To Four Thousand Years Later

v3 Chapter 25: Leonardo

Juivaripoitou felt very anxious. In the past few days, he has discovered many people posting notices in Wallachia. In the taverns of those pariahs, there are even rumors that he used Coboga's body in witchcraft rituals for evil reading. Others mobilized the crowd to demand that he hand over Princess Goboga, or at least the body. He has arrested and imprisoned many gossipers. But even with strict interrogation, they can only get more messy clues, and still can't figure out a clear train of thought. But even though there was no evidence, Du Juanhou was not particularly flustered. Because he knew a long time ago that there is no doubt about who the person who wants his life is, it can only be the new king.

Because everything seemed so natural, it made him feel that something was wrong. In his position, that level of coincidence was almost impossible—given the execution, the strategic map, the poor intelligence, and the investment and risk it would take to bring him down. Can create this level of chaos in his territory. After defeating him, the only one who can gain benefits... is the king alone.

Others simply don't have that ability. This eliminates other possibilities in the first place.

However, the king "did it". It may not be that the king "thought". Since Solomon I accepted the gift he sent and realized his kindness, he shouldn't make great efforts to deal with a marquis who can't squeeze out any oil. After all, there is really no need to learn to hold the land of Wallachia in your hands.

Consider it from this point of view. Du Juanhou speculated that it was Tuping, the old demon, who fueled the flames and fanned the flames after Solomon I.

In other words, it was Pope Adrian. Those priests were not as kind and gentle as they appeared. But the late King Buping III put them under his nose, and they couldn't make any trouble.

However, if you get Wallachia, it will be different.

After all, it was sixty years ago here, but the Gothic territory continued to go forward sixty years, and Solomonism was still the state religion of the Goths. They are here, is the real home.

Even if it was really an accident or a coincidence caused by some daring thief, he couldn't regard it as an accident or a coincidence, but should treat it with caution. It is better to breathe a sigh of relief afterwards than to exhale before death. King Solomon said it. Putting all hope of victory on the possible mistakes of the enemy is what a real fool will do.

In this sentence, Du Juanhou regards it as his life motto.

But in fact. It's also true that he wasn't anxious about it. What really upset him was his son. More precisely, his eldest son, Leonardo Poitou.

"So, why are we imprisoning those unlucky people? Didn't you also investigate, dear? They are paid to post those things. They can't even read. To them, it's like It’s like pasting a piece of paper.”

The old Povatto watched him chattering around like a monkey, without saying a word. He secretly sighed in his heart.

Leonardo is not at all the same as when he was young. His actions were too deliberate, without any cover-up. It is understandable for young people to want to wrest voice and freedom of action from their fathers, but that is not how it is done.

It's still too long for him to hang out with those vulgar sailors on weekdays. He has forgotten the dignity and upbringing of a nobleman—he even swears a few times in front of his father just now! Du Juanhou couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "Listen, Leonardo, listen to me."

His voice is calm and composed, with the tongue-rolling accent of a mainlander. He has always been like this, always maintaining a noble face.

"Of course I know those people didn't do it on purpose, but that's not the reason for me to release them. If they rushed to me on purpose and said something like 'give up the princess', confess to the king 'admit your murder', etc. Some don't. Then they won't just be locked up. It's as simple as suffering a little.

"But the necessary punishment is enough, right? I think...

The old Povato interrupted bluntly: "Don't tell me what I think at this time. You can't think of anything, because what you see is such a small thing. But you have to take a deep breath from it to understand that he who governs the country In a low voice, he said in a deep voice: "Listen up, Leonardo. For these people, no amount of punishment is too great. It doesn't matter whether they have the consciousness of committing a crime, the question is whether they did something wrong or not. If I don't lock them up, break their arms, or chop off their fingers, then someone will still be lucky, thinking, "The old blacksmith on the street posted it too? Then you're satisfied?"

Leonardo grunted, "I never said that.

"But you think so. Marquis Du Juan didn't have any hesitation. He said confidently: "Because you can't perceive their harm at all. They're not moths, they're not wild dogs, they're wolves. It's a hungry wolf cub. If so, I want to kill them when I see them. Prevent the future from being killed by them growing know what I mean? What exactly do you want, can you tell me clearly? "People's table was full of impatient words. It contained cynicism and contemptuous sarcasm. The malice in it made Leonardo shiver. But he still mustered up his courage and said once again: " I want you to do justice.

"They broke the law and they were locked up. That's justice."

Du Juanhou said bluntly: "I have presided over justice. Now you are the one who is unjust. You are trying to cover up criminals. However, Leonardo shook his head and said stubbornly, "No. You just upheld justice legally, not morally. The law isn't everything, it doesn't have to be perfect "You're right." But then what? What justice are you asking for? "

"Release them. Or release them secretly. At least don't let them suffer. Because they don't have the consciousness of doing something wrong. Your punishment doesn't make them good. Just let outsiders know that they have been punished. It is enough to be a warning. Du Juanhou looked at his son with a smile, completely losing his patience: "But I refuse. Because I have the final say. Because I am the Marquis, and you are only one of my sons. Do you agree with this reason?

Leonardo bit his lip, fell silent, and left without looking back.

the third time. This was the third time he argued with himself these days. Du Juanhou darkened his face and fell into deep thought. The knuckles of the right hand tap rhythmically on the table.

He didn't believe that Leonardo would have the guts to argue with himself. Behind Leonardo, there must be someone agitating him. who is it? Solomon, or Adrian? Or... Benito? The sound of tapping ceased in summer.

Maybe you can, follow the vine

He made up his mind.