To Four Thousand Years Later

v2 Chapter 115: I make a new covenant with you

"Zid the zealous, Molo the upright, and Tiberius the wise, these three letters from me are addressed to you. To you rulers of mortal empires, to you peoples and nations Qi De held the letter that Teacher Ruo had given him, and read it in a low voice under the dim light: "I hope that you also understand the three kinds of power that a king can learn to hold, namely violence, wealth and power." Chi i. You have to understand the reason behind it. Command all the peoples of the earth with these three powers. When you die in the future, so will your chosen heirs. "

"The gods are not eternal, under the sun. Men will be independent. You will be kings of mortals, as I wish, as King Solomon demanded. Not the chosen kings of the gods. By his side The seats of the two pharaohs were vacant, but he still sat in the seat that belonged to him as the representative of the public opinion, without exceeding a cent.

"A lamb shall not be king of wolves, nor a dove over an eagle. If a king is not full of wisdom, the wise and wicked will leave his kingdom. Wisdom calls on your name, but if you do not come forward until disaster comes upon you, wisdom will It must be found.

"Severe punishment increases people's viciousness. Its ferocity is better than hungry wolves. Only benevolence and righteousness can win people's hearts. You want people to love you, not hate you. Laws and taxes are sharp knives you hold When handling it, your hands and feet must be light, your heart must be reverent, and you must not move rashly. Otherwise, its blade will crumble, its handle will rot, and it will goug out your hearts just as you gouged out the flesh and blood of other people.

"Fairness and integrity are the clothes of the poor. The food of the ordinary. You must make justice everywhere. Let everyone see it. You must look at people with a fair heart, and judge things with fair words. If your people love you, they will learn from you, just as you learn from your beloved parents.

"I will end the age of the gods and return this world to man, not to make you worship me, but to let you talk about me without being guilty, and so that your descendants can talk about you without fear. I am truly Let me tell you now, I don’t love the position of God, I am the king of the world. My every move is the mercy of man, not the mercy of God. You can boast of me, but not the one written above. The content made him uneasy. It looked like a letter from a dying man, "You must use the same language, the same weights and measures, and the same currency. This is an agreement between your pro-Alliance, a promise I made with you. This is the only thing you can't change without authorization.

"My children, the people I love. I entrust my life's work to the three who will inherit my glory. You are mortal priests and nobles, with valuable characters and your own shortcomings. The sincere people are greedy , the upright person is timid and dull, and the wise person is suspicious and gloomy.

"You must cherish your valuable virtues, and you must also look directly at your shortcomings. Only put an end to the seven evil virtues, and stay away from those who hold these seven evil virtues. They are arrogant eyes, lying tongues, and innocent people. Bloody hands, a heart that plots evil, feet that run to evil, a false witness who spews lies, and those who sow discord among brothers and sisters. We can help each other, we can compete with each other, or we can use each other, but only There are three things not to do: stand idly by while a friendly country dies; declare war on a friendly country; interfere in a friendly country's internal affairs.

"I gave you freedom not to hurt each other or betray each other. If someone did it, he should be the one who was reviled, the first to be eradicated, and the one who was wiped from the ground. Everyone killed him, and everyone who raised a knife Everyone is a righteous man, and everyone who sends troops is an army of justice. When you need to remember, your brothers are watching you.

"My children, my beloved students. This letter is my first and last letter to you. My words are better than what is written in my life, But when I die in the future, this is my fate. Remember to preserve it well and not lose it. You must not erect a statue for me. If you miss me, engrave the contents of this letter on a stone tablet.

Here, the final announcement is made.

"May the world be peaceful. May there be no hunger. May others love you.

"May you cherish the time. May you remember the past."

"May you be happy forever. They seemed to be vaguely aware of something, and felt a strong anxiety in their hearts. After a little thought, they all called the people around them and whispered something.

On the other hand, **** began to cough violently.

"Cough cough cough... cough cough!" There was a roaring hum of an engine coming from his side, and his skin trembled and became almost transparent in an instant.

If you are a person with a keen mind, you can almost hear the sound of the river beside Jesus. That was the sound of his expanding psionic energy pushing the atmosphere. When ordinary people look at his body, they will see the very faint rainbow light constantly escaping around him, and the seemingly invisible halo behind him. Yastaru's soft, feathery voice rang in Jesus' ears. Her voice trembled slightly, a little flustered: "This time, you are not even half...

" hour is coming.

Jesus whispered. Yastaru was so anxious that he was about to cry.

Jesus just hugged her and rubbed against her like a cat.

"'s me who should say sorry, Yastaru. I haven't seen you for a thousand years, but I only stayed with you for a month. **** said softly: "As for me. Body... This is not an injury at all, how can it be cured? It's just that my time is up this time, so don't think too much about it. From the day he recalled Yastaro until now. Almost three weeks have passed.

All the policies he had prepared were carried out in an orderly manner. The pantheon of the gods was dismantled, the priests got new jobs, the army, firemen, and police began to receive regulated training and educational measures for craftsmen, doctors, and teachers. The national welfare of the Augustus Federation was also quickly implemented under the promotion and hard work of ten "recipients".

But the body of Jesus. But it began to weaken day by day. Even Yastaru's power couldn't. is it. Supplement... because it is not an injury at all, but a rise. It can even be said... If it is not for Yastaru's uninterrupted treatment throughout the day, even the body of an angel will be continuously affected by the psionic energy within a week. What was destroyed, turned into a condensed spirit body to spend the next half month. The servants have been temporarily dismissed. Because now just seeing **** is already taking a toll on their bodies.

When his popularity reached 100%, the curtain began to continuously inject energy into his spiritual body in a way similar to radiation. And his psionic energy has also continued to expand since then. If he had waited until the day before his return, Jesus' spiritual power might have exploded to the level of a demon god. And with his current half-angel body, it is naturally unbearable. **** felt that if he was fighting the self he was a month ago... he could probably fight a dozen.

That's a dozen of twelve.

However, **** always felt that his workload for this month was enough to shock the world. If he ascended directly to heaven on the last day, maybe his previous work of destroying the priest's power would have been for nothing... That's right. Polytheism is gone. But since then there has been another religion—isn't that **** up? **** thought for a while and called out. by his side. An old man in a white robe suddenly appeared, and said respectfully, "What do you want, my king."

"Go and call Judas. I have something to ask him," **** whispered.