Titan Dawn

Chapter 147: Ogre and Imothal

In the Gordok ogre area, this group of fat men are now being shot by a group of elf chicks.

The ranger's tricky and precise archery kept greeting their necks and heads, and the rangers were lightly packed. The light leather armor and the only longbow made them extremely agile. Big fat people like ogres are basically Not even the rangers' clothing corners could be touched.

Shantis Yuyue took Winessa ahead of her, and after thinking about it, Ali Sander agreed to allow Winessa to follow Shantis. This powerful ranger general in ancient times, there is no problem in protecting Windy Sa.

General Yugetsu's famous technique is nicknamed the Luna Railgun, and she can gather moonlight energy on her arrows by praying. As long as the target is still on the planet Azeroth, you are running to the ends of the earth, and this arrow will chase you until it hits.

At this moment, Shantis's silvery white bow kept firing the moonlight arrows like a machine gun, and the Gordok ogre fat men were shot around like bullied children.

Gordok fat people are indeed relatively innocent. Since coming here, they have been safe and sound, and have not gone out to harass nearby towns and caravans. They were just the incidental thing that the Elven Army would do to annihilate Prince Tosadrin. It was all a matter of course.

At the moment, Wen Leisha was enjoying the drunken dance of the trampler Cray with great interest. In order to avoid this plague, the fat man was doing all he could to dance. He succeeded in giggling the ranger chicks, and no longer directed the arrows at himself.

"Winessa! Don't look at it, come here, go on." Shantis shot and killed the last Gordok barbarian who escaped, and turned and waved at Windessa.

"And you fat man, wait here obediently, come back and dispose of you later, don't think ... eh?" Shantis looked up at this moment, and a large group of Iron Horde's black dragon cavalry whistled and landed. .

Stomper Cree narrowed his neck. Mom! Dragon! What are you doing! Such a big battle!

"Her Majesty the God has approved, this group of Gordok ogres will be absorbed into our steel tribe, stop your rangers, General Shantis."

Cargas * Bladefist, in black armor, strode over and raised his right arm with a Bladefist toward Shantis, as a gift.

Shantis took the oracle delivered by an orc soldier and looked at the consent document of the prime minister's council, and nodded toward Cargas after confirming that it was correct.

"I see, do you need the assistance of the Yuge Ranger?"

Cargas grinned and said, "No, the ogre is honest in our Draenor. It's honest. You can go back to support Elisander, just now. Looking at the sky, the battle is still very fierce, and you wo n’t be able to catch anybody late. "

At this moment, the orc leader looked at Windessa again.

"Mrs. Winda, Her Majesty said that you would be scolded when you went back, hahaha ... Aurelia was very angry after God."

Wen Leisha broke her face when she heard the words, her mouth was raised high.

Orc soldiers of the Iron Horde immediately rushed into the depths of the city, and seeing the ogre was a fat meal and roar. The ogre also came to the world of Azeroth with the tribe during the tide of darkness. After the war, all tribes of the ogre fled and fled. The Gordok clan fled the farthest, and came directly to the Kalimdor continent. .

At this moment I saw his fellow orc again, and immediately became fiery.

Because of the fear of the orcs, these fat men were pulled back into the boat after a hard blow and joined the new tribal organization.

As for King Gordok, he clamored for a duel, to determine the true King.

Five minutes later he fell to the ground, and Cargas's right arm fist blade gave him a pair of piercings, and his intestines flowed to the ground.

Crusty observer Krusch immediately announced that Kargath had become the new king of the Gordok clan, and the entire family began to follow the Iron Horde.

In the center of the area, when the Feathermoon Rangers felt, Elisander had taken the upper elves to the demon energy cage holding Imothal.

The upper elves 'fight this way was called a cruel hand, and Suramar called animosity to the former upper elves' family of Prince Tosadrin. This group of sindra elves was directly defined as **** blasphemer.

So the upper elves did not leave captives all the way, and saw one kill one, even those who had become ghosts and undeads.

Imothal's cage was broken directly by violence. The cat that regained his liberty was immediately excited. He just wanted to start a mass slaughter, even when he saw a group of ruthless people with powerful energy all over his face. Murder rushed in and killed when he saw someone.

Although the Sintra elves struggled to resist, their energy source was a disaster dog after all, and the magic net that directly connected to the Titan Kingdom was not comparable at all. Coupled with these years, they have been holding the cultivation methods of the ancient times, without any improvement and innovation. Faced with these advances, the compatriots of the Suramar who have undergone a lot of improvement in the magic system have no fighting power at all.

Chopping melon and chopping vegetables to death killed all the Sindra, Alisander and the upper elves in the hall, as well as the newly arrived Feathermoon Rangers, set their sights on the immobility of Imota in the middle.

"What about this disaster dog? It doesn't look aggressive ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ won't it be silly to Sindra?"

"After all, it's a high-end demon. Let's kill it."

"Agree, letting go is a scourge."

Several big brothers started talking to me.

Seeing the groups of evil stars approaching themselves, Imottar roared and kept backing.

The trampling oneself is the one who tricks who! Heaven and earth conscience, Imotar has never done anything bad! Since being summoned to Azeroth, he has been imprisoned in this energy cage as a battery draw magic.

If an annual Azeroth selection is held, the immortal Demon is properly on the list, this is the living Lei Feng in the new era!

In this long, life-long imprisonment, Imota's violent character was gradually smoothed out. He began to learn to think about the meaning of survival, learned how to sorrow and sadness, and learned to compromise and bow to reality. In this fertile jungle of steel, everyone is like the wind. . . Nonsence!

The crowd was surprised for the first time. They were the first time they saw such a high-end demon, and they persuaded before they hit. They backed up and bluffed, and their tentacles covered their eyes to make a vicious look.

Ali Sander contacted Hu Feng and told her lover about the disaster dog.

"His Majesty the Emperor has an order to return this cat to the Yeong Palace, and His Majesty is very interested in it."

Immortal has been here for so long, and he has learned the language of the elves. At this moment, when he heard that he didn't need to die, he suddenly squatted with a roar and looked like an extremely honest hound.

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