To Four Thousand Years Later

v3 Chapter 59: intelligent entity

In two more days, it will be the day when Pope Adrian arrives in Asia.

Counting the days, the Pope will probably start preparing to leave tonight.

After all, Solomonism is not allowed to domesticate war horses. It’s also not possible to send people back in one carriage as fast as Charles picks them up... Adrian must bring his entourage when he travels. This is not because of greed for enjoyment, but because of pure decency.

If they didn’t even bring their entourage with them, they would immediately think that the pope of this generation had lost control over the Holy See; at the same time, his popularity among the people had been negligible. This is undoubtedly a very dangerous signal for Adrian Shi. Unless he immediately gave up his independence and tried to defect to a certain nobleman in Frank, such as the largest nobleman King Solomon, he would show such a weak attitude.

Undoubtedly, this is near impossible.

Charles put away the blueprint of the steam engine, and said to Baimon: "Don't send the order—you go by yourself.

"Yes, my king."

Baimon, who had been standing behind Charles, nodded, and replied in a clear voice.

He didn't ask what Charles wanted them to do, or why it couldn't be made known to others. After Bai Meng agreed, he immediately walked out without any hesitation.

Charles nodded in satisfaction and looked away. Two days ago, Baiger said that the Rosicrucian had no record of itself on paper. So Floros was sent by Charles to collect information about the Rosicrucians together with Phoenix. In order to improve efficiency, Charles summoned Asmodeus and Barbatos together, and sent them out. The only demon gods remaining in Yeshen are Baimeng and Yastalu. Because Floros is temporarily absent, Baimon is temporarily responsible for assisting Charles in handling government affairs. But the world today is really different from what it was more than 900 years ago.

As the bureaucracy matured, fewer important decisions were handed to Charles. Some matters that are not difficult and urgent but very troublesome can also be divided and handed over to officials. The method used by Charles was to first summon the capable civilian officials who had been beaten before, and then immediately summon the noble officials. He would present the same problem to these two people and tell them who else was dealing with the same problem as him.

Giving a question to two people would make everyone lazy. Because they can shirk each other's responsibilities, and they will have a guaranteed idea, so everyone will not be Nudan. What Charles did was to intensify this class conflict and provoke a struggle between the Japanese aristocrats and the new aristocrats. Because they don't trust each other and worry that their status will be lost, the work efficiency of the nobles will inevitably increase.

Of course, in order to promote new technologies, in the end Charles must call most of the nobles in key positions his own. But this cannot be done overnight.

Although these middle-level officials of civilian origin have sufficient cultural knowledge. It also has strong adaptability and political enthusiasm. But after all, they lack experience, and they will make quite typical problems in some things. Afraid to make decisions and other such problems usually appear in young people with only passion but no political experience and vision. As they grow up, such problems will appear less and less.

But obviously, during the critical period of the Frankish Kingdom, he couldn't let these young bureaucrats focus on the overall situation. Charles may set off a wave of fighting at any time, during which he must maintain political stability within the kingdom.

And after the show is over, it's the best time to strike. After rewards and punishments, a large-scale reshuffle is inevitable. With the birth of these new nobles, the decline of the old nobles is inevitable. These young officials are not nobles now. Just ordinary officials without titles and lands. Facing the attack and suppression of the old nobles, they can be said to be completely powerless. At this time, Charles, who stepped forward to help them, would gain their favor. Not only do these young people not think that they are being used by Charles as a tool, but they even think that this is a symbol that they have begun to hold power and be reused by the king-although the conclusion is not wrong. This kind of political fight between old and new aristocrats is actually a PK system. On the one hand, people will rack their brains to solve problems in order to defeat political opponents, and in this unreserved situation, they will also expose their own problems and get trained quickly. In order to expose the problem and solve the problem, on the one hand, it is to help them gain experience. Charles deeply feels that his talents are limited-this is already the best solution he can think of. Neither Baimon nor Floros can help him with this kind of general direction and political orientation. Although the demon gods also have wisdom and evil that transcend the times, they lack the vision to transcend the times.

Many problems can be realized or not, there will be a very big difference in the handling of the problem. Not long after Baimon left, Floros, who was sent to find information about the Rosicrucians, walked in.

Floros entered and immediately said: "The information you want has been found.

"Please tell me," Charles nodded joyfully, "It just so happens that Haysan hasn't come yet. Tell me right now.

"The Rosicrucian Society is a secret group established by a Goth in Saspers. It is marked by the four-petal red flower pointing to truth, light, conscience, and rules.

Floros said solemnly: "There are not many of them, including Haisang, there are only six of them. But everyone has awakened psychic power.

Here are the first few sentences. Charles was very surprised. The external manifestation is that a Persian can freely travel between Frank Gothic and Egypt without breaking the law, but the reverse is not possible. In this era, anyone with self-awakening psychic powers. Without exception, they are top talents in all walks of life-because of the prerequisite for awakening psionic abilities. It requires sufficient nutrition and normal brain development before puberty; the quality of education received is high, and excellent wisdom and evil are developed; someone has tenacious willpower, a strong desire, and can control their own various emotions. Impulse and so on.

To meet such conditions, it is very difficult not to become a top person.

Being able to recruit many psychic awakeners in Sassanid Persia as a foreigner, at least this person has quite good social skills. "They believe that all knowledge is valuable, and all knowledge can be integrated, induced and connected with each other, and can be traced to an intelligent entity. And this intelligent entity can only analyze all things with the help of fire. This should be the reason why he got the support of the other five Zoroastrians. Floros said in detail: "They believe that this kind of intelligent entity permeates the truth of all things. The intellectual entity can be used as a microcosm of the universe if it is smelted, extracted, and preserved with the four fires of truth, light, and good rules. Get this power to dominate the universe. After he finished speaking, he raised his head and silently confirmed it to Charles.

"It's a spirit. Although what they said was vague and there were some cognitive errors, Charles immediately discerned that the Rosicrucians had already realized the power of psionic energy, and vaguely grasped a part of its essence.

"What was the name of his founder?"

Charles asked curiously. He wanted to see this man more and more.

"His name is Rosenklotz.

Floros replied.