To Defeat Scum, You Must Start Early, My Lady

Chapter 107: Song Zhizhi's edge (1) 4 more

In the high-powered conference room, everyone seemed extremely rigorous.

Song Zhizhi was sitting in an inconspicuous position, and the corner of his mouth was slightly pursed at that moment.

The creative point Yi Wenhan just said, she said when she was interviewing in a business management agency, but Yi Wenhan slightly changed the concept, but she didn't expect him to get such a big deal.


On this occasion, when he could show his ability in front of the biggest boss, Hu Lai directly gave the credit to Yi Wenhan...It had to be incredible.

Then Department One elaborated.

Department One is a typical rule-abiding, no mistakes can be found but there is no advantage at all. Without any confirmation, the department manager sat there sadly, looking very depressed.

It's department three.

Chu Qin stood up from the position.

At such a high-level meeting, she naturally did not dare to let Zhang Zhengtian come to explain, she explained the plan planned by the previous department, and did not talk about the marine entertainment project.

Song Zhizhi frowned and felt that Chu Qin was too conservative in this regard. In her opinion, many creative points do not need to be too perfect. You can put forward your ideas for later evaluation. Just like the sea hotel concept of Department 3, it is really true The feasibility of implementation is very low. Ye Taiting also directly said that he was immature but still received recognition.

At the meeting, Chu Qin spoke vigorously.

But obviously, the final positioning of the planning plan is similar to that of Department One. Moderation cannot find the shortcomings and the advantages. On the contrary, the three departments dominate.

After Chu Qin finished explaining, he glanced at his father Chu Chaotian.

Chu Chaotian shook his head in disappointment.

Chu Qin returned to his seat, obviously uncomfortable.

A person with such a strong self-esteem as Chu Qin can't be recognized on such a big occasion, and it feels more unacceptable than ordinary people.

"After listening to the plans of the three departments, I don’t make too many comments. Such a large project can’t be designed in a day or two. It naturally requires multiple collisions. It’s said that this is only the first time. I am still pleased with the effect. But I have to mention one point. Judging from the current business and economic situation in China, many industries have already been saturated, and it is difficult to achieve breakthrough development. The same is true for economic zone planning and construction. The flat and straightforward business circle cannot attract the attention of investors. This requires everyone present to give full play to their creativity. Some traditional business concepts have not adapted to the current mainstream. What we want is innovation." Ye Taiting concluded his speech.

The people below nodded unanimously.

"Don't delay everyone's extra time." Ye Taiting planned to get up and leave.

Song Zhizhi hesitated, and suddenly stood up from his seat, "Mr. Ye, can you take a few minutes?"

Everyone looked at Song Zhizhi.

Including Song Shan.

Ye Taiting turned to look at her.

Song Zhizhi introduced himself, "I am a newcomer this time, my name is Song Zhizhi. Regarding this economic zone development project, my department actually has an immature idea, but I personally think it is very promising. I hope Mr. Ye can give pointers one or two."

Ye Taiting seemed to be a little startled, and then smiled and said affirmatively, "For newcomers, if I have the courage to speak here, even if I am immature, I am willing to listen. Besides, recruiting newcomers is to have some bold blood. , Even if it's a fantasy!"