To Four Thousand Years Later

v1 Chapter 57: I have never seen such a brazen person

The wheels of the chariot rolled and the horseshoes clattered.

Tire soldiers with sharp swords and bows came scattered from all over. The avenue, which could not be called wide, was filled with chariots behind them in the blink of an eye.

But what those city guards didn't quite understand was... they just stopped far away at the other end of the street, and didn't come forward any more.

Are these Tyrean soldiers who were able to defeat the Egyptian army...afraid of Solomon?

Looking at the large distance between Solomon and the army, the noisy atmosphere in the city of Tire gradually became dead silent.


Solomon laughed as he looked at the densely packed army ahead.

His laughter grew louder and far away in the silent city of Tire.


He laughed and pointed at the troops: "You have seen the miracles I have done, and dare to stand in front of me?"

The others didn't know what Solomon meant at all, but the regular army in Tire began to retreat hesitantly, and slowly moved out of the way, not daring to block Solomon's way.

Before they backed away, the smile on Solomon's face disappeared instantly.

With a solemn face, he took a step forward.

At that moment, a substantive coercion spread out.

Solomon seemed to be shining with a dazzling light. Just looking at him will make you feel flustered, fear and admiration arise in your heart for no reason.

That is the spell from the demon **** in Baimen's domain

— prestige.

The next moment, Solomon's furious voice rumbled like thunder: "How dare you stand in front of me?"

After the great words fell, people fled in embarrassment. The people, who were so frightened that they couldn't even move, knelt down and confessed to Solomon.

But those who regarded Solomon as a friend and had no hostility towards him could not feel this strong coercion. They could only feel that Solomon's figure seemed to have grown enormous at that moment, but after recovering, there seemed to be no change.

"We have no intention of blocking you—Lord Solomon!"

Umar's father shouted loudly: "I, we are... yes, we have come to surrender to the King of Gaza!"

"Yes, yes!"

"That's it, King Solomon!"

The morale of the regular army collapsed instantly in front of Solomon.

That's not because they are timid. Having witnessed Solomon's miracles firsthand, they were more terrified than others

Because the scene where Solomon extinguished the sea of ​​flames in an instant had left an indelible mark on their hearts. This makes them more receptive to Solomon's cues.

And Solomon didn't give them time to recover.

He immediately activated the second spell.

—Spiritual scream.

Solomon stepped forward again, and a deafening voice sounded in the hearts of everyone in the city at the same time: "So, you should bow down!"

"Bow down before your new king - bow down to Tyre!"

Solomon's voice was loud enough to shake the heart, shake the brain, and dazzle the eyes.

Many other voices disappeared to the extreme the moment he spoke, and the noise of the people around him was only a slight humming.

"Because you bowed down and surrendered to the priest of the demon god, you are guilty!"

Solomon shouted loudly: "You are guilty because of your foolishness, offering sacrifices to a man-eating **** and killing your youngest son!"

"I curse you! Whoever sacrifices their youngest sons, whoever worships a demon god, whoever hands over a kingdom to a priest, commits a great sin! This fire from heaven will come upon your houses from my hands! Your heads will fall to the ground, and your The corpse will be incinerated—"

His voice that spans distance and can sound from the bottom of his heart even if he covers his ears tightly makes people panic. But those who knew the real death of the king of Tire seemed to understand something.

But those few who had seen the death of the king of Tire and knew what Solomon was referring to did not dare to speak at this time. No, they don't even have the strength to speak now.

They could only bow down to Gaza and Solomon in unison—at least when their legs were weak, kneeling was much easier than standing.

But Solomon just looked directly at the few people in the crowd who were wearing priestly clothes and knelt down in fear, and said sonorously: "And those priests who worship the demon god, you are also guilty!"

"Those priests who hold the power to teach people but don't use it, hold the obligation to do good deeds but don't do it, and try to grasp the authority of the mortal world are all guilty!"

As he said that, Solomon released the third Baimon domain spell.

—Mind Spike.

The coercion in his words was restrained, and he pointed at the few people dressed as priests.

The invisible force was like a sharp blade, beating their hearts with high frequency following Solomon's words.

"Because they reign among the people, they shall eradicate from the people—"

Solomon paused, and his voice suddenly amplified: "Because they hold on to the authority in the mortal world and don't let go, they will never live in the mortal world!"

At that moment, the priests who were at least hundreds of meters away from Solomon groaned and groaned, blood slowly overflowed from their seven orifices, struggled and fell to the ground and lost their vitality, which shocked the people around them.

And most people don't even notice that their priest is dead. They just knelt down and watched Solomon, listening to his words.

"Listen, Tyrian—"

Solomon said loudly: "I am Solomon, the king of Israel! The teacher and adoptive father of your new king Gaza!"

"On behalf of Israel, I declare that Gaza, the eldest son of Hiram, will be the new king of Tyre—"

"On behalf of Tire, I declare that Tire and Israel will be reconciled forever."

And Gaza finally opened his mouth and raised his voice to declare: "You should respect King Solomon as you respect me; you must love the people of Israel as you love your own brothers and sisters."

"You will learn the words of wisdom from my teacher, King Solomon, and learn the wisdom of recognizing characters, numbers, and distinguishing right from wrong; you will sing songs in praise of King Solomon. In this way, Solomon will guard your life and give you wealth forever. —”

"Long live my king Gaza!"

As soon as Gaza finished speaking, a wealthy businessman behind Solomon shouted very winkingly.

Other wealthy merchants, Umar and the guards also shouted: "Long live my king Gaza!"

"Long live my king Gaza—"

Although it was a beat slower, the regular soldiers also shouted loudly.

It was only then that the civilians and the city guards reacted, prostrated on the ground and shouted long live.

The history books will record this scene as such

Three years after Solomon ascended the throne, Gaza, the new king of Tyre, came to power. Facing the difficulties of the priests and the siege of the soldiers of Tyre, King Solomon was not afraid in front of the city gate, angrily scolded them for their stupidity, and finally angered the rebellious priests to death, and persuaded the soldiers to return to orthodoxy on the spot.

From then on, there were no priests in Tire. People no longer worship their gods.

Also today—Tyre officially became a vassal state of Israel.