To Four Thousand Years Later

v3 Chapter 10: What is poisoning

Hearing the knock on the door, Carloman immediately went up and opened the door. Seeing Beltrada, who was holding a small wine barrel in both hands, appear at the door, Carloman immediately smiled in surprise.

"My lord, why are you here.

While letting the enthusiastic Beltrada into the room, he said with some trouble: "I thought you would be with my brother. After all, my brother has not returned to Aachen for more than a year. Aren't you going to accompany him?" .

Beltrada said with a smile. He raised the wine barrel with his right hand: "This is for your brother. Let's have a drink first and then we can chat." I still have something to do tonight.

Carloman looked at the two wine barrels on the table, hesitated for a moment, and said softly: "I have to have dinner with my brother later. He rarely comes back to Aachen, and I haven't seen him for a long time.

Miss him.

"Little Naoto. He won't be here tonight.

Beltrada said forcefully: "He will come back this time, and he won't leave in a short time. You don't have to worry, it won't be too late to find him again in two days."

Do you have to drink with us tonight? I remember you don't drink too much

Carloman couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said, "Why don't I stay with you again in two days? I don't have much time today and tomorrow. Tomorrow I want to go to the eastern suburbs with my brother to hunt deer together. If I drink too much tonight , I was worried that I would fall off the horse with a bang.

"You don't want to bet anywhere tomorrow. If you have nothing to do, take advantage of Tupin's guide in Aachen and ask him for more useful knowledge.

The queen said with some dissatisfaction: "It's rare for Master Tuping to come back. You just want to go out to play.

"I'm seventeen years old." Carloman twitched his lips, "Don't keep treating me like a child."

"I'll tell you clearly, you don't want to go anywhere these days - not only the two of you have to drink today, but also the next few days. Of course, I can't drink. I have to go to the courtiers. Why? ?Aren't you the one who hates our drinking the most?

Carloman was taken aback, and asked tentatively: "What happened?

Beltrada was silent for a while, then shook his head: "It's okay to tell you.

"Your father, the king, will pass away the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at the latest.

The queen in formal attire said solemnly: "I will meet the courtiers later, and let them meet you two separately tomorrow.

, isn't it even more forbidden to drink too much? It will delay things.

"No, just drink too much. And get drunk. Beltrada said seriously: "This is your father's last will and my expectation. Drunk people. Most eloquently. The courtiers will talk to you separately, refer to your views on some things, and distinguish your character and character. After everyone has finished talking, the two of you can sober up and formally divide the country. In the past few days, I will come to see you three times a day. Only after these few days have passed, you are not allowed to drink.

Carloman said with a smile, but he sighed in his heart. He didn't believe it, it was for the courtiers to "see a more real prince". Drunk and talking nonsense, what can you tell?

This can only be aimed at oneself.

or. Said she was targeting the man who stole the poison.

The queen mother probably found out, and the poison she hid was less. But I don't know who stole it, so I can only make a bad plan to prevent one of them from poisoning the other, so I simply use alcohol to restrict their thinking and actions, so that they cannot meet. At the same time, it can also invalidate the aboveboard poisoning method.

But how did she find out?

The amount of poison Carloman had stolen was very small. The man went in with a spoon and stole it. Following Carloman's request, he only dug out a flat spoon, then wrapped the spoon with a cloth strip and hid it next to his body. The surface of the medicine that had been dug out by a spoonful was also smoothed out again. Are there any other details about the death? Or did she leave a mark, which would be left whenever the box was opened?

What a clumsy fool! Didn't even know it was discovered! Another dose of poison wasted. Carloman cursed in his heart—his nails are hiding poison right now.

The only good news is that he hasn't run out of poison yet.

Carloman did the other quarter of the experiment. He had a man hide poison under his fingernails. Then add to the wine. Let him drink clean wine again. After confirming that he was fine, Carloman succeeded in learning that the poison would not be absorbed through skin-safe contact.

His assassination plan was born based on this.

He had originally planned to give Charles a drink. But after being disturbed by old Tupin, he planned to poison Charles's fruit tea with his nails—but Charles didn't give him a chance to hold a cup to pour tea for him before, but took a cup directly. It would be too deliberate for him to dip the tea on his fingernails while Charles is holding the cup himself. So his poison is still hidden in his nails and has not melted. But don't worry. Opportunities abound. Waiting for his dear brother to come to his room. Then he could find an opportunity to add the poison to Charles's bowl of broth, or whatever else he wanted. As long as you have eaten that dish first, you can prove your innocence. In this way, even if he died in the night, when Tupin first came to detect the toxicity of the tableware, it would never be a little poisonous. Even he can deliberately not wash the dishes and create his own innocence, which is clear to the naughty Carloman since he was a child. If there is already evidence that someone is innocent, then almost all people will go back and check for a second time in detail before checking all the details or discovering new evidence. So what if Charles was poisoned after drinking with him? The guards were all watching, and even Tupin was there—everyone knew that he ate all the dishes and drank the wine, and the tableware was found to be non-toxic.

Then it has nothing to do with him. As a result, when Beltrada came, his plan was completely disrupted. Since Charles will not come at all these two days, the poison in his nails must be washed off. Otherwise, he was worried that he would accidentally kill himself. But this wasted another quarter of the poison. Such a chance to poison Charles himself. There is only one last time left. Sure enough, do we still have to wait a few days? Or. Why not just take advantage of Charles's drunkenness and ask someone to add the last dose of poison to the water in his room?

Or take advantage of the poisonous waste under your fingernails and sneak it into the barrel of wine that mother brought to Charles?

Carloman looked at it while thinking, while drinking the wine carelessly.

What he is most worried about now is, if he drinks too much, what should he do if he tells the ministers about it? Can he still just pretend to be drunk?

While Beltrada watched, he chatted with her and drank the barrel of wine to the brim.

Speaking of which, that wine really shouldn't be the fine wine that my father treasured.

Carloman's face was flushed, he was drunk, and he spoke a little loudly—of course, 40% of this was fake.

It's not for nothing that he drank so much alcohol.

While pretending to be drunk, he also pretended to be greedy, and happily sniffed the barrel of wine that Beltrada brought to his brother. He picked it with his nails without traces inside, and he wasn't sure if it would work. But he can be sure that the small movements of his hands must not have been discovered by the queen mother.

Dong Yu didn't say anything.

After sending Beltrada off staggeringly, Carloman breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little tired, so he dissipated the guards and fell on the bed.

Will there be a few more days like this?

He sighed. Feeling a strong sense of fatigue slowly spreading from the spine to the whole body, the feeling of weakness made him slowly close his eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

Just before losing consciousness, he suddenly woke up.

Carloman realized. His hands and feet began to lose consciousness. The strong cold came from all directions, making him shiver under the quilt, his teeth could not help but tremble, and there was a rattling sound. He wants to shout. But no sound came out. As if his body no longer belonged to him, he lay coldly on the bed, motionless. Only the head can move slightly from side to side, but the tongue is stiff and unable to utter a word. Can only make a low and indistinct murmur as the guards are outside the door. He tried to make some noise to let them in. But he couldn't even do such a simple thing. A cold fear and despair crept up his spine. Between life and death. Cold sweat instantly soaked Carloman's mattress.

In the end, when did he feel the endless chill and burnout coming together, his teeth chattered with cold, and his thinking began to slow down gradually. He tried hard to widen his eyes, and then widened his eyes again. Do your best. He opened his mouth silently. Looking at the world in front of me, it gradually froze.