Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 664: You are not even as good as a dog

"Kill me, please kill me, please give me something!" A middle-aged man who seemed to have some valor was kneeling on the ground and wept bitterly, and looked embarrassed. His limbs were weird. The angle is curved, and the body is covered with all kinds of strange things. He even had some fine white dragon scales on his body.

"Okay, give him a treat!" Muria frowned at the young man with white hair and white eyes and a sick smile on his face, standing in front of the dragon hunter.

He previously noticed that after the torture of this white dragon, his mentality may change drastically, so he took it with him and wanted to let it vent his emotions, but he did not expect it to become more and more perverted. In order to better torture Revenge those dragon hunters, this guy actually used his own blood to actively attack humans.

Without any preparation, humans will get some benefits when they contact the same level of dragon blood, but they also have to bear the toxicity of dragon blood in all directions. The damage is just as strong as acid. And has a more vigorous vitality.

"Observe, sir." Muria's order was heard. The fear of the white dragon's face appeared, and an ice dagger was condensed into the middle-aged man's forehead.

"Thank you." The middle-aged man who had already been tortured looked at Muria, his lips wriggled twice, and he fell to the ground after spitting out two words. Death was a relief for him at this time. .

"Your Highness, you are still too kind. This guy has hunted more than ten dragons. You should not let him go so easily." On the other side, an old man with long transparent hair looked down. The human beings who lived and died in the ground muttered with dissatisfaction. He was not satisfied. The screams and wailing of human beings are now the most beautiful music in his ears.

"I don't waste so much time on a soul level." Muria frowned, turned and left. The two dragons have become more and more perverted since he was rescued. Their hatred with humans is simply Could not be resolved.

"What exactly is that feeling?" Muriaton, who had just stepped out of the room, stopped and pressed his chest. He could feel the growing restlessness of the exclusive soldiers in his body, just like the beast before the natural disaster came. Generally, "Someone is targeting me."

"Who else dares to strike me now, but who can be dangerous to me except the gods?" Muria was puzzled, he suddenly thought of the sleepy wind eagle of Xenaps, in the main world Among them, in addition to the incarnation of the gods, there is only the level of the town beast, and there are those high-level legends that can cause him deadly danger.

"The high-level legend of human beings is a threat to me, but they cannot be a fatal danger to me." Muria, who first encountered the shock of the magic soldier, was a little puzzled. He knew that there might be danger, but he still did not give up. The idea of ​​hunting down dragon hunters.

Because the amplitude of these weapon shocks is not strong, it can only be regarded as the lowest level. He has asked about his spiritual Casio, and Casio's advice to him is to bravely meet and respond positively. This is a crisis, but it is also a rare opportunity.

"Who the **** is it? Really looking forward to it." Muria smiled, tearing the space with two already neuronized colognes, and left the city that had been swept away, all the way to the next spot. location.


In the hustle and bustle of the Dragon Skull Tavern in the capital of the Principality of Cossam, the sturdy dragon hunter holds a drink made with diluted dragon blood in his hand and exchanges information in various hands, or calls to friends Friends, discuss the next time you go there to hunt dragons.

"Bang!" Suddenly, the thick wooden door of this tavern, which only entertained the dragon hunters who had actually hunted the dragon, suddenly burst open and shot at the dragon hunter inside the tavern.

"It's so lively!" A young boy with dark hair and golden eyes walked into this pub with two young and old with morbid smiles. Looking around, what I saw, the decoration of this pub, drinks, In particular, the equipment worn by the drinkers is made of dragon's body tissue.

"Who are you?" Seeing Muria's unbridled appearance, he sat extremely close to the tavern door with a weapon, and stood up desperately.

"What do you say?" Seeing the scene in front of him, Muria released the pale golden dragon power without any worries, and some weaker dragon hunters sitting in this tavern exploded into a ball at this moment. The blood mist, while slightly stronger, was kneeling on the ground and trembling, without even the chance to resist.

"Taikoo Dragon!" A strong man sitting alone beside the bar drinking a drunken man turned and looked at Muria solemnly. On his body, pieces of crimson dragon scales emerged. One The ghostly red dragon's shadow emerged against Longya of Muria.

"Dragon vein warlock." Muria looked at the strong man with even dragon horns on his forehead, showing his playful face. "Since you have dragon blood, why should you be a dragon hunter?"

"Don't get me wrong, this is the bloodline that I got after bathing a red dragon and bathed in its blood." The strong man laughed at Muria, "If I can kill you, get your bloodline, I should be stronger! "

"Has the blood of the Red Dragon implanted, haven't their brains become stupid? Kill me?" Muria's voice appeared in front of the strong man, slap his palms on his face, and put his half head directly Gone, "Where are you confident?"

"Roar!" The strong man who had been smashed on both sides of his skull suddenly roared ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The flesh was reborn at a high speed, the skull deformed and transformed into the shape of the dragon's head. On his body, the dragon scales were stacked one after another, like A piece of red dragon armor, behind him, there is even a stout dragon tail growing out, which is exactly a half dragon.

"That's my confidence."

"Did you swallow the dragon you killed? Such blood concentration, I believe that you are a child born by the dragon." Looking at this non-human monster in front of him, Muria probed to Grabbed it forward, grabbed his head at a speed that this monster couldn't escape, and slammed it **** the ground.


Huge cracks spread rapidly where it landed, and the entire tavern collapsed. The capital of the Principality shook with it. It was like a major earthquake, and all the people living in it ran panic. Come out.

"Your strength is too weak." Looking at the dragon man who had been hit by him with a more violent look, Muria thought of the strange creature that had evolved into a real dragon from a dog-headed man. "You even No dog head is better. "