To Four Thousand Years Later

v3 Chapter 102: I heard you don't want to be famous

[Mission Task: Five: Leave a handed down signed work on alchemy, breeding, mathematics, astronomy, optics, navigation, and kingly art (0/7)]

[Reward: Fame 40, Personality "Almighty"] Charles was silent.

Are you looking for trouble?

He just said that he doesn't want fame anymore, so he forced a lot of prestige. When Charles really writes down these seven books and spreads them to the world, it will not be as simple as just inventing the steam engine. Even if historians believe that Charles was eager for fame, so he took the research results of many scholars and compiled them into a book, it is enough to be his indelible credit.

This level of prestige, if one word is used to describe it, it can only be said that as for the difficulty, it is really not very big.

Among these knowledge, what Charles has not learned now is only navigation, astronomy, and alchemy. Others either involve areas he has already mastered, or he already has the learning speed at Charles's pace. In a week at most, he will be able to digest all the remaining content and even introduce new ones. As for alchemy, the "Doctor Strange" Roger Bacon seems to have mastered alchemy, and he can be asked to learn it at that time. For the relevant knowledge of astronomy, Charles can directly ask Ashend - she has the relevant knowledge of astronomy, astronomy, geometry and handicrafts. In other words, Charles' mission can be easily completed by finding a scholar who studies navigation...or a sailor.

Before that, he can write several other books first. After all, even if Charles has mastered this knowledge by himself, he must sort it out clearly and write it out in an easy-to-understand way from the simple to the deep. Still not an easy task. And Charles had another task to attend to.

[The last flame will be extinguished: reduce the approval rate of the high priest Mori to below 5%]

[Special request: keep the secret until the task is completed]

[Twenty-three remaining days]

This is the side mission that Charles got from Haysan.

There are no rewards for side quests, but they will assist the main quests. Maybe it has something to do with Charles controlling the Goths, or it could be the next one, such as conquering Persia or something. Judging from the remaining time, Charles is more willing to believe that it has something to do with his next mission. It is roughly that if you do it, the difficulty is easy; if you don't do it, the next task is to be difficult, that is, to choose a level.

As a senior Yuan family, Charles has never been afraid of challenges or confused by choices. So he decided not to make trouble for himself, but to find time to do it.

Moreover, this task is not difficult or even easy to do—Charles thought about it, so he said goodbye to Roger and Morris, and returned to the palace first. Realizing that Charles might be up to something, Floros hurried back afterward.

"It's just in time for you to come back, Floros," Charles nodded, "Can you ask me, does Baal have time now?"

"Ah, are you finally going to summon Lord Baal? Then"

Floros breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly got stuck in the middle of speaking, and looked at Yastaru with some hesitation. Charles quickly explained: "No, it has nothing to do with Yastaru. It's something I want to tell Baal. Maybe it's something only she can do.

"Okay, I see."

Floros nodded: "Please wait a moment.

Yastaru pursed his lips, and stood obediently behind Charles, without saying anything.

After less than ten seconds, a light suddenly shone around Floros.

As the light gathered, a pair of dark golden eyes emerged from it.

It was a beautiful girl nearly two meters tall with black hair fluttering naturally like a storm. She was wearing a golden and red complicated robe. The chest is high and protruding like a mountain. Looking at Baal's chest, Yastaru's complexion darkened visibly to the naked eye.

"My king!"

As soon as Baal walked out of the portal, he wanted to get closer to him restlessly. Even though she hadn't seen him for nearly two thousand years, and even though Solomon's body had changed twice, she recognized Solomon's burning pure white soul at a glance.

That is a longing that has never changed for more than 1,700 years.

She doesn't have the ability to dispatch other demon gods and collect information like Baimon and Floros, she doesn't have the lofty prestige among them like Yastaru, and she doesn't have the ability to act in the middle and accept the simple and simple life like Barbatos. patience.

Baal has the most powerful power among all demon gods, and the ability to control priests and believers. Her psychic power is the most powerful among all demon gods, and even the entire planet. Baimon once said to Charles that this was due to the nature of Baal's previous work. The five ancient gods took a fancy to this planet that hadn't even developed a civilization, because they took a fancy to its psychic potential. Almost half of it was stuck in the mountain. This not only means that the creatures on the planet can spontaneously awaken psionic energy before gaining insight into the essence of the soul, but also can directly contact the world behind the curtain without relying on large buildings.

Limited to a certain kind of agreement or morality, the five ancient gods did not choose to report or sell the information of this planet, and then attracted a group of colonists to occupy the planet. Instead, they imitated the curtain of the End to repair the triple protection, making its special hidden away. Not only for the hiding of detectors, but also for the coveting of beings above the defensive environment. In the process of repairing the curtain, they also carefully studied everything in the end, and obtained some valuable research results. In order to assist their own research, they used these research results to "upgrade" some creatures with psychic potential, and summoned them in the form of psychic avatars to their "God Realm". They said that they were the gods. That's what they were before.

Some of them were promoted after they became adults, some were brought here when they were young, and there were even many who were not human—or in other words, they accounted for the majority.

But what they have in common is that, except for the five ancient gods, all the gods are natives of this world. They did not create the world, nor did they create any animals or plants.

What they created was the "gods".

What Baal was responsible for at the time was to assist Chaos in building the triple "protection layer". In order to complete this complicated task, she must build a close connection with the energy room to improve work efficiency. Over time, she obtained the most powerful spiritual power among many demon gods. Baal is the only weakest demon god, that is, the ones who serve as auxiliary functions like Floros and Baimon without the task of transforming the planet. But after being transformed by the ancient gods, their abilities are far stronger than mortals. But after the research entered a critical link, the ancient gods received some urgent notice. In order to extinguish the disaster, they quickly left the planet and let the gods return to the world. Although Wa told them that they did not abandon these children, if all goes well, they will come back soon.

Afterwards, the main body of the "Divine Realm" split into five parts and left in different directions. After cutting off the connection with the energy room, they can't use the posture of spiritual energy incarnation indefinitely, and must come to the world. The ancient gods also left them a certain amount of space and resources to create bodies that could be used in the human world.

However, there are also gods who are still unwilling to leave the gods and declare that they will guard there forever, waiting for the return of the ancient gods, or death. The last demon **** who made a good body and came to the world is Apollo.

According to him, there are no active gods in the God Realm anymore. Except for those who chose to sleep, the rest of the demon gods have all descended, but two thousand years have passed, and there is still no news of the return of the ancient gods.

Bai Meng knew that they might not come back.

So he asked Yastaru for permission. He told Charles everything he could say. On the one hand, this is to let Charles know more about them, and on the other hand, it is to let Charles prepare early. The unbelievably powerful ancient gods will all be taken away by that "unprecedented disaster". If they fail to solve the disaster.

One day, they will also face the same problems as in the past.

But until then, humans have no father and mother who can protect them.

As the strongest demon god, Baal has the most important mission.

That is, King Solomon the Persian who went to conquer the East in advance for King Solomon. No matter how the dynasty changes and the person sitting on the throne changes several times, as long as it can be guaranteed that it is always controlled by the priests in the hands of Baal, as long as the territory can continue to expand, then the mission of Baal can only be to create the priests. Baal is capable of doing the job, and she has been away from Solomon for too long.

Although Baal controlled the theocracy in Persia and other countries, the royal power may retaliate at any time, and her priests may betray her and defect to the royal family for various reasons. Therefore, Baal never left his position for a day, and has been secretly monitoring the hearts of all his priests in the Supreme Temple. And gradually became familiar with this control method that is more useful than directly performing miracles. until today. until now. She never had a day off either—"Come back, Baal. I've heard about you.

Charles said in a deep voice: "You have done well enough.

"Now, the time has come.