Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 726: Sooner or later

Although he was very curious about the human forces on the Dragon Dragon Peninsula, Muria was not in a hurry to deal with this matter. He had not coaxed the mother dragon in front to send her son-in-law to the Dragon Academy. After all, it was impossible to treat the metal dragon. Use tough means.

"How are you thinking?" Muria asked softly, looking at the two female dragons watching the five-colored baby dragons casting with interest,

"I can guarantee that as long as the sons and daughters are sent over, when they reach adulthood, they will be very different from those ordinary golden dragons. At that time, they will definitely be first-class elites of the dragon family. I can even train five-colored dragons. To the extent that I can train my children better, they have a higher starting point. "

Muria said confidently that he hadn't noticed that the three young Golden Dragons behind him looked more and more resentful towards him. They already knew what Muria wanted to do, and this looked with a gentle smile. Little brother wants them to learn spells every day. It was said that they were invited to come and play, and as a result they were required to go to school.

This is simply unbearable. They have already come into contact with the spell system, knowing how boring it is to learn spells, and basically all the spells are obscure.

They have just come into contact with the spells of the first and second ring, and this has already made them annoyed. There are more advanced spells in the back. According to this little brother, he wants to go smoothly from the Dragon Academy. To graduate, you must master all the six rings, including the spells within six rings, and be proficient in the entire department. This is too much, and their parents are not so demanding.

"Your Highness, please understand that this matter is too big and can affect my child's future, so I need time to think carefully."

After hesitating for a while, Golden Dragon Silva still did not agree with Muellerya. Although she was excited, she was a little worried about the distribution of students at the Dragon Academy. These are all five-colored dragons! How many metal dragons are there? It was difficult for her child to learn with the five-color dragon.

But she did n’t want to send her child to the Dragon Academy, she was a little unwilling. The age of these five-colored dragons in front of her, but her children were smaller, but they had so many spells. At the age, her child does not have this type of cast water. In other words, her child is not as good as the five-color dragon, and she cannot accept such things.

However, she asked herself that she couldn't teach her children to such an extent, but here, the five-colored dragon can do the same, isn't her child able? And there is Gu Long's teaching, which is an unimaginable opportunity for any Jin Long. Although her family also has a Gu Long, no one will disapprove of teaching her own Gu Long. Besides, her grandfather likes to travel everywhere, often not in the castle. Among them, these great-grandchildren who expected him to teach themselves had great difficulties. After all, their bloodlines were too long. Although they were equally concerned, they were still not as good as their own children.

"It should be considered." Muria nodded, without persecution. He saw that the mother of Jinlong had already moved, no worries that she would not agree, and after thinking about it, Muria added to the balance in her heart. Got a handful of chips.

"In fact, I just came up with the idea of ​​setting up a college recently. From the beginning, I domesticated many five-colored dragons, but then I got more and more dragon eggs and young dragons in this dragon peninsula. So I Only then was the idea of ​​building a new college focused on the education and domestication of the five-colored dragon, but I think it ’s just too small to build a school for the five-colored dragon. So, why do n’t you think of building a new dragon college?

We did come a little early. The college is still in the early stages of development. Believe me, the three ancient dragons are not the end to teach the young dragons to learn. I also know many ancient dragons. I have sent letters and invited them. No surprises. Among them, there should be a lot of promises to me to come to the professor. By that time, the college will officially start. Before that, I hope to consider it. "

"When is the time you plan to start the school?" Upon hearing the school, the Jinlong mother asked unconsciously. She didn't pay attention to the language trap buried by Muria. He never said that the Dragon Academy would not be recruited after the school started. Students too.

"After I completely wiped out the peninsula, the Dragon Academy officially opened." Muria replied kindly. This time was just what he had just thought about. Conquering the entire evil dragon peninsula was not something that could be done in a month or two. The period is three to five years, and the short period is half a year. This time is not fixed, because Muria does not know how many ancient dragons are hidden in this peninsula. But no matter how much, he has the confidence to suppress,

"At this time, my grandfather should be back, and I will discuss it with my grandfather later."

"Grandfather is the ancient golden dragon!" When Murraya's eyes were heard when this Golden Dragon mother spoke of his grandfather, it was also a good teacher candidate.

The teachers of the Dragon Academy are naturally dragon-oriented, preferably those ancient dragons that have gone through thousands of years, with metal dragons first, then gemstone dragons, and five-colored dragons. There are two qualities that can be chosen for submission Not bad to go to teaching, such as the ancient green dragon Fiona.

As for inviting the five-colored ancient dragons to come as teachers on a large scale, is it okay? What can these colognes teach? They spent most of their lives burning and looting, let them teach the young dragon how to rob?

"Yes." Upon hearing Muria's question, Golden Dragon Beauty Silva nodded.

"If I wanted to hire the blessing as a teacher at the Serf Academy, do you think he would agree?" Muria asked cheerfully.

"I don't know about this, but I will tell my grandfather then."

"It's really troublesome." Looking at the departing Jinlong and his party, Muria was a little bit distressed. He wanted to pull some metal dragons as a student, but he still had a long way to go. Of course, as long as he persists, he will soon succeed It is difficult for metal dragons to refuse to make their descendants better, and their ideas are more inclined to humans.


After sending away these visiting Golden Dragons and his party, Muria was not in a hurry to probe the human powers discovered by the storm giants. The city has already discovered those that humans cannot run away, anyway, the expansion of the giants has not yet arrived. anxious.

"Did you know the amount of resources in those lands we conquered?" Muria asked immediately after returning to the Wind King Castle, and he looked down at the thousands of dragons who were busy below. They were Mia. During the decades, the servants selected one after another, they all infected the human beings of Muria, and kept absolute loyalty to Muria. This is the family he developed, but it belongs to the lowest class. Wait.

"His Royal Highness, it is already clear. However, these statistics are only temporary. As the giants expand, the number of these resources is increasing every moment."

After seeing Muria coming back, the big director in the Wind King Castle greeted him. After Muria got on the crystal throne, he called up a light screen projection and presented it in front of Muria, showing various resources. The amount of this is only temporarily detected.

The phoenix does not fall into a land without treasure. In fact, this sentence can be extended, and powerful creatures will not live in those broken places. Every powerful creature has some special place where they live. Even if it is not special, if they stay for a long time, there will be some very specific changes in those places.

For example, the place where the Red Dragon lives must be a place with very strong fire elements, which is very suitable for the mage of the fire elements, or the knights to cultivate, this is just one of them.

The extraordinary beasts on the Evil Dragon Peninsula represent a wealth of extraordinary resources. Otherwise, it would be impossible to breed such a large number of ferocious beasts. Because of the barren land, even if some special existences are conceived by chance, they will leave due to lack of resources and cannot be kept at all.

Therefore, the giant legion of Muria constantly found various special mineral vein resources, exotic fruits, or places where the elements were gathered during the conquest. The concentration of these elements in the places was more intense than in the outside world, and Its attributes are single, and creatures with matching attributes can accelerate its growth rate. These are the resources of the Dragon Peninsula.

And these resources, with the expansion of the giant army, have followed Muria's surname. Some of these resources, Muria has decided to allocate to the upcoming Dragon Academy ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ can just accelerate the growth of those young dragons.


"Now tell me, where are the human territories we found on this peninsula? I want to take a look."

After figuring out how much resources he had on the land he had occupied, Muria's interest rose, and he began to ask where the fat was. Well, for the piece of human territory explored by the Storm Giant, Muria saw it as the fat that would enter his mouth sooner or later.

He even hopes that this piece of fat can be more plump so that he can have more satisfaction when eating.

Humans cut trees on this land, level the land, build cities, dig trenches, and cultivate farmland. This certainly represents the beginning of human forces in this paradise, but it also means there is a well-developed land waiting there. Muria picks it up, he just sits and enjoys it.

As for his inability to recover such things, there is no such thing. Muria doesn't think anyone can stop his footsteps. There is no empire on this continent. There are only three major human kingdoms. Muria does not think that the territory is vast. The Diet of the King was so full that he ran to grab territory with the dragon.