To Four Thousand Years Later

v1 Chapter 59: three powers

"My lord, are we still going home..."

Yastaru looked at Solomon with some concern: "I'm a little worried without Baimeng to help you with government affairs."

As usual, she sat in Solomon's arms and rubbed his forehead for him.

It's getting late today. Solomon gave three lessons, gave a separate lesson to the merchants on money, and checked the tablets on which his teachings were engraved. I also asked the king of Tire for a document on the business relationship in recent months... When the work was over, it was late at night again.

Contracting two demon gods at the same time brought Solomon not only the simple aging and growth rate increased by four times... Solomon's energy was also burning at four times the speed of ordinary people. The eyes that are as bright as flames and seem to be burning are the proof.

"It's not much different, Yastaru."

Solomon just chuckled: "I can't stop thinking. Even if Baimeng helps me share the work, I will find something else to do."


Yastaru snorted unhappily, and hit Solomon's forehead with his head moderately.

She also knew that Solomon was telling the truth. It seems that when there is no government affairs, Solomon keeps asking himself some difficult questions, and then tries to answer them.

Because Solomon's vision is not "here", but "there".

If it was as simple as traveling to this era, he wouldn't think too much. However, Solomon knew that he would not stay in this era forever...

His reincarnation mode is not the continuous reincarnation of the Crusader King. Each of his lives is randomly selected between five hundred and one thousand the blank period of history is too long, far longer than the time he walked on the earth.

If he gets used to the thinking mode of a certain era and lowers his standards... Then at the beginning of a future life, he will suddenly realize that he can't keep up with the rhythm of the world.

Therefore, you must constantly improve yourself. But in this unenlightened age, there are really no books to read and no knowledge to study. He can only ask himself difficult questions, at least he can't stop thinking...

This put Solomon's brain in an almost constant state of overload.

If Yastaru hadn't been by Solomon's side to treat him all the time, maybe Solomon would be sick now.

That's why Solomon took Yastaru with him when he came out.

He really didn't bring this full-strength milk to knock people's heads, he really brought milk to heal...

If Yastaru hadn’t been brought with him, it might have been a diplomatic accident if he suddenly fainted in Tire—after all, Solomon didn’t believe that the doctors in Tire could cure him.

"As for why not go back..."

Solomon shook his head: "Tyre is a very important city-state. I must try to leave something for them."

Greek civilization has not yet begun. If you can let your thoughts go deep into the foundation of Greek civilization, the future wave of Hellenization will spread the power of this thought in one go.

Relying solely on religious inheritance is not reliable. The meaning of religion is to not be cut off due to war, it is an insurance.

But hysteresis is an inherent property of religion, and it is impossible to always be advanced. Although the new religion that Solomon is creating can guide them for a while and preserve their thoughts most completely, it will eventually make them a corrupt and backward group of people.

And...he needs to bury some slabs here. As evidence of his own anti-Solomon thought in the future.

"It's ok, my head doesn't hurt anymore."

Solomon picked up Yastaru, stroked her hair and said softly, "Besides, there is one more thing...that is, those Egyptian captives. I specifically told Benaiah that they should treat these captives well and give them Their normal human diet."

Yastaru squinted his eyes comfortably and listened quietly.

"The essence of power is to use violence, wealth and knowledge to make other people behave in a certain way. And the king is the person who controls the three pillars of this power."

Solomon said calmly: "They control the coercive power of the army, hold the largest wealth in the country, and control laws and knowledge. However, power also has different qualities."

"Violence is the easiest kind of power to see. I let the soldiers control these captives just to let the people of Israel realize that 'we are stronger now' and 'Solomon has a strong army'. And This kind of violence that they keep in mind all the time actually helps the maintenance and operation of society. It can be said that it is this kind of invisible violence that threatens people not to actually encounter violence.”

Solomon explained: "But violence is a one-way power. It can only be used to punish, so it is low-quality power."

"Wealth is much more flexible than violence. It enables people to obtain raw materials and commodities from afar, improve their quality of life, and can be used not only for punishment, but also for rewards. Therefore, wealth is a level higher than violence. power."

Speaking of this, Solomon paused, and said in a low voice: "However, the most important and flexible power is always knowledge. Or, wisdom."

"Wisdom can multiply violence and wealth... He is an amplifier that can increase the efficiency of any kind of power application, and can also reduce the enemy's violence and wealth application efficiency."


Yastaru blinked: "You are very wise, my lord."

"It's just that for them ... it's nothing to brag about."

Solomon shook his head lightly, resting his forehead against Yastaru's head, smelling the fragrance of her body, feeling his thoughts gradually calm down.

And Yastaru no longer asked what this had to do with the Egyptian soldiers. She just gently touched Solomon's cheek with her cheek, squinting her eyes and lying quietly in Solomon's arms, enjoying the rare leisure time.

After three or four full minutes, Solomon finally came to rest.

He opened his eyes, and his eyes became peaceful again. Slowly stroking Yastaru's hair again.

"My purpose for letting the Egyptians stay in my country is to reduce the influence of the Pharaoh on them."

He said peacefully: "I definitely want to return them to Pharaoh. Israel cannot afford to support so many people...and if they are absorbed, it will have a negative impact on cohesion."

"However, I can't give it back to Pharaoh in vain. At least a ransom is required. This is tantamount to a blow to Pharaoh's wealth."

"And I want to break off the index and middle fingers of their right hands, so that they can't hold the sword or draw the bow. This is a blow to the violence of the Pharaoh."

"On this basis, I also want to let them feel my wisdom and kindness...I want them to understand what a powerful enemy they are facing. I want them to come here with no intentions and leave with wisdom—so, then Let them use this wisdom to shake the knowledge monopoly of the pharaohs, and thus their authority."

Solomon said calmly: "This is a blow to Pharaoh's intellectual power. It takes a long time for a new idea to take root in the minds of the masses, and will also take a long time to eradicate it."

"I will let the Pharaoh understand. Taking prisoners from me is better than letting them all die."

Solomon stroked Yastaru's hair as if stroking a cat, narrowed his eyes and said, "Let them dry first. After Benaya settles them down, send someone to find the Pharaoh, and then Nathan will help me and The pharaoh negotiated the price, and when the pharaoh's cargo car came from Egypt and the messenger ran from Israel to Tire... I will 'hurry back'. Now I don't know that the pharaoh still wants these people ,Right?"

"You say so, my lord."

Yastaru responded with a soft voice.

Solomon chuckled and patted Yastaru on the head: "Let's rest, Yastaru."