Titan and Dragon King

Chapter 944: The relationship between civilizations

Five years

The body has grown to ten meters, and Muria, who has nothing to do with the original black and blue-skinned Yikong man in shape and appearance, sits in the palace that has been rebuilt.

He looked down at the commanders of the legions that were full of science and technology armor. These commanders had been infected by his bloodline over the years, and their body shapes had also undergone huge changes. Each of them had a height of more than five meters. On the uncovered cheeks, a faint golden divine pattern emerged.

They can be said to be completely different from the original Yikong people, of course, it can be said that they are the evolutionary species of Yikong people.

However, this evolution of the Yikong people was formed through the transcendental intervention of Muria, not natural evolution. For such individuals, the evolution of Yikong people has benefited a lot.

For the entire Yikong civilization, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. Because the Yikong people are a life-wisdom group, they are in the primitive stage of desolation, and the population problem was one of the important constraints on their development.

Muria forcibly elevates the life level of the Yikong people living around him through his own blood. In a short time, naturally, there are infinite benefits.

However, once the span of time is lengthened, this group of Yikong people whose life level is improved will have a fatal problem, and the fertility rate will fall in an avalanche.

The shortage of population is undoubtedly fatal to a civilization that wants to develop and grow, so Muria divided the Yikong people who lived around him.

Only Yikong talents with different talents or making some contributions are eligible to live on Yunjianfeng, while ordinary Yikong people live on the ground. In this way, his influence on the future of this civilization can be minimized.

"Oblique to King Ur, the army's fifth round of expansion has been completed, this time recruiting soldiers, the enrollment number is 37672, the total number of army soldiers has exceeded 200,000!"

"Hmm!" After hearing the report below, Muria's face showed satisfaction, and she nodded slowly.

For the past five years, he has sent troops to seek and persuade the Yikong tribe outside the Ayary Forest to migrate to His Majesty. Because of the support of the Divine Tree, the process has been exceptionally smooth. The only constraint is traffic.

Therefore, with the support of a sufficient population, Muria held a troop recruitment ceremony every other year, and now the standard of an Iraqi man who wants to join Muria's army is to become a Baghdad.

Such conditions were of course extremely high for the former Yikong tribe, but for the Yikong people now living in the Ayary Forest, it is not difficult to become a Baghdad, but it is not that big.

The first is the promotion of Muria's basic breathing method. To become a Baghdad, it is necessary to have a good and strong physique to carry the power of glory. In the past, the body of the Yikong people relied on their talents, so the number was scarce .

But Muria's promotion of breathing methods has made it possible for every Yikong person to become Baghdad, because they know how to systematically strengthen their physique.

The second is that Baghdad is actually a very broad term. There is a **** pattern on the hand called Baghdad, and the whole body is covered with **** pattern and is still called Baghdad. The difference between the two is undoubtedly very different.

An Yikong person can ensure diet every day, and if he is diligent in practice, he will let his body fuse and absorb the power of light to form a divine pattern on his body when he is an adult. The difficulty is not high. Therefore, the Yikong people recruited by Muria The number of recruits is increasing every year.

Of course, the most basic is the population. With the population plus enough time, everything is easy to say. Muria believes in his farming ability and gives him time. Sooner or later, the Iraqi civilization can be crushed by the earth civilization, and the technology can be extraordinary It's not as simple as one plus one.

However, the problem is that the Earth Star civilization will never give the Yikong civilization too much time, because the space-time between the two worlds has been distorted, creating a natural space-time channel, which has brought the distance between the two worlds closer. .

Therefore, when the civilization of the Yikong people develops, it will naturally make the geocentric civilization feel threatened, and at that time war will inevitably erupt, and the two distances are close enough to the civilization, and the weaker party wants to seek peace Rise is just a dream.

If you want a real rise, you must fight a beautiful crushing war, dare not to say anything to the other side, and dare not make any trips to the other side. Only in this way can a relatively backward civilization truly rise.

Peaceful coexistence? Mutual benefit and win-win? This is just the beautiful expectation when the two civilizations are deadlocked. When one civilization is stronger than the other, all it can think of is how to defeat it and then swallow everything from the other.

In the past five years, despite the large number of mining ships sent by the Earth Star civilization to Pandora World, they have never waged any war against Pandora World again.

There is a state of peace between the two worlds for a while, but this peace is also very clear to Muria. It was he who made it five years ago, not his deity and the temptation of longevity for the group of councillors to do it. of.

Under the persuasion and wandering of female doctor Ellen, indeed many members of parliament have changed their camp, from neutrals, hawks to doves, but they have basically played little role in the peace in these five years.

They decided in a war that was mostly tentative five years ago that they would not wage any war on the Pandora world for a period of time because they had not yet figured out what kind of terror was hidden in the Pandora world. monster.

So in other words, they are white wolves with empty gloves. Without any force, they have directly extended their life from Muria by about 20 years.

But this crystal that prolonged the lives of these high-weight parliamentarians was, for Muria, just a few boring and cohesive gadgets in his free time. He casually extracted some trees in the Ayary Forest The vitality is enough, and this vitality is spread throughout the Ayary Forest, and even the leaves are not yellow.

Therefore, these lawmakers feel that they have made money, but Muria will never lose, he is the supplier. And because of the existence of life crystals that can prolong life, the ruling class of the Earth Star civilization really had a completely different view of the Pandora world than before.

There are a lot of energy resources in the Pandora world, which can free the earth star civilization from the current energy crisis. The gods in the Pandora world can provide life crystals, prolong life, and make immortality from fantasy to reality.

The existence of these two things made the ruling class of the Earth Star civilization veto all weapons that could cause devastating damage to the world of Pandora, whether they are energy or crystals of life, they need them.


Di Xing, a luxurious mansion, a young college student full of intellectual temperament, as if just graduated, walked into this luxurious building, and looked at the middle-aged woman who came up with a smile.

"Her Excellency!"

"Dr. Ellen, this time you return to the world of Pandora to see that person. I don't know what reward you got?" Heya looked at the female doctor and asked with a smile.

In recent years, she can be described as a spring breeze. Because of Ellen's existence, she has drawn a large number of members of parliament and formed a political group. Among this group, she is faintly in a leadership position and holds a large amount of political resources.

"Some trivial rewards, I brought back many small things that are good for the human body in the royal court of His Majesty King Ur's!"

"What little thing?" Heya, who had become younger in five years, couldn't help asking. For her current posture, she paid a lot of things. In a sense, these things violate human meaning.

"A deity's idol!" Ellen took a smile from the package behind her with a charmed statue in a squatting posture.

"This is ..." Seeing this statue with purple and black as the main body, and the scales strewn with gold veins, Heya's eyes froze. How could she not recognize this overlord-like creature that the soldiers called the battleship crusher? .

"This is also a **** called Charm! If you can pray and worship it three times a day for ten minutes each time, then after you persist for a while, you will have some unexpected gains!" Ellen Smiled.

"What unexpected gains will there be?" Heya asked, touching her face.

"For example, it can make you younger! It also allows you to grasp some powers that humans don't have!" Ellen said in a bewildering voice. "This is an equal level of existence as King Ur."


"You don't know if you try it. Anyway, it only takes so little time every day ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The total cost is not much compared to what you might get."

"You said the same thing." Heya nodded when he heard Allen's words. Indeed, spending some time a day worshipping is nothing, compared to the life she has now, this time is not at all. what.

"Then I will resign first, and I will visit some other translators. I think they may also need the grace of this deity!" Seeing that Dr. Heya was willing to worship Charm, Ellen also resigned.


Seeing the female doctor leave, the congresswoman who has become a half-old **** looks at the idol in her hands and is lost in contemplation. She is envious, awesome, and even faint about the extraordinary power of Pandora's world Fear, but at the same time there is a touch of longing.

"Aaron, send this idol to the laboratory for testing, if there are no problems, send me back!"

"Sir, do you really want to believe in this god?"

"If it can make me younger, then what does it matter to worship?"