To Four Thousand Years Later

v3 Chapter 131: beast under the night

"This is...: what a fool.

Morrie cursed under his breath in hatred.

He really has no choice. There is only one most precious opportunity, and that is when the Goths—especially the Gothic nobles still believe that their Eastern Front Army is the strongest. At this time, as long as he easily and completely defeated those armies and quickly approached Rome, the war would be over.

What an abomination, a group of idiots who have done more than fail! Great opportunity... If you miss this time, you won't have the chance to defeat Goth so easily next time.

Morrie sighed deeply.

If those high priests didn't backstab this knife, maybe in a few months, that old thing would die. At that time, he will be the next generation of the Sasanian Holy King. Even though Gothic had been unified by King Solomon at that time and merged into the Roman Empire, there was a problem with the weak defense of the Gothic Eastern Front. But it still hasn't been exposed. At that time, Morrie went directly to the west and penetrated most of the Goths in one go. There was a great chance that he could eat the Gothic southern army and then counterattack the Franks northward. The fear of an unimpeded penetration of the Eastern Front must have brought great confusion. So, no matter how hard you try. To conquer Frank in one go, it is up to him to sign a contract first and digest the land before doing it.

Once Frank and Goths are eaten, Wales and Carthage will inevitably surrender directly. Then Persia's ruled area can reach the highest peak in can even completely suppress the development of Northern Egypt and Eastern Egypt.

It's too late to say anything now. I don't know what kind of disease that group of people are suffering from... It seems that they have all been suppressed.

Fortunately, the high priest Haisang has been expelled, and now none of these high priests can serve the crowd. This could buy him some time...

...can only make peace with King Solomon.

Ri sighed. Originally, these people were all his valuable military exploits. His one must-win campaign, which should have been used to strengthen his... was completely wasted. It's all due to the old immortal who has never died. If he died early, there would be no such thing. Just show him your strength and let them retreat. Then it is logical to sign a peace treaty, which can promise them a lot of treasure. After he recaptures Persia, he will find another opportunity to tear up the contract. The Solomonian priests were weak and powerless, and had little charisma. At best, they are similar to their literati class. Not only are they inferior to Sasanian priests, but even on the battlefield, their role is far worse than that of Ahura's war priests.

And it is said. The new King of France simply does not allow them to join the army in the name of the church...the Franks simply cannot fight a protracted war. The Persian War Priest not only has the ability to transmit power to one person, but can also disperse the power. Take control of the nimble Hydra for protracted battles.

It only takes one entanglement to kill a person directly. And such a fire snake. Experienced priests can last nearly ten minutes at a stretch. If there is room. It is also a breeze to kill more than 30 elites. And the priests can also heal the wounded warriors. As long as no bones are exposed or internal organs are damaged, even if there are missing arms or legs. At least you can save your life. Not to mention, the high priests can also give life to flames and summon flame giants several meters high. There is no doubt that they will easily burn them down. He does not believe that those machines are all made of iron. Taking a step back, even if they are really made of iron, there must be ropes and leather ropes? Even if there is nothing .At least someone has to control their best soldiers, **** the high priest to those war machines, and...the Franks defeated. It was just the Gothic Northern Army. Morrie felt that if he went up he would Row.

Still can't give up, Morrie took a breath, calmed down his restless mood, and went to bed after dinner.

However, after he fell asleep for five hours. Morrie was in a deep sleep, but he felt someone shaking his body.

"High Priest, Great...

He heard an anxious voice whispering.

…Who? He opened his eyes almost agitatedly, threw the man's arm away, and growled: "What are you going to do? It's not even dawn, what's the matter?"

Before Morrie could finish speaking, he suddenly felt a slight vibration from his lower body.

Although the feeling is very slight, there is no doubt that a

His words stopped immediately.

After a moment of silence, Morrie asked in a low voice:

"High Priest, the Franks are coming!"

The man panicked and shouted in a trembling and hoarse voice: "They are destroying our city walls now!"


Morrie was taken aback when he heard this. He immediately asked, "Is it a trebuchet? Where's our archer?"

"It's definitely not a trebuchet! It's too dark and I can't see clearly, but it looks like a black beast that is breathing black smoke. I saw a rider sitting on it, and it seems to be thin... It just takes a bite. A piece of the city wall may have been gnawed through by now"


beast? Can eat city walls?

very confused

What it is? Never heard of it... some kind of beast newly domesticated by the Franks?

While he was thinking, he quickly put on his coat.

Mori said in a very fast tone: "Take me to see. I'll put on my armor first, and you immediately notify a few of them, and call the soldiers as quickly as possible! Bring their equipment and gather in the square!"

"Get ready for battle in the city

"Afterwards, notify the city wall to take away all the oil used to defend against the catapults, and send them to the roof!"

"Then use chariots to block a few gates for a while, and I will tell you how to block them! Go and assemble first! You go and inform them, and move quickly!" Regardless of how much he can remember, Morrie is as fast as a cannonball Said.

When the man left, Mo Li Mo Ruo sped up his movements a little. But his teeth were clenched. He frowned. After putting on his fire-resistant outer robe, he slammed his fist on the table.

He cursed in a low voice: "How did they come here?" Even if they were on the road without sleep, the journey from Rome to Constantinople would definitely not be so fast!

Could it be that King Solomon only sent cavalry and chariots this time? No infantry? No, they passed two mountains, and the cavalry were not so fast. Or did they come from the sea? Where did the Franks get their nautical charts? The best sailors of the Goths may not be able to circumvent Sicily and Peloponnese from Rome so quickly, and how did his siege beasts come from the sea? Can't explain. It doesn't make sense anyway. The only possibility is... his information was all wrong. King Solomon did not visit Rome at all! That person is a fake, so he won't ascend the throne! All his plans were disrupted! In this case, the Franks are more likely to go back the same way... It is impossible for him to keep his hands away from the rebellion of the Gothic nobles! And he didn't deliver the letter, and directly attacked at night-this means that he has no intention of negotiating peace at all! What does he want to do? Are you really going to fight us?

, or does he want to declare war on the whole of Persia, and first kill the most powerful army in Persia away from the protection of the high priest? Wait, so, is it possible that Moli, who is behind the rebellious conspiracy, feels a chill down his back the more he thinks about it.

He was completely flustered.

Solomon... what kind of monster is he?