To Four Thousand Years Later

v3 Chapter 79: pope election

"My dear brothers. To tell you the truth, I am often saddened by it, too.

The old bishop with white beard and hair said solemnly to everyone that he left us at a critical moment. He moaned softly, his eyes lowered.

He stretched out his right hand and tapped five times on his forehead, eyes, throat and heart.

"My teacher, my father-in-law, my guide on the way of wisdom, may you bless my soul. May you give me the courage to face your death directly. May you protect my mouthpiece from selfish desires and Stained with anger, may you give me a heart that never despises pain and humility like you. Beside the huge platinum coffin, the old bishop prayed in a low voice.

The twelve archbishops stood on the periphery, lowered their heads and fell into silence. If you look carefully. You can recognize him as the one who was most active at the scene of Pope Adrian's death. He is Archbishop Pelaghi, the archbishop in charge of personnel transfer and financial access. Although the holy rank is not as high as his brothers, but because he is in charge of studying and managing mundane affairs. The position in the Holy See is second only to the Pope and the Chief Bishop. When the chief bishop had not been appointed and the pope had died, Pelaghi was the highest of all the archbishops. Therefore, the farewell ceremony of the previous pope should also be presided over by him.

His hand rests on the coffin, which is half a man high. Every time he fell a sentence of prayer, a nail that had been nailed to the coffin fell half an inch slightly, and the color on the nail also melted and fell into the groove carved in advance, forming a complicated pattern. Half an hour later, the sun was about to set at its highest point and the farewell ceremony had come to an end.

Pelaghi's hands were already trembling. But his voice was still unhurried, bright and clear without any fuzziness.

"Souls of the saints, please receive Adrian's soul here. May he return to Solomon's side, and may all the wisdom he possesses not go to waste.

"King of ages and ages, King Solomon of glory, lead your faithful servants, your offspring, your successors and you into eternal light-" King Solomon, St. Augustus and all the world In the name of righteousness and goodness. "

As Pelaghi's words fell, the last holy nail was also driven into the coffin by his holy words. The silver paint on the nail heads melted and sealed into the veins.

On the pale golden coffin. A faint silver shimmer began to flicker.

The ceremony is complete.

In fact, if it is an ordinary requiem burial, it is not so troublesome. You only need to read seventeen prayers to go down the coffin.

But King Solomon sent someone to issue a decree, claiming that Pope Adrian was virtuous and virtuous, and that he could offer the gift of "the clear coffin".

The ceremony of the Ming coffin is the treatment only for saints and virtuous monarchs. To put it simply, the body or ashes are packed in a complicated and gorgeous coffin, but they are not buried afterwards, but enshrined in a monastery or tower, and an inscription of merit is carved on the coffin instead of the stone tablet. The local coffin keepers watch over them day and night. Only sages can enter the holy coffin. When there are new officials or bishops in the local area, it is customary to go to the local holy coffin to see them. And the locals will also feel rejoiced because a virtuous person has emerged from here.

Although Pope Adrian did not seem to have done any major things worthy of being remembered by future generations, he did not do anything wrong in his life. And strictly speaking, Adrian Shi was also the first one who dared to challenge the king publicly... although he died later.

But on his own territory, he was killed by a Gothic assassin. Obviously, King Solo i] felt guilty towards Pope Adrian. Therefore, he was also willing to endorse this matter and sent a copy of the glory that Pope Adrian would enjoy hundreds or even thousands of years after his death. At least that's what the archbishops think.

Or, most of them think so.

"The sages are gone, but we can't be decadent here. We still have things to do, words to do, and principles to promise."

Seeing the Archbishop Tong Raj holding up the Holy Document and chanting it in a loud voice, Leo suddenly felt a burst of pity.

They had no idea what was going on.

Why did Pope Adrian die, what a glorious soul King Solomon possessed, what is the mystery of psionic power, and where is the Sanhedrin Guild... It is so secret that they have no chance to know.

The Pope is dead. Now the Holy See will be closed, and they will spend a long period of time here, debating every day and voting every seven days. Until someone gets more than two-thirds of the votes of all the archbishops, the next pope can be inaugurated.

That is nine votes.

If no one can still get the required majority, then none of them can leave, and the next round of agenda will continue, and the vote will continue after seven days. Until people finally decide on a winner. In order to ensure that the election of the Pope will not be delayed too long, anyone who has been voted can publicly donate his vote to another person. But you cannot split your own ticket.

This is because it cannot always be assumed that someone can directly control the thirteen highly respected and important people. But they can exert influence through indirect means. As long as he can finally control eight of the archbishops other than himself, then the pope's words are powerful. Because of all the important votes of Solomon. All are decided by the Holy Council. The model of this council is that the pope proposes a bill, which is then voted on by the other archbishops. This motion may have been delivered by a certain archbishop. Or it could be the pope's own idea. As long as there is no opposition by more than one-third, the resolution can be implemented. And the pope has the right to invalidate this vote an unlimited number of times, but he cannot directly cross the parliament to implement it—all archbishops will protect this sacred right. Therefore, the Pope's opinion can only be implemented when more than two-thirds of the archbishops support the Church...or at least they will not oppose the Pope in the open. Otherwise, it will only fall into infinite voting hell, and everyone will be stuck and unable to move. Until four years passed, someone proposed to re-elect the pope. Ascending from the position of archbishop to pope, one or two-thirds of the space is bound to be vacant.

Leo was almost non-existent before. It is almost impossible to get the approval of at least eight of the remaining ten archbishops.

But now I am different.

Leo sighed lightly, his expression calm and not panicked.

Behind them, the big i] of the Holy See was slowly closed by the guards. The midday light was cut off, and clumps of fire rose from the walls on both sides.

"So, the first day's agenda begins.

Pelaghi raised his face and praised loudly.

The last lamp was lit, and the light of the fire cast shadows of different shades on the faces of the bishops.

come on

Leo felt strangely calm.

In his eyes, the bright yellow flame gradually lit up.