To Four Thousand Years Later

v3 Chapter 134: fear is useless

By the time the high priests realized that they could not control King Solo at was too late. This description of Bing Lincheng is not an exaggeration. After dawn, the Persians found out... at some point, a dark crowd had gathered quietly under the city of Taixifeng.

Their number exceeds 30,000, including a dozen huge siege engines. And hundreds of large and small chariots. They did not send messengers to deliver diplomatic letters in advance, nor did they play drums or music. They stationed quietly outside the city. What are they going to do? What are they up to?

Where did they come from? Are they divine soldiers that fell from the sky? Or, Fang's towns have all fallen? How could there not even be a messenger?

And, the most critical thing... Where is our army?

Where did the elite guarding Sassanid Persia fall? Where is Morrie? Did he betray Persia?

The city of Taixifeng was already in chaos.

It's been a while since the last time Taixi sealed off the siege. Don't know the past hundreds of years. The High Priests quarreled in the Temple far more violently than any discussion they had ever had. Because, only this time, the discussion did not involve a struggle for interests or power.

Slowly speaking ambiguous words, one sentence induces competitors to expose their weaknesses, and ridicules and denigrates every sentence that contains loopholes, so as to establish their leadership in the same class and establish their right to speak—this is What the high priests should say and do. The judgment they make in each matter is the decision given in the "should this matter be done" issue. In fact, it is not all based on "whether this matter should be done" in their hearts.

More influencing factors are people.

That is, "whether someone supports", "whether someone opposes". When facing soldiers, literati, civilians and even low-level priests, they are naturally united; but among the high priests, there is also a situation of competition and struggle with each other. anything big. All are swords in their hands. As for whether the sword should be aimed at the opposite side or make friends with each other, it should be decided based on the interests that the other party's faction has obtained, can cede, and will fight for in the whole of Persia. It was indeed the decision made by Kawad VI. But the reason why this decision can be carried out, and did not meet the high priests. Yes... Naturally, it has something to do with Haysang offending many of his colleagues. You must know that the field Haisang is in charge of in Shengshan is not optical research, but education—this means the outstanding priests who have just graduated. He has the right of first choice. Even if the other high priests got a talented person, they couldn't be sure if this person was a spy who had infiltrated Haisang's faction, so they had to say "thank you" to Haisang. Fall in love with him. If Haisang hadn't been attacked by the Holy King, perhaps his lineage could have always dominated Persia.

After all, he has already grabbed the upper hand and has battery life, and it is impossible for other high priests to fight him to death... In that case, the most likely situation is that the high priest who is tearing skin is about to run out of strength At that time, he was swarmed by other colleagues, and one of them was sold to High Priest Haisang as a favor. Here they face a prisoner's dilemma. If everyone declared war on Hassan, they would almost certainly win. And Haisang's power will also be divided by them. Everyone benefits. But on the other hand, if half of them choose to cooperate with Haisang, then the half who oppose Haisang will surely die... and the half who cooperate with Haisang will get far more benefits than this situation. If only one-third of the people resist Haisang, they will lose even more, and there will be more problems.

Who would be the first to stand up at this time. Against Hassan? How could he believe that his colleagues would choose to stand with him to regain the human resource planning rights monopolized by Haisang, or would they choose to surrender to the high priest Haisang, selling Haisang a favor and backhanding him with a knife? therefore. This decision of the Holy King Kawad VI can be said to be a feat of turning the political situation of the upper class of Persia. Guaranteed by the supreme voice and credibility of the Holy King, the other high priests all chose to remain silent when the interests of the "high priest" class were damaged. Because compared to Hassan's move to continue to monopolize the best talent and let them work in the education industry. The price the Holy King asked them to pay was to surrender to Mori, and it was easier to accept supporting him to become the next Holy King. You can't get more from supporting Haisang—because in the latter case, Haisang will inevitably become a new generation of holy kings.

Not only did they get nothing, but they lost even more.

Because of the third-party trust generated by the same interests, all the priests chose to remain silent when Haisang was targeted by the Holy King. And took over the power and operation belonging to Haisang in advance, reducing the huge turmoil in the country caused by Haisang's expulsion. This is why when Hassan was deported, there was only Urdi by his side. It wasn't that his character was so bad, or that other people betrayed him because they feared the authority of the Holy King and indulged in glory and nobility. : It's because Haisang's students were successively taken over by other high priests in the previous decrees. So when Haisang died, even the whole of Persia loved and respected him. But no one who has the right to speak is willing to stand up to help him and support him. Because except for Haisang, all other upper echelons of Sasan Persia participated in this incident. This is undoubtedly a very beautiful, classic political murder.

If Hassan hadn't met King Solomon in Frank.

A high priest shouted angrily: "None of you should try to run away, and none of you should take chances—each of you has participated in it! None of you is unlucky!"

Another high priest sang and laughed: "You are so particular about your words. What you say seems to have nothing to do with you.

"Of course it's about me,...

"Nothing but!"

"Okay, don't be noisy. No one wants things to become like this

Only the two calmer high priests dissuaded Ruo in a low voice. But amid the quarrels and growls. Their tiny voices were drowned out almost instantly.

"Anger really goes to the head...

Floros sighed.

Charles next to him also used his clairvoyance to see the chaos in the church outside the city. Charles couldn't help laughing when he heard what Floros said: "No, Floros. You made a mistake...they were not angry.

"They are actually afraid, afraid of their own failure. But they don't want to admit their fear...

Charles whispered, the smile on his face slowly shrinking.

He raised his head and looked deeply at the tall and magnificent city wall of Taixi. As if wanting to imprint its appearance in his mind.

"Pass my order and then he raised his hand, and a low sound came out of his mouth, like a heavy hammer, hitting people's backs and the back of their heads heavily.

Start the siege.