To Four Thousand Years Later

v1 Chapter 73: Flame rising

Half a year has passed since Psuscenes II put down the flames of the uprising.

During the past six months, it seemed that everything in Egypt was normal. Pharaoh also slowly loosened his grip on the people.

But what he didn't know was that after the "Book of Priests" was completely burned, new things began to circulate among the people.

—That was the suicide note left by Priest Meru before he was executed by Pharaoh.

Just by reading, you can feel the despair of Priest Meru at that time, his devotion to God Amon, his love for Egypt, and the extraordinary wisdom of Priest Meru.

"Why is Israel rich? That is because King Solomon is wise and wise. Why are we poor and hungry? It is because our Pharaoh is brutal and cruel. He has long since lost Amon's favor, but he still does not let go of his seat—"

A middle-aged man closed the door tightly, opened the scroll and taught his son in a low voice. His wife was watching at the door. His son listened intently, without his usual naughtiness.

"I called out among the people the words to save Egypt, but no one answered; I told them the wise words of King Solomon, but they did not listen. They feared the power of Pharaoh more than the glory of the **** Amun. They feared the power of the mortals The law is better than the fear of taboos that God hates..."

Several priests who had made good friends with Melu recited the suicide note left by their friends in unison in the dark temple, the light of the torches flickered, and their expressions were extremely solemn.

"But have you ever thought about it—if there is no land, where is the kingdom? If there is no people, where is the king? You are afraid of the authority of Pharaoh, and this authority will fall on you; you are afraid of the sword, and the sword will cut you. On your necks! If you are weak, you will become livestock; if disaster comes to you, it will blow down the sheepfold like a storm, and you will be powerless!"

A strong young man recited loudly in the crowd, behind him was the Pharaoh's Pyramid that was about to be completed.

They are the descendants of ordinary people or minor nobles who were strong and selected from their own villages to build pyramids for the Pharaoh. If the pyramids were built and they hadn't died in accidents, they would be sent back to their hometowns. Most of the soldiers who returned from the State of Israel were filled with these people.

Even some of the overseers became theirs. An overseer listened in the crowd, and two vigilant watchers looked around.

Under Melu's exhortation, their awe of Pharaoh gradually dissipated.

Before that, Pharaoh hunted down some of them, and even found their friends and killed them without explanation. This greatly angered the people.

But Pharaoh was a **** on earth after all, the son of the Great God Amon. Going against his wishes is tantamount to going against the wishes of the Great God Amon.

But now, the devout priest Melu told them that the Great God Amun had abandoned their pharaoh—he should have passed on the throne long ago, but he never let go.

—His rule is thus illegitimate, his position stolen.

The people he killed were not out of the will of the Great God Amon, but out of his own will... against the will of the blasphemer of the gods.

"I have received a revelation from God Amon—woe is woe to Egypt! One day, King Solomon will shock and panic Pharaoh. The Egyptians begged King Solomon because they were oppressed by Pharaoh, and Solomon sent people to save Egypt. He will strike He struck Egypt, but he struck and healed. He cut off the carrion, and made Egypt bleed, but kept her life."

The man was still calling excitedly from a high place, his impassioned speech was like a speech.

He was one of the soldiers detained in Israel. He came from aristocratic background and was favored by God Amon, but he was dispatched to build the pyramid just because he said "Solomon was actually kind to them", and even his father's status was damaged...

He had seen with his own eyes what Pharaoh had done to them, and what Solomon had done to them, and he was greatly outraged by it.

"My brethren, it is as the Prophet Meru said. We are born of the flesh, and we will walk in the flesh; we despise the foolish, and let us heed the counsel of the wise."

He whispered to the crowd.

"Someone is here!"

At this moment, a supervisor suddenly rushed in shouting. The gathered crowd dispersed in an instant, each doing their own business.

But they still whispered in their mouths: "The Egyptians will attack the Egyptians."

"The Egyptians will attack the Egyptians—"

This time, everyone's actions were unexpectedly secretive.

Because the people who reported to Pharaoh before were isolated and alienated by the crowd. And too many people were killed before, and the people's obedience to Pharaoh began to gradually collapse at the bottom.

Friends were killed, siblings were killed, parents and children were killed—they were full of anger. The 2,000 people who were killed had more than 20,000 relatives and friends. Plus the slaves whose tongues were cut out, and the relatives of other soldiers...

And when Melu reminded everyone that Pharaoh was no longer favored by God Amon, people's fear of him gradually dissipated.

—Thinking about it carefully, God Amon has indeed not descended in front of people for several years. This is also the first time among the pharaohs of all dynasties.

There is no doubt that Psuscenes II did not please God

In the illusion of peace and happiness, an invisible, raging flame is constantly surging and brewing.

On the other hand, Psuscenes II also figured it out during this time... The paper of "a priest with a conscience" that was circulated among the Egyptians before was probably not written by Meru.

If there is no accident, it may have been written by Solomon and distributed among the people.

Although the handwriting was indeed Melu's, it doesn't mean that the Israelites couldn't imitate it.

At that time, because of the solid evidence, Pharaoh didn't use lie detector magic to verify Melu's statement, so he directly ordered him to be executed. But now that I think about it, if I had used the lie detection magic at that time, I would have been able to understand Solomon's trick..., not right. To be conservative, even if the polygraph test proved that he really did not write it, Psuscenes II would have executed him.

—Whether he wrote it or not is not important, what matters is whether the public thinks he wrote it or not.


Psuscenes II frowned while chanting the name of this old enemy.

When will the mere Israelis be so disrespectful to Egypt? Counting hundreds of years back, they were slaves of the Egyptians.

The most hateful thing is indeed that scheming Solomon.

Even Psuscenes II must admit that he does have wisdom beyond ordinary people. Now, after careful calculation, Solomon's planning left him with only a little over 10,000 standing troops, only two generals from the four legions, and a little over 10,000 available horses.

One third is used to pull carts, and if the rest is used as horsemen, plus infantry filling, it is probably enough for two legions. Counting the mercenaries that can be bought with money, the available legions in Egypt are only in the early 20,000s, or even less than three legions

...that's a real shame.

Psuscenes II sighed deeply.

There is no doubt that these are all caused by my own stupidity and inadequacy. Compared with the great Psuscenes I, the only thing I can be proud of is the love and compassion of God Amon.

But after all, there was indeed no one in my generation who could be a pharaoh. In the end, I became a pharaoh myself, rather than just giving Egypt an explanation.

But I never expected that it was only a generational break, but it just happened to catch up with this freak Solomon...

When I meet the pharaohs of the past, I don't know how to explain it.

Psuscenes II sighed deeply.

To be honest, he still wanted to go back to the ancestral temple of Thebes to serve the **** Amon in peace, instead of fighting with the scheming King Solomon. It's too noisy here for him.

"God Amon, please give me guidance..."

He closed his eyes and sat quietly in front of the statue, an old and hoarse voice sounded in a low voice.

Of course, he still didn't get any response