To Four Thousand Years Later

v2 Chapter 8: Yastaroth and Abaddon

Just walking can shake the earth. Its roar reaches to the sky

A herd of hundreds of beasts followed behind the boy in white, advancing step by step.

If you encounter a forest, push it down; if you encounter a wild beast, swallow it. Just looking directly at the momentum of the advance is enough to make people lose their resistance.

It was a living symbol of disaster.

The guards who were hiding nearby were so frightened that they couldn't move their steps when they saw the unusually handsome young boy walking straight with the herd of beasts.

"I am **** of Bethlehem. Who are you?"

The young boy opened his mouth and asked softly in a tender and soft voice. He looked only four or five years old, with long black hair hanging down to his waist, and a handsome face that seemed to be shining brightly. He was dressed in a white robe of ivory, with a golden belt around his waist. On the head is a white crown that is very close to the color of the clothes.

His eyes were like fire, shining like swords. Just looking directly into his pupils, all the guards trembled unconsciously and lowered their heads.

You are...Jesus, the Son of God! I know you! "Among them

Jesus said peacefully: "But he doesn't know. How can he kill me? What's more, this clothes can be replaced, this crown can be replaced, even this appearance can replace the wisdom in the brain, the words in the mouth It is irreplaceable. Everyone saw that this young boy articulated clearly and spoke in such an orderly manner, and felt inexplicably at ease. In any case, since he is chatting peacefully with himself now, it should not seem like he wants to let the herd of beasts treat him a little bit. The way people are torn apart.

"I will not hurt you. As if peeping into their thoughts, **** said peacefully: "For I will save the poor who cry out and the orphan who has no help—I am the eye of the blind. The foot of the lame, the father of the poor, the king of all the peoples of the earth.

"You should follow me!"

As soon as **** finished speaking, those people immediately got up and followed him.

When they hugged the young children, they felt that their hunger, thirst and fatigue were immediately relieved, and their spirits were satisfied as if they were full of delicious food.

And at the same time. Their bodies are like being filled with hot soup. Warm power flowed out from the young children with the contact, and their previous bruises and sprains healed immediately, and even the accumulated injuries, including the scars on their bodies, were completely erased. The guards looked at their bodies that healed instantly in surprise. Someone immediately bowed down to Jesus: "My lord, please heal my mother." I will. I will heal anyone who asks for my healing. But what rejects me, I also reject. For I am the king of the peoples of the earth, but not the father of rebels.

Jesus just nodded peacefully: "Because I am the rock. I am the flame, I am the flowing water, I am the atmosphere. I am the first and will be the last. I am the divine everything. The foundation of matter." I am The last prophet of the world, the heir of all wisdom and miracles of Solomon - you say, you are the heir of King Solomon?

At this moment, a thick voice came from the air.

The sound rumbled like thunder. It contains murderous intent.

The sky immediately darkened. The strong airflow blows the surrounding animals, causing them to roll backwards, or scream or whimper and lie on the ground. Those guards were also staggered by the blow, trembling and knelt down on the ground - **** was the only one standing.

aha. **** followed the voice and looked up, but laughed unconsciously. What he saw in his eyes was nothing but a gigantic red dragon. The red dragon has seven heads and ten horns, and its body is as huge as a mountain. The scales the size of a house are covered with golden runes, on which all the great achievements of Solomon are written. His mere presence is enough to make the atmosphere tremble. And on his head, there was a young girl in a purple robe. She has extremely long pure black curly hair, her eyes are golden as dazzling as the sun, and her skin is as white and snowy as a lake under the moon.

After the red dragon came, the sun disappeared without a trace. Behind it, a dim full moon emerged. …No. No... But when the red dragon sensed the aura of the young boy, he suddenly hesitated.

The eyes of the young boy in white clothes were burning like flames, reminding him of the moment of great brilliance he saw nearly a thousand years ago. At this moment, he felt the body of the beautiful girl above his head tremble suddenly.

"What's the matter, mother?

The seven-headed dragon hummed and asked.

"Quick, Abba...keep your head down! Let me see!

Her voice trembled and became excited: "Let me see his face again!"

But **** just smiled slightly, and said directly: "Long time no see. Yastaru...and you, Abaddon. Long time no see. You have grown so big.

"My lord!"

The purple-red shadow jumped down like a gust of wind, and threw itself into the arms of Jesus—or rather, it rushed over and hugged him in his arms. Her golden pupils turned into a clear and bright emerald green again, and her voice became soft and soft. Perhaps it was because she hadn't used this tone for a long time, and she was not used to it. Yastaru finally recovered her original voice after saying "Sir".

"One to seven... a thousand years! My lord, you are finally back!" She smelled the earthy aroma from Jesus' body, and reached out her trembling hand to touch his face. **** sighed, stretched out his hand to touch her face, and kept repeating in a low voice: "It's me, it's me... Yastaru, it's me, I'm back...he just realized this...they are How did you get through it?

"How did you do it? This body is exactly the same as yours when you were young... Uh, huh? But, but Yastaru's expression suddenly became awkward: "But it feels... a bit like Lord Baimeng? ""…yes. **** coughed lightly, and said nonchalantly, "This is what I told Floros a thousand years ago. He used the blood of Baimon and me to create an 'embryo born from the blood', and put the baby in the womb of a mortal woman at the appointed time. This is to keep his second body from being too fragile—it is also to make his demigod blood work, and to allow him to use his aura when he is an embryo. If the identity of the next incarnation can be determined in advance, then the baby can be tampered with. Because the birth judged by the system is only "someone" born by "someone" in "a certain year and place"... As for the baby itself, it doesn't matter. Just as the system was activated when he got the name "Jesus". If Joseph froze at that time and suddenly chose to give him another name, then **** would have to wait for a second person to name him, or simply name himself before turning on the system.

But **** felt that at the moment he said this, Yastaru suddenly burst out with a killing intent that was not aimed at him.

"My lord, I understand what you say...but why did you choose Baimeng? Can't you choose me?"

Yastaru said aggrievedly: "Isn't this like your lord, you and Baimon had a child? And, why didn't you tell me... **** said delicately: "No, no, don't think too much. I chose Baimeng at the time, just because his demon **** form is the closest to a human being, and...

If he chooses Yastaru, there is a certain chance that he will become a dragon man or a dragon; if Baal is a huge golden bull-either is not right.

And Bai Meng's words...even if the appearance is completely biased towards him. It will only become a genderless angel with wings of light behind her. It's better to say that there is no problem. As for why he didn't tell Yastaru... that's because **** didn't have any hope for Floros' fighting power.

If Yastaru learns that Solomon's blood is in the hands of Floros, and he is going to use this blood to cultivate the body of the next generation... There is an 80%, at least 90% chance that she will **** Floros's away blood, or simply forced him to use Yastaru's blood to make embryos.

Sad to say. **** had such confidence.

The huge red dragon whimpered and wanted to get closer to Jesus: "Yes, I'm sorry but he just leaned over and crushed the forest. When he fell down, the ground began to rumble and tremble, leaning towards his body, and the stones were high. The frequency trembled and jumped to the height of Jesus' thigh. With a delicate expression, **** reached out and touched the chin of one of Abaddon's heads—considering his height, he couldn't even touch the mouth of the red dragon. As for the one that looked like lava Ordinary tongue, even if he can resurrect at will now, he doesn't want to touch it.

…elegant. What exactly did Taxun feed Abaddon in the past nine hundred years? Fertilizer? **** felt a strong confusion in his heart.