Titan Dawn

~: Section 42: Garithos and the Archon

Eastern Kingdoms mainland, Stormwind City. Second prison.

The second prison is different from the well-known Stormwind Prison. The characters held in this prison are either political prisoners who are sensitive to identity or evil men who are powerful and disobedient.

And the prison was never open to the public, and orders for arrest and release could only be signed by the current king of the Stormwind Kingdom.

A team of Stormwind soldiers wearing blue and white armors entered the prison. After a while, they pressed a middle-aged man onto an obscure carriage and headed towards the storm fortress.

In the King's Hall, King Varian looked at the messy middle-aged general in front of him.

"Garithers, it's time today. Do you have anything else to say?"

Garithos lifted his head and sniffed his flushed nose, revealing a color called firmness in his eyes.

"I will not confess guilt, because I have never sinned. Everything I do is to revive Lordaeron, so I can plunder the towns of your alliance, and I can also work with those dirty forgotten people, There are reasons to hope for the revival of Lordaeron and to keep me going, and I will do it. "

Varian sighed. For the former Lord Lordaeron, there was no desire to continue talking, and he waved at the Royal Guard, signalling to take Garithus down to meet his final fate.

The man Garithos is strictly speaking, he is first a supremacist hegemon of Lordaeron, and then an extreme maniac racist. He looks down on any other race, and he can do anything crazy about those races.

When Lordaeron was still there, Garithos killed several high elves in public in his territory, which caused a great sensation at the time. That was to say, Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas were still in their honeymoon period, and the exchanges between the two parties were still very close, so this matter was suppressed and left untouched.

After the destruction of Lordaeron, Garithos took the army to cooperate with the Forgotten with the intention of trying to retake Lordaeron. But Sylvanas was so clever and cunning, and at the last moment he turned over to Garithos, who then fled to the south with a disability.

Without supplies, Garithos could only plunder some of the Alliance's remote towns to support his tribe's survival.

But soon noticed that the coalition sent by the alliance was besieged, and Garithos was also captured and thrown into the special secret prison of Stormwind City Second Prison.

But Garithos was not disappointed because he heard in prison that Princess Caria raised the banner to return to the country. The Lord Lordaeron was so happy that he could not grow up. The wings immediately flew to the north to contribute to Her Royal Highness Princess Kalia.

Of course, Princess Carlia also learned that the Storm Kingdom had arrested Garethus. Although this was also due to his own death, Carlia also sent out before going to the Eastern Plaguelands to participate in the battle of Naxxramas. The messenger went to Stormwind, trying to explore the tone and see if he could get Garithos out to serve himself.

So Garithos escaped, and he was stopped by the commander on his way to the execution ground, and returned to Stormwind Fortress with him.

Lordaeron and the Alliance Assassins are in an excellent honeymoon period. Both parties are dominated by the Dawn Knights of the Brotherhood of Dawn, and they have the relationship of Emperor Yeongye as a bridge, so the two parties did not talk about each other. What swallows the sword, but directly negotiates and communicates in a relaxed atmosphere at the banquet.

Princess Carlia was willing to compensate Garithos for the damage caused to Alliance towns, and the Alliance readily accepted this. After all, the thought of the human supremacist, Garithos, did not cause any casualties except plundering the materials he needed.

Garithos put on the glorious Lordaeron armor again, which caused him to tears, and then he knelt down and shouted to the North Jiu Jiu worshiping Xie Lord Ron.

But at the banquet, he was also told something he didn't like to listen to.

First, now Lordaeron is the Dawn Knight, not the Paladin.

Secondly, the Rebel Army and the Alliance are now very close and friendly, so they must sincerely apologize to King Varian.

Garethus was extremely upset. Although Lordaeron was overthrown, his thoughts on the great power had never been cut off. It was an insult to himself to make an apology to Varian's little baby.

But the stubborn man is one of the good things. He is very stubborn about everything.

Loyalty to Lordaeron's royal family is greater than anything else. As the only remaining royal bloodline, with her orders, Princess Kalia has nothing to mention about her honor and personal humiliation.

So Garithos apologized decisively, and he apologized sincerely in public and Varian at the banquet.

A few days later, the great humanist followed the messenger group in a gleeful return journey, along with the remnants of his original soldiers.

Returning to the north, assisting Princess Carlia and restoring the glory of Lordaeron's first power, this is the insistence in Garithos' heart.

As for other races? I let him die!

Stormwind received compensation and was very satisfied.

In general, this is a win-win ending and a typical result of humanism.

Kalimdor continent, the sleeping tower.

This silver-white tower deeply inserted into the ocean floor has become the headquarters of the Crusader of Truth.

They lived here on weekdays and received the rigorous training of the ancient **** Cthulhu and his Majesty the Faceless.

At the same time, a group of scholars of the Night Son also studied various methods and equipment that could enhance the strength of the Holy Army day and night in the tower.

For the first people of the Night Empire, it is even more terrible than the Yeongye Palace.

Devil's Tower, the birthplace of the Great Purge, the concentration camp of the cruel lunatics.

A series of titles were added to the tower.

However, this has no effect on the Holy Army. They only have endless loyalty and enthusiasm for their Lord, and they look forward to the day when the Lord will lead them to the universe and conquer the universe.

"Our Real, the Presbyterian Program has achieved initial results, and you can visit it."

Oruriel lowered the report from the local branch in his hand, nodded, and immediately stood up and followed the soldier to the deepest part of the tower.

Unlike the latter, which requires a lot of technology and technology, the focus of the electorate plan is on magic and spirit.

For this project, the Crusaders have sacrificed more than a dozen volunteers.

In the hall at the bottom, the two zealots stood on their respective high platforms without wearing armor.

Oruriel came in, looked at the two zealots, and bowed deeply.

"For the Emperor, thank you for the sacrifices you have made, and thank all those who have sacrificed in this plan."

The zealots were serious and proud, and gave a salute to Orurel ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ For God's Emperor, death was at his expense. "

Oruriel nodded fiercely, "Go!"

The spiritual network between the two seems to be separated separately, and the spiritual connection between the two is as substantive as the blue light flickers wildly.

"Ahhhhh! For the Emperor ... we must succeed! Ahhhhhhh!"

The spirits of the two zealots are connected to a dark golden dawn crystal in front of them, which is integrated with the divine power in it.

Their bodies began to dissipate, but their tenacious spirits brought their souls into the crystal, and then the crystal shot a strong dark golden morning light.

A high-energy body creature composed entirely of dark golden divine power, with two blue zeal energies blended into it, appeared before the crowd.

Their souls have been merged into one, and their spirit has become unimaginably powerful under the blessing of Dawn's divine power. It is so powerful that it can be condensed into a body only by the spirit and exist in this world.

"I ... is the Dawn of the Dawn, I ... was born for the glory of the Lord of God!"

The huge nerve energy swept through the hall like a tsunami, and the Holy See army took a few steps back, but their faces showed irresistible ecstasy.

"Success, record it! The first consul was born!"

"Develop the armor suitable for the Archon immediately, the highest priority!"

The strong woman of Oruriel was so excited that the Crusaders did not live up to the expectations of the Lord.

We are Sarrodar's blade.

We will eventually conquer all enemies who dare to resist.

We are the Titan Protoss.

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