Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 608: Sorry! I don't want to

"What's going on? What exactly did Muria do?" I was still immersed in the joy of smashing the two worlds, but suddenly I heard that the rest of the small world had been counted by the dragons occupied by his opponent The princess asked indignantly.

She couldn't understand or understand how it all happened. What kind of ghost operation was this? Why did Muria's army suddenly occupy the four small worlds controlled by the locusts in an instant?

She never dreamed that Muria killed a supreme ruler of the locust civilization with a horrifying creature with a cute appearance, and then stood high above it.

"His Highness, this is not the time to think about these issues. If you want to win, you now need to attack the locust's mother world. If the adult gets the scepter and crown first, then you lose. If you Got it, it doesn't make any sense to have as many small worlds as they now occupy. "

The sapphire Dragon Lin aside calmly and calmly analyzed for the dragon princess. She was a kind of think tank under Her Majesty's Majesty and was not responsible for fighting.

"I know," not knowing that she had lost the dragon princess, Felicia, began to summon all her dragons, as well as those legions, to discuss the offensive ...

Soros World, God's Palace

"Star Sword and Xing Zun, this time I'll take care of you two." According to Muria's teachings, retelling the words of the Emperor Lalang, and the true King of the Locust, according to the teachings of Muria. Kirov is the same.

"Are your Lord God not going to fight?" Xing Zun, the legendary high-level locust man invited by the five locust gods to join.

"I want to stay here to prevent accidents. In addition to the invaders that your two lords are about to cope with, there is also an invader who has the power to kill the four locust gods. Strength cannot be underestimated. I want to stay to prevent their offense. "

Ready to send most of the main force of the locust civilization to the battlefield, Muria and the Dragon Princess hard-pressed to let Indira give a perfect reason for evasion, how could he now let Indira pull out, joking.

"What an eventful autumn!" Hearing Xing Zun, who heard the presence of a second invader, sighed, even though he was one of the top-level beings of the locust civilization, and felt great pressure. This is the race's survival pressure.

"The locust civilization will never die out, and we will certainly continue." Indira said inspiring words in a firm voice. Inspired many locust gods.

Then, the world defense war, which stretched for thousands of kilometers, began. After the dragon princess Felicia opened the barrier of the mother world of the Soros civilization with a round of volleys, she greeted her army with as many as three Tens of thousands of locust corps, and seventeen legendary locust gods led by two legendary high-level locust people of locust people civilization.

Under the impetus of Muria, a black hand behind the scenes, nearly 80% of the combat power of the locust civilization was affected by him, and he used it to resist the attack of the alien invader, the dragon princess.

And it's not over yet. He also issued a war mobilization order in the name of the God King, forcing the locusts who have cultivated extraordinary powers, sending them to the battlefield, and killing every potential of this race.

Such poor behaviors led to the turbulence of the social order of the locust civilization and began to go to the brink of collapse, and then some anti-war capitulation forces appeared.

At first, locusts thought that they should not be hostile to alien invaders, especially after they showed such a powerful power, it should not be even more confrontation.

But as soon as such anti-war forces emerge, they will be suppressed by Muria's strong locusts, allowing the locust civilization to surrender to the Dragon Princess? Dream it! You must fight to the end. All locusts who advocate surrender are spies, and the traitors of the locust civilization should be beaten to death.

... Three years have passed, the main battlefield of the Dragon Princess and the locust civilization has receded nearly 10,000 kilometers, thousands of cities have fallen, millions of locusts have been displaced, and more locusts have died. Now, I don't know if they are lucky or unfortunate, their future ... is gone.

"Are these locusts crazy? They put so much energy into attacking me! Why didn't they attack Muria's army?" For three years, the princess of the dragon who moved the battle line tens of thousands of kilometers forward Asked bored.

"His Royal Highness, the locusts are also at war with Muria's legion, the scale is not comparable to ours," replied Lin, who was a bit tired.

"Well, that's also called offense? The army of idiots and locusts sent to attack Muria's guy was less than a fraction of those locusts across from us."

"This should be Your Royal Highness Your threat is too strong, and Her Royal Highness Muria's Legion of Giants cannot compare with you at all in the case of spell camouflage."

"I don't feel right. Muria, this guy, absolutely has a problem. He absolutely planned a conspiracy, and we fell into the trap three years ago."

As a royal princess, Felicia, who had seen so many intrigues and tricks from a young age, said firmly that in this regard, her sense of smell was extremely keen. She did have a bit of arrogance because of her father and brother's pet, but she was not a waste.

"It's true. His legion, His Majesty Muria, is too abnormal. It's just such a small army of locusts. For three years, he still fought back and forth. Appeared, Muria herself did not show up from beginning to end. "

"Maybe Muria wants to execute the decapitation plan, after all, the supreme ruler of the locust civilization has never appeared on our battlefield."

"It's impossible, Titan is strong, but it hasn't been strong enough to have just advanced to the legend, you can cut off the high-level legend. Although the alien legend is weaker, it won't be killed by Muria silently. Then This level of combat fluctuations can definitely be detected. "

The Princess of the Dragon, Felicia, who has known Titan's personality and enough about Jinlong's habits, said, "With Muria's personality, it is impossible to sneak attack. Such guys only like to fight directly."

Recalling that she once saw Muria beating the blazing gods, Princess Dragon felt that her judgment was not wrong. Such a guy must not understand the conspiracy.


"Master God, our race, our civilization, is nearing the edge of extinction, and you are still sitting in the palace of God, motionless, only to suppress the same race." A locust man with a broken body and weak breath Angrily looked at the God King changed by Indira.

"I'm behind the co-ordination, providing war resources and support to the front line, and suppressing all locust rebellion. Do you actually question that I did nothing?"

"Rebellious? Who says they are rebellious?"

"I said."

"They just want to find a way out for our civilization, but you are defined as a traitor. You are the biggest rebellion. Do you want my civilization to perish?"

The war has continued to the present. The war-torn ideology of the locusts at the bottom has spread to the ruling class of the locust-people civilization. More than 300 million locust-people have died in the war. More than half of them, including the Star Sword Emperor with legendary high-level strength, are also on the death list, and almost none of the remaining legendary locusts are intact.

"Excessive!" Facing the question, the Emperor Yingdi pulls down the incarnation of the **** king, and a substantive psionic tide flows out of her body, sweeping the temple of the **** king, shocking the questioning worm man "wow" and exhaling a worm Liquid, among which a faint transparent flame was burning. This was the wound it had suffered on the battlefield, which had already hurt the foundation and could not be cured so far.

"What do you want? Kirov." The follower, the locust god, came to Indira to speak with the four locust gods to stand up against the psionic tide.

During the three years, the highest ruler of the locust civilization was contaminated with the blood of at least one million members of his family. In the foreign war, in addition to transporting resources, he sent one locust of another age to the battlefield. In addition, there is no longer any action. Such a ruler cannot get the approval of these locust gods, and he has lost his prestige.

"Do you want to rebel against me?" Indira made a sarcastic voice of the soul, exactly like the taunt that Murderer made to Muria three years ago.

"You don't deserve to sit on it, Kirov!"

"Yes, you should abdicate, rebellious."

"Our civilization, in your hands, will sooner or later die."

... Successive scolding made Muria, who was standing next to the locust, almost laughed, as if watching a farce.

"I abdicate? Who will come to the top? Xing Zun? Oh ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Or are you guys? Are you worthy?" Indira laughed dismissively, "A group of rebellious people who want to surrender, want our Is ethnicity a slave to other races? "

"Well, next, I will convene the last strength of our civilization, and then go to war to join Xing Zun. At that time, I will unite with him to launch the final shock. If I fail, then it means that I died in battle. It is up to you to decide the future of civilization, but now, at this moment, I have the final say, and it is rebellious to dare to disobey. "

After hearing these words, all the locust gods were silent, and then retreated silently ...

"God of God, you are finally here." Xing Zun, who saw his body, saw Indira, who brought eight million locusts, and greeted him. Although he was a little puzzled before, now he is full of respect in his heart. He knows God The king intended to die in battle, and even if he died, he would never bow his head.

"Xing Zun!" At this moment, a locust man wearing a robe of God left the team and came to him in the presence of Xing Zun's doubtful gaze. Then, a bunch of gold thunder was undefeated in it. Case runs through its chest.

"Sorry! I don't want to end your life in this way!" A whisper of the soul sounded in its ear.