To Four Thousand Years Later

v1 Chapter 76: thought infection

"Have you heard that King Solomon is coming to Egypt!"

"I'm curious what that King of Wisdom looks like..."

"It's said to be scary, just looking at his face makes him tremble."

"No way, I remember saying that he was very handsome..."

People gathered and discussed.

In the recent period of time, there has been a lot of movement in Egypt-the news spread out from nowhere, and the whole of Egypt knows that Solomon will visit Pharaoh in a few months.

For such a thing, they are actually very surprised.

Generally speaking, only a weak country will have such a ceremony against a strong country. And Israel was considered a weak country to Egypt during the time of King David... But now, in the era of the wise King Solomon's rule, Israel has become stronger in less than four years.

I heard that everyone has meat to eat and milk to drink; the first child of each family, regardless of gender, is fed by the state to adulthood, and parents do not need to pay for it; and the laws of Israel are strict, even King Solomon will not protect them. Criminals, even priests who break the law, will be punished the same as civilians...

With such a powerful nation of Israel, why did King Solomon come to meet Pharaoh?

"I heard that Pharaoh forced King Solomon to come..."

A middle-aged man lowered his voice and said vigilantly: "If you don't come, he will detain his businessmen who are staying in Egypt."

"It's not possible..."

Someone had a look of disbelief: "Honorable King Solomon, would you risk the lives of some merchants yourself?"

"No, no, no, the merchants in Israel are different from the merchants in Egypt. Their merchants are all priests."

The middle-aged man tried his best to explain: "Let the priest be the hostage... Is there any problem?"

"Even if you say so..."

The man was still full of disbelief.

But the middle-aged man immediately added: "Actually, it's very simple to see. If Solomon came to visit normally, he would definitely come with his powerful army... But if King Solomon was kidnapped, Pharaoh would definitely Not letting him bring too many people."

"Did Pharaoh want to—"

The man suddenly looked terrified, and then covered his mouth.

Although his acting skills were a bit exaggerated, at least the people around him didn't realize what was wrong.

"Damn it... Does that person want to make everyone poor even if he blasphemed the Great God Amon?"

A young man suddenly spat on the ground and cursed bitterly.

People around hurriedly motioned him to keep his voice down.

"Pharaoh must have assassinated Solomon."

The middle-aged man lowered his voice and said to everyone: "Didn't you notice? Recently, the Pharaoh began to curb Tanis, driving out people in some remote corners—this is Tanis! Under the watchful eyes of the Great God Amon Next, will there still be assassins sneaking in?"

"It should be to prevent assassins from assassinating King Solomon, right? After all, according to what you said, King Solomon might not be able to bring many people with him..."

The person who questioned before spoke out again, and the people around him also echoed.

The middle-aged man sneered: "Not necessarily, I don't think Pharaoh is that kind. He even killed us. How could he not do such a thing as murdering King Solomon?"

Although it was a sentence to slander the ruler, it inevitably silenced the surrounding civilians at this time.

They will gather here, and they are more or less related to the sage Meru who was murdered by the pharaoh, so naturally they will not forget what happened before.

It has only been two or three months since the brutal search and killing incident not long ago. Anyone related to Melu, even those who spoke for him, have been killed together—they still haven’t forgotten their panic at that time.

"I think it's Pharaoh who wants to start early in order to prevent us from defecting to King Solomon."

After a while, the young man said softly: "Pharaoh's own people may be all in that remote house where no one is allowed to enter..."

The people around were suddenly shocked.

When the young man said this, he didn't say any more. I looked around, then found an excuse and slipped out.

Those two people then left one by one, and then the three gathered together in a remote place.

The middle-aged man quietly handed the two money bags to the other two, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, brothers."

"It's nothing, Nathan the Prophet...I'll do it even if I don't have the money."

The young man said bitterly: "These people have never been to Israel, so they don't understand that only King Solomon can save Egypt! Not to mention the wise and wise King Solomon, even your wisdom and kindness are far better than Pharaoh— Why is that murderer a Pharaoh? God Amon has abandoned him long ago!"

"Say less, talk less..."

Another person nervously patted the young man on the shoulder: "I know your brother was killed, you have hatred for Pharaoh...but this is Tanis! This place is full of Pharaoh's people... If you talk nonsense, you will be caught What about King Solomon's plan?"

So what, I will never live

Such thoughts circulated firmly in his heart, but the young man said, "Okay. Just as the prophet Nathan said... the overall situation is the most important thing."

"Come on, let's go to the next town."

The middle-aged man nodded and said solemnly: "Too many people were killed by Pharaoh before... Now my king can only rely on you. Now only if you are alive can we spread justice to all parts of Egypt and let The pharaoh's blasphemy was recognized throughout Egypt."

Floros said, grasping it with his right hand in front of several people.

Afterwards, the faces of the two middle-aged people and one young man changed again, and even their ages changed together. They walked towards the nearby city.

While walking, Floros secretly admired Solomon's wisdom in his heart

"Just an argument?"

He looked at King Solomon in amazement.

But his king just nodded to him indifferently while enjoying Jastaru's massage: "Yes, Floros. You don't need to tell them directly, 'Pharaoh is going to assassinate Solomon'. That way they will Doubt if what you said is true."

"The correct way is to let them draw their own conclusions like 'Pharaoh is going to kill Solomon'. In this way, they will be convinced, and there are very few people who can go back and question their own perception of the world wise man."

Solomon said flatly: "When a group of people with similar ideas get together to discuss, the conclusions they finally come to are often more extreme than the previous ideas. When they tend to believe that the pharaoh wants to assassinate Solomon, the pharaoh is evil and blasphemy. When there is such a rumor, they are likely to be more convinced of the rumor after talking to each other."

Half-belief can turn into out-of-the-box belief, and even go from skeptic to new spreader of rumors—even if all they know is the opinion of others in the group.

The content of Floros is to create the first batch of "firm believers" and trigger the first round of "rumors". When they communicate with each other, they will in turn confirm each other's thoughts.

The sources of intelligence—or rumors—are all Floros, and they are all downstream of intelligence. But they talk to each other, and when they confirm that the other is exactly what they know, they become more convinced of their point of view.

Floros had felt what Solomon called "the power of the message"... and was terrified by it.

He realized that this force was uncontrollable.

A discussion by three people will cause a dozen people to change their views; and if they continue to discuss, it will affect dozens of people. The larger the base, the faster the rate of change—it's like the plague.

In other words, this is a plague. A plague that infects the mind