To Four Thousand Years Later

v3 Chapter 156: satan

As the sky gradually brightened, the nobles rushed to the hunting ground to gather one after another.

Solomon's priests came with vats of wine, all made by Duke Michel. He was born in champagne, and his family has been selling wine for a living. The noble ladies took the wine vessels from the priests, took a glass of wine, and walked towards the brave land in their hearts, giving this less strong wine as a gift to their friends. They can send several glasses back and forth, so most people will receive six or seven glasses of wine as gifts at the same time, and some extremely popular ones can drink more than a dozen glasses of course. poor man's. But fortunately, among these noble ladies, there is always that kind of compassionate woman. For these men who are not very popular with the opposite sex, eventually someone will politely offer a glass of wine as comfort.

Charles walked up to Leo III in the stands, but didn't talk to him, just pushed him lightly, and handed him the folded envelope from behind. Leo III was pushed by Charles, and he wanted to look at it curiously. But when he saw that Charles didn't look at him or speak, he understood, reached out from behind and took the envelope, and when the ladies and children were ready on the high platform, after everyone passed the wine, the hunters were present Inner station team assembled. As the trumpeter Yaya blew the horn, the hunters rushed into the hunting ground in a row of three.

The prey gathered in the clearing to eat raw meat were frightened and fled in all directions. And the hunters also found their prey, and the pursuers went into the woods.

And Charles was at the forefront. His queen followed suit. And his loyal cavalry guarded them, ready to protect the safety of the emperor and empress at all times.

"Charles, over there!"

Hissing Tolfo pointed at the open space and shouted, "There is a wild boar!" Charles squinted and saw the wild boar immediately.

It was twice as big as a normal wild boar, and it crashed down the slope, looking like it was going to knock a young nobleman aside.

Charles shouted loudly.

He rode his horse and ran towards the wild boar.

The nobleman turned his head when he heard the sound, just in time to see the wild boar that was running towards him. Frightened out of his wits, he turned around and left.

Charles lowered his body and threw the spear in his hand suddenly. The spear came out of his hand, piercing deeply into the wild boar's heart with incomparable precision, and the wooden handle hummed and bounced at a high frequency due to the huge force. The huge boar's body shook, staggered and tilted downward, kicking up dust. Letting out a shrill roar, he struggled to stand up. Charles didn't even draw his sword. He just smacked the **** of the spear with his foot. His violent force directly overturned the wild boar as tall as a horse to the ground.

Roland and Oliver caught up and stabbed the spears in their hands at the boar's overturned body. Repeatedly stabbing towards its abdomen and crotch. It looked like it was not breathing. And in the rear, the audience saw that their emperor had such supernatural power, and they all exclaimed and applauded.

But in the next moment, this exclamation turned into an exclamation.

People looked back at the center of the cat field in disbelief. The horses knelt down because of the trembling, and all the riders who were not agile enough fell down.

That's a giant dragon! A red dragon as huge as a hill!

It has seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns are worn on the seven heads. King Solomon's proverbs were engraved on his body, and these proverbs shone with a holy golden light, as if they were bound in its body like shackles. Leo III's face suddenly changed.

He couldn't help trembling, but he wanted to step forward with the double snake wooden stick. He raised his voice in an attempt to negotiate with Satan. His words were not finished. The red dragon roared suddenly. The huge sound wave formed a roar that made the ground tremble, and the second half of Leo III's words were snapped back, and he almost sat on the ground without being frightened. Even Roland and Oliver could only cover their ears and knelt on the ground in pain, while the horses were already foaming from the shock. After roaring, the red dragon looked around, then reached out to grab Yastaru.

"Let go of her! Dragon!" Charles roared loudly, pulled out the sword of the world fearlessly, and slashed at the red dragon. The light flow was bound to his sword, and the blade seemed to extend dozens of times. Just passing everything on the ground, the surrounding ground was cut with cracks more than half a meter deep. However, when the sword fell on the red dragon's scales, it only made a ding sound, and was bounced back to the red dragon without any damage.

But the Red Dragon noticed Charles' movement. It immediately stretched out its other hand and grabbed Charles.

Roland struggled, barely stood up from the sense of imbalance after the roar, and pulled out the holy sword at his waist. Oliver also struggled to get up.

But the big red dragon with seven heads and ten horns took off directly on the spot, with a scorching storm rolling up its wings. The two of them were pressed to the ground by the storm, unable to move. Then many dark light **** as heavy as lead blocks appeared around the red dragon, and then those light **** flew out and fell in all directions centered on the dragon. The woods were undamaged, and neither the man nor the hounds or horses felt much. But the ground suddenly exploded after a while, and the soil surged like a fountain. Many people were injured because of this, or they were directly buried in half by the ejected soil.

But the resulting chaos caused the red dragon to escape directly from it.

"Don't chase!"

Astolfo grabbed Oliver and said quickly: "Satan hasn't breathed fire yet. I remember that when he fought Jesus, he breathed fire! If you provoke him, turn around and the empire will be over!" "

Oliver froze. look back.

Astolfo was right. If the giant dragon spits fire here, it can basically be said that the top management of the empire will be wiped out. "Then what should I do?"

Oliver whispered anxiously and quickly: "Your Majesty and the Queen have been taken away.

"When they fly away, let Astolfo follow.

Roland calmly replied: "He has the eagle bestowed by His Majesty, which can fly at high speed in the sky. You should first arrange the surrounding nobles so that they don't talk nonsense when they go back. Lord Turpin will decide. "Fortunately, after Roland sorted it out, Oliver gradually calmed down: then I will do it immediately!"

Watching Oliver go away, Roland raised his head and looked in the direction where the dragon left.

There was sadness in his eyes.