To Four Thousand Years Later

v1 Chapter 97: Teaching a man to fish is worse than giv

In the second year of Solomon and Neferet's wedding, Neferet finally conceived. Of course, Yastaru was pregnant long before her. But she has been pregnant for a year and a half, but her stomach hardly rises and falls. And Solomon is much older than a year and a half ago. Now he looks like a middle-aged man in his forties.

His face suddenly became a little thinner, and he no longer had the vigor of his youth. Instead, the whole person became calmer. The only thing that remains the same is the pair of eyes that are burning like flames. It doesn't seem like his body is aging very fast, but it seems that the time on his body has been accelerated eight times alone—not only the body, but also his body. The mind also ages faster.

But even so, Solomon's work efficiency has not dropped a cent. He arranged all the affairs of Israel and Egypt in an orderly manner, and was glad that he gave up Tire to his adopted son. Otherwise, 5, he is simply too busy now. Although Neferet was afraid of Solomon's rapid aging phenomenon, and the Egyptians also felt that Solomon's magician was aging a little too quickly, but the priests claimed that it was because the pharaoh's mortal body could not bear the will and wisdom of God. caused by. Just as carrying too much weight hurts—this in turn speaks to the sanctity of Solomon. Solomon, they claimed, was an incarnation of the **** Thoth. He came to the world to bring happiness, prosperity and wisdom to the people on the earth, so he doesn't need to spend the life of a mortal.

- The reason why the priests cooperated in this way is because Solomon had already reorganized and redone the priesthood in Egypt. Significantly reduce the number of priests of the lesser gods, and increase the number of priests of the gods Amon and Thoth. Of course, Solomon did not directly tailor it bluntly, but subtly reformed the priest class. Because the national conditions of Egypt and Israel are different, the tactics Solomon used in Israel before cannot be used here again—the bureaucratic system composed of governors, mayors, clerks and priests is not applicable in Egypt. That kind of system requires a lot of oversight. Israel is a monotheistic religion, so the priesthood headed by the prophet has the highest supervisory power to monitor the implementation of various places. Root out corruption. At the same time, because they are in awe of Solomon, the supervisory agency itself will not corrupt too quickly. But Egypt is different.

Solomon did not intend to turn Egypt into a second Israel, or become a subsidiary state of Israel. He did not want to change Egypt's polytheistic beliefs.

Although the inheritance of monotheism is extremely resilient. It can even survive for hundreds of years in the cultural transmission of the victorious countries. But at the level of cultural integration, polytheistic beliefs are more advanced. In the next few hundred or even thousands of years, even if Israel is completely destroyed, the monotheistic beliefs passed down by the Israelites will also be accompanied by some. Solomon's will and wisdom have been passed down indomitably. Even after the barbarian invasion. Or conquered by a high-level empire, it will never die out. Solomon had to ensure the cultural diversity of the neighborhood. Lest they take advantage of Solomon's thoughts to dominate the family, and turn to prosperity and decline after his detailed analysis. Solomon realized that the polytheistic belief in Egypt was somewhat similar to the belief structure of the Ionian city-states. Because of the perennial small country wars in the Ionian region, the military aristocrats had the actual right to speak, and thus were able to restrain the priesthood. At the same time, due to the large-scale circulation of words at the bottom of society, the poet class who is good at fabricating stories has also successfully controlled public opinion. After theology was contained, there was room for the emergence of philosophy. And Ionian philosophy's explanation of the inner reason of everything also weakened the status of religion. People began to look for explanations about the world from philosophy rather than theology. After the birth of logic, the concept of science gradually hatched. Solomon followed this historical trajectory. A presuppositional reform was carried out in Egypt—he opened a large number of schools in Egypt. Volunteer to teach children new knowledge of characters, mathematics and theology. Money and manpower are provided by local priests. As long as the children have good grades, they can pass the examination in Tanis City and be promoted to higher schools, and have the right to learn architecture, engineering, forging, brewing and other knowledge. At the same time, the number of college entrance examinations in each region also determines how many priests can be added to the local temple this year. And this reform of Solomon has led to the fact that the more powerful the temple, the easier it is to continue to pass on, and the smaller the faith, the easier it is to perish.

For polytheism, the number of temples and the number of believers are the foundation of strength, and this direct benefit will urge the temples of all parties to fight politically. It was like throwing a chunk of raw, **** meat to packs of hungry dogs.

They will naturally compete with each other. At the same time, because the meat thrower has no meat in their hands, they will not continue to stare at the meat thrower—this is not because they are short-sighted, but more because their "partners" have been weakened by the separation of interests. They lose their strength against the people who throw the meat.

At the same time, if these temples fight each other, those forces that lose in the political struggle and become corpses will also become supplements for the victors. In this way, after hundreds of years of natural selection, the few temples that are the most powerful and necessary will be left in the end.

If the number of sects is reduced and the religious life of the Egyptians is simplified, it can also effectively save various human and financial resources. On the other hand, it can also lower the threshold for the management of legal practitioners.

It is different from the brain management mode of the priest who governs more than 20 gods at the same time. As long as the types of temples are reduced to a certain extent, it will be quite easy for magicians to check and balance forces.

No matter which side is more jumping, the pharaohs can play a role of check and balance by supporting the side that is hostile to them... instead of being like now, every generation of pharaohs is advocating their own beliefs and suppressing their own uncomfortable beliefs. Egypt's current ruling model is not like the lord of a country, but more like a local official. When each term takes office, half of the projects completed in the previous term will be directly canceled and rebuilt. In this case, it is undoubtedly a waste of human and financial resources. According to Solomon's reform law, the Egyptian priests would gradually become the bottom-level bureaucrats that were naturally formed-they did not focus on containing the central power, but obtained the local power that was entrusted.

In the future, this may become another form of enfeoffment or parliamentary system. The gap between high and poor in Egypt due to different regions will also become a catalyst for the birth of classes.

Some people can eat enough, and most Egyptians start to think politically, so as to seek a political composition that is more suitable for them. Because Solomon doesn't have enough time, he can only do so at present. After all, he is not a real prophet. He does not know what the future of Egypt will look like, whether the arrangements he made will suit the future Egyptians, and whether the system he invented will become a stumbling block to their development instead. The so-called teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish. As long as he makes people realize the importance of thinking, what will Egypt look like in the future? Where will their culture reach? Where will their territory extend? When will they die? This made Solomon look forward to it.