountain giant in his hands. After a few glances, he lost it again, "Just follow this plan. You should be responsible for any errors."

"Observe, Your Highness!" The mountain giants withdrew the drawings without any dissatisfaction ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Claudia, I have not been confused, I have ignored the temptation of Siren Voice, I It was just their pure singing that attracted them. When the mountain giant retreated, Muria explained to Xiao Bailong that this was what he had just thought of.

"Whether you have been deceived or not, you know it yourself. There is no need to explain it to me."

"Let's go back." Muria said nothing more, he leaned down, grasped the adult form of Claudia, walked out of the hall, and flew back to the Five-Colored Dragon Fort with the storm giant ...

瑞 After listening to the voice of the sea monster in the Baiyu Jingu, Muria became more lazy. He spent less and less time learning the memory spell, training the Titan martial arts and teaching the five-colored dragon to learn.

On the contrary, on the first day of each month, after Muria convened a meeting as usual, he stayed in the White Jade Shrine for longer and longer, and he started to enjoy himself, even if Claudia had advised him several times.

Moreover, Muria is not satisfied with the hearing enjoyment of the voice of the Siren. He also wants to enjoy visually. He requires those mermaids with beautiful female upper bodies to be like siren, to remove the fish tail and transform into an adult form. A wonderful dance to please him.

Muriya began to drink and play all day, but even so, his power is slowly and steadily increasing, and the blood in his body is still affecting all living things that have been close to him for a long time.

"Your Highness, good news, good news." One day, while Muria was sleeping in bed, his personal maid Mia rushed in.

"What's the matter? Mia." Muria raised her drowsy eyes unhappyly and looked at the blonde girl standing by his bed.

"Master, among the dragon castles, a storm giant broke through the golden peak and advanced to the soul level."