To Four Thousand Years Later

v2 Chapter 70: Nobody caught him sneaking in

Jesus and his party were not hindered by anything, and went straight in through the only intact east gate of the palace.

...or rather, there is no living person who can stop them.

The city wall that originally surrounded Alexander VI for safety and to guard against assassins has now become a tightly fastened pot lid. Unless there are more than three sponsors, civilians will be questioned if they approach the palace of Alexander VI. If you try to break in, you will be shot on the street. Over time, even civilians dare not even look over there. When their eyes glanced over there subconsciously, they would subconsciously lower their heads. It's like when you take an exam, even if you don't intend to cheat, you will deliberately avoid the invigilator. But this also made people subconsciously avoid Alexander VI's palace when they ran towards Stalu.

What's more, look at the tragic state of the official palace. More than half of the entire palace complex has collapsed, and even the remaining half is burning. The scorched corpses were hung on the broken walls, and even the ground in front of the palace was extremely hot from vinegar bites. If it is red, it will even be burned. Even the outside of the palace has become like this...Basically, there is no need to rescue it inside, right? The four of **** walked into the unguarded palace openly. No one noticed that they had sneaked in until they entered the main hall.

Stepping over the scorched corpses on the ground. **** walked into the hall that did not collapse. Amidst the dusty, burnt-smelling light blue smoke, a beam of sunlight shot into the palace from the open ceiling, right on top of the throne. The person sitting on the throne is a middle-aged man in his forties, dressed as a pharaoh.

There was not the slightest sign of injury on his body. Just sat upright in his position. His appearance is different from the rumored ones, not only is he not very vicious, but rather elegant, and his body is also thinner. His expression was solemn and the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed. It can be seen that he is a very self-disciplined and rigorous person. This is not consistent with the information about Alexander VI that **** and the others had obtained before. Even in the face of such a huge disaster, even if all the guards died, he did not show the slightest panic or uneasiness. He just put his hands on his knees and watched indifferently as the four of **** met Alexander VI every time. "Jesus spoke peacefully in Egyptian. The middle-aged man just nodded, and said in the same calm Solomon language with a non-Egyptian accent: "We met for the first time...Jesus. **** raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth rose with joy: "You know my name. Do you know what I'm here for?" You came to kill me. Pharaoh Alexander VI said calmly: "When Vidan attacked me, I knew you were coming... Shaman, king of Tire, was also killed by you, right?" Judah shouted sharply, his right arm was sharp The scales of the fish pierced the skin like a blade.

Seeing that he was about to rush forward and stab Alexander VI to death. **** stretched out his hand to stop his faithful apostle.

"Come on, Judas." He raised an eyebrow. He admitted without any inkling: "You are right—Satan is my own son. He came to kill you under my order...but I am surprised that he didn't kill you.

No, your son has already killed me once. No need to blame him.

…resurrection? Who gave you strength? **** raised his eyebrows and asked with great interest, "Amon?"

"It's Arturn.

Alexander VI said calmly: "It's me too. I have eaten the flesh of a god, so it's normal to have the power to resurrect from the dead. Alexander VI immediately responded: "So what? He gave his life to me! Look, Jesus, times have changed! It's not hundreds of years ago, and people of this era don't abandon us anymore! It would be better for them to believe in me than in some daring, selfish god. My wisdom can guide the Egyptians to eternal glory! I have no children, no wife and no brothers. Transparent flames shone in the eyes of the skinny middle-aged man, and his words were full of enthusiasm: "What is the difference between me like this and a god? Of course, there are differences... at least I will be more Concerned about the lives of my people." Bullshit! Lord God doesn't know how to eat people! "Harvey next to him resisted fiercely, but he didn't dare to look him in the eyes: "You are obviously a devil! Alexander VI sneered, ignored Harvey at all, just continued to stare at **** and said, "Of course, I know what you are going to ask... Those children were eaten by me, there is nothing wrong with it. There is nothing to deny. It is appropriate to dedicate it to the gods." Shouldn’t it be a matter of course to pray for peace and happiness?” The more Alexander VI said, the flames in his eyes became more intense. In the transparent flame, there seemed to be colorful lights flashing. Except for **** and Phoenix, other people who looked at him unconsciously turned their eyes away.

"I am different from that idiot in Tyre. My policy is correct. No one in all of Egypt is better, wiser, or more prescient than me. Ming... don't you think, with these doomed ordinary lives, with Is it very cost-effective to exchange the inferior and ordinary value created in their boring lives for the continuation of the great me in the world?" The middle-aged man said, with a bright flame burning in his eyes, his tone Gradually became excited: "You must understand me, Jesus! You also made a covenant with the demon god, I can see you... You have lived hundreds of years ago to the present! You have also eaten human meat! "Ah, sorry...the only one I don't have. Hearing this, **** responded flatly in his expectant eyes: I don't need that kind of thing.

...then whose soul are you burning? 'Alexander VI froze for a moment, and leaned back as if he was avoiding something: "Is it your own soul?"

"That's right." The corners of Jesus' mouth raised, and he sighed softly in regret: "I and "Since you said that those who are worthless to you can die for you...then for me Worthless you, can you die now? "

"You cough!"

As soon as Alexander VI uttered two words, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

He lowered his head, only to find that a golden heart that was still beating was tightly held on a right hand densely covered with sharp fish scales.

Immediately, his vision began to blur.

Judas, who did not know when to appear behind Pharaoh, pierced his right canal together with the throne. It pierced straight into the pharaoh's chest! Seeing blood gurgling in his throat, **** glared at his own Alexander VI, but walked slowly, showing an extremely gentle and kind smile, and gently took off his Pharaoh's crown, "Sleep, this time I won't wake up again coming."

Jesus whispered, "Because I have come.