To Four Thousand Years Later

v1 Chapter 50: shout my name

[Main quest to cut grass and roots, progress update]

[Current progress: kill the rebellious Edomite Hadad (completed); capture or kill his son Kinubah; defeat Pharaoh's plot] Solomon chuckled lightly.

The gap between the abilities of Psuscenes II and Psuscenes I is too great. Should it be said that he was born as a monk after all... Some things that Pharaoh thought were too rigid and stylized.

Supporting the enemy's enemy is indeed a good strategy. But he ignored a problem, that is the obedience rate of Egyptian soldiers to Hadad.

Hada has no troops, is not Egyptian, and has no noble blood. All his soldiers were subordinate to the pharaoh... In this case, the more the pharaoh favored him, the more the soldiers hated him.

Instead of bringing 40,000 veteran soldiers who do not obey orders, it is better to bring only a few hundred light cavalry, which may pose a greater threat to Solomon.

—Of course, the premise is that Solomon didn't bring Yastalu out.

With the **** of this big guy who used to pinch mountains with bare hands, unless Solomon can snipe him out of sight, or rely on other demon gods to entangle her, it is impossible to kill him with the frontal protruding face of mortal soldiers Solomon's.

This is the advantage brought by information suppression.

If Hada or Pharaoh knew that Solomon secretly supported the demon god—even his queen was the demon god, they would never have sent him to death without any priests and relying solely on mortal soldiers.

Without the priests' countermeasures against the magic, Yastaru could even poison all 60,000 people to death.

But meant nothing to Solomon.

What he wants is not the rise of Israel. Once Israel annexes Egypt, it will just become the next Egypt.

Israel must be divided so that the precious ideas that Solomon brings back from the future can benefit the whole world, instead of being swallowed up by a few people to make a certain nation, a certain race, a certain ethnic group rise.

What he wants is for the Egyptians to believe in his words, and let them pass on the wisdom of Solomon—it is best to only listen to one generation, only worship Solomon, and not listen to the level of the future kings of Israel.

So Solomon must be all right and great.

In this era, exposing oneself to worship the demon **** is not a glorious act in the eyes of the ignorant people. This must be a secret—until the future when people's minds are enlightened and their self-will is freed from the shackles of religion, people will not know this truth, and thus lift the personality cult of Solomon.

But before that, Solomon needs enough brilliance to lead ignorant human beings out of the wrong path of worshiping demon gods to seek individual power, and embark on the scientific path of pursuing collective wisdom.

After all, a demon **** with supernatural power is too deceptive. In order to defeat this polytheism that may drive humans to conquer each other in the future, Solomon had to briefly use the power of monotheism to expel the polytheism composed of demon gods on the ground-even though he knew that this power was equally dangerous.

And now... is his precious opportunity to strengthen his reputation—an opportunity to perform miracles in front of the Israelites and Egyptians at the same time, and his glory to be recorded by many peoples at the same time.

These Egyptian soldiers must not kill too many. They should be sent back to Pharaoh to ensure that the population of Egypt will not be cut off for this generation.

But in order to prevent them from going to war again, Solomon planned to break off the index and middle fingers of their right hands. And these people can also extort a sum of money from the Pharaoh... If the Pharaoh is ridiculously stingy, he can also use these people as coolies.

In any case, it's better than killing.

As long as people are alive, they can create value... There are as many as 10,000 prisoners. Pharaoh should not be so stupid as to ignore them.

And when they come back, they'll take Solomon's legend with them

"You should look straight at me—"

Solomon's voice rumbled in the air: "Because I am Solomon! The Mandate King!"

"You should look directly at me! Witness this miracle!"

Under the watchful eyes of the Egyptians and Israelites, Solomon walked towards the burning forest without looking back, while Yastaru and Gaza stayed where they were.

The dense forest covered by fire is like a living purgatory. The monstrous flames made Solomon's shadow stretch extremely long behind him.

But Solomon just walked straight ahead as if the tree in front of him was fake.

Just when everyone thought that Solomon was going to enter the dense forest, Solomon stood very close to the dense forest, with his back to the crowd, raised his right hand, and continued to walk forward.

"You must, shout my name—"

Solomon clanged and shouted loudly: "So I am unstoppable!"

All the Israelites behind him shouted at the same time: "Long live King Solomon!"

As the sound sounded, a large area of ​​trees within more than 30 square meters in front of Solomon suddenly burned, turned into fly ash in the blink of an eye, and was blown away by the smelly light black hurricane.

It was the demonic spells Solomon learned from Baal and Yastaru, Deflagration and Hellwind.

But in the eyes of those behind Solomon, they just praised Solomon's name loudly, and the trees in front of Solomon collapsed!

Their emotions suddenly became aroused.

Solomon continued to walk forward at a leisurely pace, and when he was about to approach the tree, he raised his right hand again: "Call out my name—"

"Long live King Solomon!"

Everyone shouted loudly at the same time.

The flames flared up again, and the trees immediately turned into fly ash and dissipated into the air.

When Solomon raised his right hand for the third time, they obediently shouted, "Long live King Solomon!"

"Long live King Solomon!"

Even the Egyptians couldn't help shouting: "Long live King Solomon—"

Everywhere he walks will be made a smooth path.

Like a god's ax cutting through the ground, the dense forest was cut out a neat passage enough for seven or eight people to pass side by side.

People walked slowly behind Solomon, witnessing that he kept burning all the trees that blocked him to ashes.

Everyone's emotions became more and more frenzied.

Finally, they approached the very center of the jungle and saw the burning trees. And feel the torrential heat wave.

But this time they were fearless.

For King Solomon was before them.

But in front of King Solomon, nothing can be taken for granted

I saw the trees blocking Solomon, as if being bombarded by an invisible giant cannon, they exploded and tore apart one after another, clearing a path to the other side of the forest.

The troops of Tire saw that the forest was cut open from the middle by an invisible force, and they fell into incomprehensible consternation.

But Solomon was in front of the flames on both sides, but he didn't step into the flames like he repelled Baal last time.

"I bless this forest! Give it blood with the flesh of my enemies!"

Solomon raised his hands and shouted loudly in front of the warriors of the Three Kingdoms: "I bless this forest—it will not die because of this fire, but prosper instead!"

"Because it obeys me! Therefore I give it life and glory, as obeying my people—"

While speaking, Solomon activated the spell in Yastaru's domain.

- Block the flame.

Following Solomon's proclamation, the invisible fluctuation centered on him instantly spread out.

Using the flame itself as a sacrifice, the summoned force field that cuts off burning instantly extinguishes the surrounding flames.

Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, the burning forest in front of Solomon returned to calm in an instant, leaving only the burnt breath and thick smoke—as if an invisible torrent of water was pouring down from the sky.

Followed by spells in the Baal domain.

- soil plant recovery.

The second wave spread out, and the corpses outside instantly burst into blood mist and disappeared in the ground. After tens of seconds, the charred and charred trees that were about to turn into carbon began to squirm one after another, and raised up with a creaking sound, shaking off the black ash from their shells.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, those trees started to sprout again, and the emerald green leaves grew out again.

Burned trees come back to life, and slain enemies turn to ashes

The miracle performed by Solomon at this moment is truly branded in the hearts of the people who saw this scene.

"—You guys, shout out!"

Solomon raised his right hand and shouted, "Shout my name and praise my glory!"

"Long live King Solomon!"

"Long live King Solomon—"

The crowd raised their arms and shouted, their voices soaring, straight into the sky. In the face of that power, the aura of the Tyrians who formed an army was also much weaker.

"Bring back those who surrendered, and don't hurt their lives."

Solomon said calmly to Binaya: "By the way, there should be a lot of horses in this forest that haven't been burned to death. Let's take them back with them."

Then he raised his head and said casually to the Tyrians, "Tell your king that I am coming. Slay your enemies."

"Let him throw a feast! Throw a feast for me—"